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No One Can Write The Book (Wordplay parenting)


No One Can Write The Book (Wordplay Parenting)


No one can write a book

On how to raise your own child

For my son, my own I compiled

With love and learning it took


From the moment I touched his hand

I knew mother hood was quite grand

And how I was entrusted with this gift

Through my heart I did sift


Knowing no one but GOD could know

How perfectly to make a child grow

Yet I promised to do my best

For my life had just been blessed


So with patience and love

I could rise above

Mistakes that were made with me

A different base for my son to see


I encourage him to be the best he can be

Not to be a mold made from me

I respect his individuality

And his freedoms come from responsibility


I will always be a guide on his path

Yet his equation will be of his own math

I love him unconditionally

And will for eternity


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