THE TALKIN' MACHINE This is the Talking Machine, just like the one on my extra stuff page. So, you want the code, but you have no time for transloading? Well, your woes are solved: just cut and copy the text below this cool tool. <---Begin Code Here!--->

Vulgar (check this box if you're 18 or over)

<<>---Begin Code Here!---<>> <<>br<>> <<>table border="5" bgcolor="#000000"<>><<>tr<>><<>td align="center"<>><<>font color="#99ffff"<>> <<>br<>><<>form name="text submit" method="get" action=""<>> <<>textarea name="text" text="#ffffff" cursor="#ffffff" borderimage="file://ROM/Borders/ButtonBorder2.bif" ROWS="6" COLS="45" autoactivate nohighlight<>> <<>/textarea<>> <<>br<>><<>br<>> <<>select name="voice"<>> <<>option value="man"<>>Man 1 <<>option value="bigman"<>>Man 2 <<>option value="woman"<>>Woman <<>option value="child"<>>Child <<>br<>> <<>option value="coffee"<>>Hyper <<>br<>> <<>option value="raspy"<>>Coarse <<>br<>> <<>option value="ridiculous"<>>Weird <<>br<>> <<>/select<>> <<>br<>> <<>input type="submit" value="Make It"<>> <<>br<>> <<>select name="audio"<>><<>option selected<>>.wav<<>option<>>.au<<>option<>>.aiff<<>/select<>> <<>font size="3" color="#FF3030"<>> <<>br<>> <<>input type="checkbox" name="ofage"<>>Vulgar (check this box if you're 18 or over)<<>/font<>> <<>br<>> <<>/form<>><<>/td<>><<>/tr<>><<>/table<>> <<>/TD<>><<>/TR<>><<>/TABLE<>> <<>/p<>> <<>p<>><<>CENTER<>> <<>table NOCOLOR cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0<>> <<>tr<>><<>td<>> <<>tr<>><<>td height=0<>><<>SPACER type=block width=80<>> <<>TR<>> <<>TD<>>
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