A collection of miscellaneous links and dating sites to be added to the AFF directory

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Miscellaneous informationWhen choosing your agency, keep in mind that you get what you pay for.  Beware of those sites offering "free" addresses.  It costs a significant amount of money to operate a foreign introduction website.  These sites do not go to the trouble and expense of finding these girls and then publishing them to their sites out of the goodness of their heart.  They are going to get money out of you for their services one way or another.  The second point is that any filipino girls listed under "free"Miscellaneous informationWhen choosing your agency, keep in mind that you get what you pay for.  Beware of those sites offering "free" addresses.  It costs a significant amount of money to operate a foreign introduction website.  These sites do not go to the trouble and expense of finding these girls and then publishing them to their sites out of the goodness of their heart.  They are going to get money out of you for their services one way or another.  The second point is that any filipino girls listed under "free" addresses have so many men writing to them that you have effectively wasted your money on lost postage, since there is no way that they will find the time to reply.  From a legitimate agency, you will expect to pay anywhere from 50 cents (when purchasing memberships, i.e. hundreds of addresses) to $15 for one address.  This is what we see from the majority of our legitimate competitors.  Always remember that this is a numbers game, and the more ladies you write, the better your odds of success.  Expect a 30-50% rate of reply overall from the ladies from a legitimate agency. addresses have so many men writing to them that you have effectively wasted your money on lost postage, since there is no way that they will find the time to reply.  From a legitimate agency, you will expect to pay anywhere from 50 cents (when purchasing memberships, i.e. hundreds of addresses) to $15 for one address.  This is what we see from the majority of our legitimate competitors.  Always remember that this is a numbers game, and the more ladies you write, the better your odds of success.  Expect a 30-50% rate of reply overall from the ladies from a legitimate agency.

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Miscellaneous informationWhen choosing your agency, keep in mind that you get what you pay for.  Beware of those sites offering "free" addresses.  It costs a significant amount of money to operate a foreign introduction website.  These sites do not go to the trouble and expense of finding these girls and then publishing them to their sites out of the goodness of their heart.  They are going to get money out of you for their services one way or another.  The second point is that any filipino girls listed under "free" addresses have so many men writing to them that you have effectively wasted your money on lost postage, since there is no way that they will find the time to reply.  From a legitimate agency, you will expect to pay anywhere from 50 cents (when purchasing memberships, i.e. hundreds of addresses) to $15 for one address.  This is what we see from the majority of our legitiMiscellaneous informationWhen choosing your agency, keep in mind that you get what you pay for.  Beware of those sites offering "free" addresses.  It costs a significant amount of money to operate a foreign introduction website.  These sites do not go to the trouble and expense of finding these girls and then publishing them to their sites out of the goodness of their heart.  They are going to get money out of you for their services one way or another.  The second point is that any filipino girls listed under "free" addresses have so many men writing to them that you have effectively wasted your money on lost postage, since there is no way that they will find the time to reply.  From a legitimate agency, you will expect to pay anywhere from 50 cents (when purchasing memberships, i.e. hundreds of addresses) to $15 for one address.  This is what we see from the majority of our legitimate competitors.  Always remember that this is a numbers game, and the more ladies you write, the better your odds of success.  Expect a 30-50% rate of reply overall from the ladies from a legitimate agency.mate competitors.  Always remember that this is a numbers game, and the more ladies you write, the better your odds of success.  Expect a 30-50% rate of reply overall from the ladies from a legitimate agency.

