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This rules page now has 7 sections: Intro | Version Descriptions | Group rules | Joining Rules | Uploading Rules | Fan Fiction Rules | Improtant Links


This is the rules page for group: arenafinalfantasy. However, there are soo many simple rules here that I couldn't really fit them nowhere in the group. To do yourself a favour, save this page in your favorites folder and/or bookmark it, and reload this page often for updates. Also, I have dedicated some room for a space to make some rules for joining my group. You should read those also.

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Version 1.0: Basic Rules Page layout. Had just the rules on it.

Version 2.0: Joining rules added, typos from Version 1.0 corrected. Some new rules added.

Version 3.0: Acceptable File Extension list added. Typos from earlier versions corrected. One new rule added.

Version 4.0: Important Link list added. Typos from earlier versions corrected.

Version 5.0: Fan Fiction rule list added, Important link list also moved to the bottom to the bottom of the Fan Fiction rule list. Again, typos from earlier versions corrected. Another new rule has been added. Section list also added.

Version 6.0: Page-jump navigation is now born. One of the Fan Fiction rules has been revised to include plagurism. Once again, typos from earlier versions revised and corrected.

Version 7.0 (current version): NO spam rule revised. Rule to include an instant ban if you spam Final Fantasy ROM's and/or other groups. Directions on how to make text files in the group also included. *sighs* (man this is starting to get a lil old huh?) Typos from earlier versions corrected and fixed.

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These are the rules that should be followed by you and ALL OTHER members (NO EXCEPTIONS!) during your stay at this group. The rules, punishments, layout, etc. can be changed or erased without notice, so check back here at least every 3 days (or 72 hours, whichever comes first ^_^). The rules are as follows:

*: If this rule is broken, you will recieve an instant ban (NO EXCEPTIONS!)

� NO Spamming of: Other webpages (with the exclusion of Final Fantasy related pages), Final Fantasy ROM's, other groups (even if they are Final Fantasy-related), your e-mail address, your home address, and your phone number. (Trust me, we have no use for it, and we will NOT write to you, or call you.)

� NO cursing in your messages

� NO fighting*

� The only spam that is allowed is if it's on the topic of Final Fantasy (and NO spamming of Final Fantasy ROM's or other groups!!)

� If you spam Final Fantasy ROM's and/or other groups, you will recieve an instant ban*

� Absloutely NO flooding, threats, or hate messages will be allowed*

� Don't ask for owner/moderator status, I will NOT give it to you (unless if you would like to be an uploader)*

� Please keep your messages on the topic of Final Fantasy

� If you want to be one of our uploaders, you need moderator status. Please ask me to be an uploader. WARNING: Because you will be a moderator, you will NOT get moderator privileges (except for uploading.)

� Your messages should have an accuracy of 85% or better (Meaning: what you post has to be true and accurate to the precentage of 85 or better. I will NOT tolerate false information.)

� Have a good time! If you don't, let me know by e-mail, not by a post, and I'll see what I can do. By far, this is one of the easiest rules to follow, and you won't get banned if you break this rule!

� Please keep your opinions to yourself (unless they are the good kind [i.e.: this file rules in my opinion!, etc.].)

� In your messages, you may NOT use HTML, since it won't show up.

� NO pornographic or sexual related posts*

� Requests for porn will be dumped, and you will recieve an instant ban*

� If you have pics, fan fiction, or music that is on the topic of Final Fantasy, you are welcome to share it. Just upload it into the proper folder!

� So everyone on the internet can view your fan fiction, please put it into a text file (.txt). WebTV/MSNTV users and any other user that can't make a text file offline, you can make one in the group. (How to go about doing that: Provided that you have joined the group, click on Files. Then click on FinalFantasyFanFiction. After that, click on Make a new Text File, and have fun! BTW you can also make corrections and revisions, just click Edit after you have saved it.) You may NOT put it into .doc (Microsoft Word) or .ppt (Microsoft PowerPoint) format because then everyone won't be able to view it!

� Discussions about the ROM's of Final Fantasy games are allowed, but you may NOT provide links to them, or spam them.

� Also, requests for Final Fantasy ROM's will be dumped, and you recieve and instant ban*

� Anyone who uploads an unaccepted file extension (if you have been paying attention to the rules so far, .doc and .ppt are not allowed), you will first recieve a warning, then you will lose all uploading privileges.

Please remember~~If you break any of these simple rules, you will recieve a warning, then a ban (if the rule is marked with a star *, you will recieve an instant ban. NO EXCEPTIONS!) Have a good time!! If you break any of these rules, you're gonna have a bad time.

