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Racing Hovercraft

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These machines are not your everyday mode of transport! Used by the army and enthusiasts alike, hovercrafts can travel over land and water, and can reach some of the most inaccessible places in the world. But, interestingly, you can also race them!

It all began when Sir Christopher Cockerell filed his own patent, and made the first proper hovercraft in 1955.
The Isle of Wight features in the hovercraft history books, it is the home of the first SRN1 Hovercraft, and enthusiasts created The Hovercraft Club of Great Britain there in 1966.


The "hover" of the hovercraft is created by air being channeled to the bottom of the craft and being trapped by a flexible "skirt". The craft is always on top of the surface, and the skirt is flexible to iron out bumps and undulations on the surface, always maintaining a cushion of air.

A top mounted propeller forcing air out the back of the craft creates the forward motion of the hovercraft. Rudders controlled by the pilot, turn left or right to direct the air, which enables a method of steering.

Racing Hovercraft


A popular form of hovercraft racing uses relatively small one man crafts which can top speeds of 70 mph, and with a low driving position close to the surface - that's fast!

The fastest class of all is formula one, below are the criteria for national classes:

Racing Hovercraft

Formula 1 - Engine capacity over 500cc
Formula 2 - Engine capacity between 250cc and 500cc
Formula 3 - Engine capacity under 250cc
Formula Junior - Engine capacity under 250cc
Formula 25 - Engine capacity 25hp max

Hovercraft racing tracks are purposely challenging and often incorporate changes in terrain like you might find around a lake. A basic layout is marked out, but the width is much wider than normal race circuits because of the gradual and delayed turning nature of the hovercrafts.

As with all things motorised, cost is a factor, so costs and maintenance efforts are required to keep a racing hovercraft up and running.

Summary of Hovercrafts

Racing Hovercraft

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