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Miscellaneous informationWhen choosing your agency, keep in mind that you get what you pay for.  Beware of those sites offering "free" addresses.  It costs a significant amount of money to operate a foreign introduction website.  These sites do not go to the trouble and expense of finding these girls and then publishing them to their sites out of the goodness of their heart.  They are going to get money out of you for their services one way or another.  The second point is that any filipino girls listed under "free" addresses have so many men writing to them that you have effectively wasted your money on lost postage, since there is no way that they will find the time to reply.  From a legitimate agency, you will expMiscellaneous informationWhen choosing your agency, keep in mind that you get what you pay for.  Beware of those sites offering "free" addresses.  It costs a significant amount of money to operate a foreign introduction website.  These sites do not go to the trouble and expense of finding these girls and then publishing them to their sites out of the goodness of their heart.  They are going to get money out of you for their services one way or another.  The second point is that any filipino girls listed under "free" addresses have so many men writing to them that you have effectively wasted your money on lost postage, since there is no way that they will find the time to reply.  From a legitimate agency, you will expect to pay anywhere from 50 cents (when purchasing memberships, i.e. hundreds of addresses) to $15 for one address.  This is what we see from the majority of our legitimate competitors.  Always remember that this is a numbers game, and the more ladies you write, the better your odds of success.  Expect a 30-50% rate of reply overall from the ladies from a legitimate agency.ect to pay anywhere from 50 cents (when purchasing memberships, i.e. hundreds of addresses) to $15 for one address.  This is what we see from the majority of our legitimate competitors.  Always remember that this is a numbers game, and the more ladies you write, the better your odds of success.  Expect a 30-50% rate of reply overall from the ladies from a legitimate agency.

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Miscellaneous informationWhen choosing your agency, keep in mind that you get what you pay for.  Beware of those sites offering "free" addresses.  It costs a significant amount of money to operate a foreign introduction website.  These sites do not go to the trouble and expense of finding these girls and then publishing them to their sites out of the goodness of their heart.  They are going to get Miscellaneous informationWhen choosing your agency, keep in mind that you get what you pay for.  Beware of those sites offering "free" addresses.  It costs a significant amount of money to operate a foreign introduction website.  These sites do not go to the trouble and expense of finding these girls and then publishing them to their sites out of the goodness of their heart.  They are going to get money out of you for their services one way or another.  The second point is that any filipino girls listed under "free" addresses have so many men writing to them that you have effectively wasted your money on lost postage, since there is no way that they will find the time to reply.  From a legitimate agency, you will expect to pay anywhere from 50 cents (when purchasing memberships, i.e. hundreds of addresses) to $15 for one address.  This is what we see from the majority of our legitimate competitors.  Always remember that this is a numbers game, and the more ladies you write, the better your odds of success.  Expect a 30-50% rate of reply overall from the ladies from a legitimate agency.money out of you for their services one way or another.  The second point is that any filipino girls listed under "free" addresses have so many men writing to them that you have effectively wasted your money on lost postage, since there is no way that they will find the time to reply.  From a legitimate agency, you will expect to pay anywhere from 50 cents (when purchasing memberships, i.e. hundreds of addresses) to $15 for one address.  This is what we see from the majority of our legitimate competitors.  Always remember that this is a numbers game, and the more ladies you write, the better your odds of success.  Expect a 30-50% rate of reply overall from the ladies from a legitimate agency.
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Miscellaneous informationWhen choosing your agency, keep in mind that you get what you pay for.  Beware of those sites offering "free" addresses.  It costs a significant amount of money to operate a foreign introduction website.  These sites do not go to the trouble and expense of finding these girls and then publishing them to their sites out of the goodness of their heart.  They are going to get money out of you for their services one way or another.  The second point is that any filipino girls listed under "free" addresses have so many men writing to them that you have effectively wasted Miscellaneous informationWhen choosing your agency, keep in mind that you get what you pay for.  Beware of those sites offering "free" addresses.  It costs a significant amount of money to operate a foreign introduction website.  These sites do not go to the trouble and expense of finding these girls and then publishing them to their sites out of the goodness of their heart.  They are going to get money out of you for their services one way or another.  The second point is that any filipino girls listed under "free" addresses have so many men writing to them that you have effectively wasted your money on lost postage, since there is no way that they will find the time to reply.  From a legitimate agency, you will expect to pay anywhere from 50 cents (when purchasing memberships, i.e. hundreds of addresses) to $15 for one address.  This is what we see from the majority of our legitimate competitors.  Always remember that this is a numbers game, and the more ladies you write, the better your odds of success.  Expect a 30-50% rate of reply overall from the ladies from a legitimate agency.your money on lost postage, since there is no way that they will find the time to reply.  From a legitimate agency, you will expect to pay anywhere from 50 cents (when purchasing memberships, i.e. hundreds of addresses) to $15 for one address.  This is what we see from the majority of our legitimate competitors.  Always remember that this is a numbers game, and the more ladies you write, the better your odds of success.  Expect a 30-50% rate of reply overall from the ladies from a legitimate agency.
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