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Obviously, these are the rules for joining my group. The main difference between these rules and the group rules is that the group rules should be followed at all times (NO EXCEPTIONS!) by all members, and the joining rules are the minimum requirements for joining my group. I put these rules in place because lately, I've tried joining other groups/forums, but I have been banned because I didn't meet the minimum requirements. I can name two groups right off the bat, but I won't say, even if you e-mail me. (Two reasons why I couldn't join thos groups were I either used a free e-mail domain, and/or I used a free ISP. Heh, this may be the wave of the future, eh?) The joining rules are as follows:

� You MUST have a valid Yahoo! ID in order to join. If you don't have one, click here to get one. And best of all, it's FREE! If you already have a Yahoo! ID, still check the other qualifications for joining, and if you meet those qualifications, just go to the group, become a member, and let your fun begin!!!

� Because this group is meant for all ages, your Yahoo! ID must not have sexual or drug related paraphenalia (i.e.: stoner, 69, XXX, pothead, etc.) If it does, you will be banned from this group.

� You can use any e-mail domain, even if it's free

� You can use any ISP to join, even if it's free. This is America. We have discrimination rules. I DO NOT discriminate.

� You can also use any browser to join

� You can use any internet device (i.e.: PC (Window's 95 or better), Mac, WebTV/MSNTV, and any other internet appliances.)

� You can also use any connection to join (sorry to discriminate, but the connection has to be at least 28.8KB)

� And, you can also use any modem you wish.

Basically, in order to join, you must be a human being that has been taught common sense, and have some way to get onto the internet. You still need that Yahoo! ID though (NO EXCEPTIONS!).

Now that you know the rules and the minimum requirements to join, you can now go to the group and join, or get your Yahoo! ID. For your sake (and mine), just save this page in your favorites folder or bookmark it. To get all the stuff you need to join, you can find these links on this page, if you have been paying attention. Don't worry, they will also be found at the bottom of this page. Just keep reading on. And if you are (or will be) one of our frequented uploaders, read on to see which file extensions are acceptable, and which ones aren't acceptable. If you have sone good Fan Fiction, read on to see the Fan Fiction Rules.

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This is the list of all accepted file extensions for this group. I had to make this list becuase this group will be accessed by any internet device, whether it's a PC or WebTV/MSNTV, everyone can see (or hear, in some cases) your file. In this list, all accepted file extensions are on it, and those that aren't accepted, won't be on it. That simple. Please Note: all file extensions were tested on WebTV/MSNTV. Because of Yahoo!'s uploading rules, CGI scripts (.cgi) and executable files (.exe) are not allowed. (.exe files wouldn't be allowed in this group anyway, because WebTV/MSNTV users can't access them.) As more and more file extensions become popular across the web, this list will change periodically, and without notice. The accepted file extensions are as follows:

**: Be careful when uploading this file extension. Half of the time, it will work on all internet devices, and the other half, it will only work on PC's. If you upload a file like this, you will be asked to remove it. If you don't remove it within 72 hours (or three days, whichever comes first ^_^) you will lose ALL uploading privileges.

� .wav

� .aiff

� .au

� .ram

� .ra

� .mid

� .htm

� .html

� .txt

� .mpg

� .mpeg

� .jpg

� .jpeg

� .gif

� .swf**

� .mp3**

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These rules are deidcated to the Fan Fiction. Before submitting your fan fiction, you should read these rules carefully. The rules for Fan Fiction are as follows:

� NO cursing in your Fan Fiction. I understand there is cursing in the Final Fantasy games, but since we're gonna have kids join this group (hey, this group IS meant for all ages, right?!) let's try to keep your Fan Fiction clean.

� NO sexual or drug related paraphenalia in your Fan Ficiton. Kissing and hugging are allowed in your Fan Fiction, but try not to take it any farther than that.

� As stressed out before in the group rules list, do NOT put your Fan Fiction into .doc or .ppt format. Keep it into .txt format ONLY!!!

� If you wish to use other Final Fantasy characters (i.e.: a blend of Final Fantasy 7 & 8 characters) go right ahead.

� If you want to use characters outside of the Final Fantasy series, or make up your own characters, you must first make sure no one stole your idea. If they did, try to revamp (recreate) him/her to make the character different from the other series he/she is in. (i.e.: Using Goku from the Dragonball Z series: Don't say he's a super saiyan and he can use a power pole.) Plagurism (the act taking of someone else's creation and FALSELY claiming it is yours) will be 110% NOT TOLERATED by ANY group member AT ALL TIMES. Anyone who plagurizes will be instantly banned.

� Before submitting your Fan Fiction to the group, send a copy to me first (but try to keep it into .html, .htm, or .txt format when sending me the copy please!) so I can check over it and make sure it meets the qualifications.

� Do NOT submit ANY Fan Fiction into the group UNLESS you have my premission. Like I said before, we have to keep it clean otherwise I'll take away any and all Fan Fiction and it won't be around anymore. We want this to be a fun and interactive group, not a boring one.

� Should you use any cursing in your Fan Ficiton, try to keep it a bunch of garbled up characters (i.e.: #@^&, ^%*#@, etc.)

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