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Paintballing first came to the UK initially targeted at executive entertainment, and is still available for exclusive company days out on stress busting and team building exercises.

Now that paintballing centers have established themselves successfully, the opportunity is available for all to have a go. With corporate events booked mainly during weekdays, the weekends often provide a platform for a free-for-all paintball war!


That is what's exciting about paintball, It is basically small scale, simple and safe warfare. There's no doubt about it, war is exiting, and the prospect of getting shot really gets the adrenaline flowing, even if it is only a paint pellet.

Corporate & Recreational

Paintball is unbelievably accessible, you don't even need to own the equipment to play it. All you need for a paintball game in most centres is decent footwear (trainers / boots), and the other equipment is all provided by the centre.

The centre will normally provide such equipment as:

The Event

As chaotic as it may sometimes seem, paintball is not just running around shooting. There is usually some objective to the game. Different centers use different "scenarios", the more popular of which include;

Capture the Flag - battle in to enemy territory to steal their flag, requires offensive and defensive approaches, as your own flag is also under threat.

Elimination - The objective is to take out every member of the opposing team.

Role Playing Scenario - large scale mission based scenario, with more players, more realistic war recreation.

Other quite original scenarios are also used, sometimes unique to any one paintball centre.


If your enthusiasm grows for paintballing, there is always the option to take it more seriously, by purchasing your own gun, joining regional paintball teams / clans, and entering championships and tournaments.

Pic As teams need to be identified for clarity, camouflage is rarely used in competition events, instead, easily recognisable team colours are used

Tournaments range right up to national and international level, sometimes played in stadiums, to introduce spectators to view the action. Examples of top level competition include the mayhem wold masters and the 7-man world cup.


For those who buy their own guns, the choice is wide, but can be broken down in to main categories:

Pump Action - Require cocking (pumping) for each shot, often required for pistol sized guns.

Semi-Automatic - A very popular class of gun, semi's enables several shots to be fired off without having to cock each one. This is thanks to the Co2 used to power shots.

Electro-Pneumatics - Advanced guns which have microchips which control timing of loading and firing shots. A rate of several shots per second can be achieved due to its electronic efficiency.

The remaining equipment to be purchased will be the same as is used at paintball centres. The choice of equipment available today is wide. On top of your gun, you can also purchase paint grenades, smoke grenades, night vision goggles, and other accessories which add to the enjoyment of paintball.

Summary of Paintballing

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