Chopper Chopper

April 4, 1987-August 28, 1998

When I was five years old, Santa brought me a fawn pug puppy named, Bambi. She was bred and we kept the runt of the litter and named him Chopper. At that time there was a cartoon featuring a small duck named Yakky Doodle Duck who was befriended by a large white bulldog named Chopper. The duck would cry, "Chopper, Chopper, Help Me, Help Me" while being terrorized by a fox or an alligator that resembled Alfred Hitchcock. When we moved back to my home town, one of people who purchased one of those pups had a new litter (several generations removed from my Bambi and Chopper) and asked us to come out and see them. Well, one of those pups came home with us that afternoon. Before we could come up with a suitable name, everyone was calling him Chopper and the name just stuck. He is a very kind and gentle, albeit oversized pug.   He's had his share of difficulties, he has severe arthritis in both hips and right shoulder. He also has Pimentary Keratitis and cataracts in both eyes. On Friday, August 28, 1998 at 5:00 p.m., Chopper passed over the Rainbow Bridge. He will be missed!

ChopperGrace.JPG (35058 bytes)

ChopperEye.JPG (29612 bytes)   ChopperSleeping.JPG (36448 bytes)

ChopperSanta.JPG (14615 bytes)   ChopperReindeer.JPG (16404 bytes)

ChopperandChester.JPG (27325 bytes)

chopper.gif (14509 bytes)

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