The Tease

To walk, talk, laugh and eat
Is building adrenaline for a treat
Alas back to the room
Alone to consume

Lying close to breathe you in
Shall be the start of my sin
From your masculine scent
To late to repent

Nuzzled next to your ear
Your quickened breath to hear
As I graze your neck with my lips
Working up to a kiss

My tongue shall explore
Through your mouths parted core
Every soft fleshy piece
Every last crease

Sucking gently to tease
Nibbling to please
From neck to navel traveled
Watching you become unraveled

As my journey of your flesh has just begun
So has the torturous fun
As I play at your pants edge and navel
You start to become unstable


As passion grips, you wish to drink

As I give you small sips

Until you cant take it anymore

And clothes are but sheds upon the floor



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