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Climbing is another simple yet spine-tingly exciting sport. A simple concept of just you, a rope, and a small obstacle to climb, such as a cliff face!

Why would I want to do that?

The many phrases relating to feelings of success such as "on top of the world" and "on a high" can be directly applied to climbing. Because, when you take on your rock face obstacle and accomplish your goal by reaching the top, you feel a natural sense of achievement and you really can understand the meaning of "on top of the world". Climber

Climbing can be done indoors on artificial climbing walls, But for some, it is the prospect of scaling mother-natures beautiful scenery that is the attraction. For others it might be a spiderman-like desire to hang of walls!


There is the ultimate option of climbing without the security of ropes or artificial aid - free soloing. In this more precarious method of climbing, the risks are considerably higher (and the associated rush, higher also) which is why only experienced climbers attempt free soloing, and it is not advised anyone else try it straight off.

Of course there is a wide spectrum of risk and you choose the level of risk you want to expose yourself to. For instance, lower risk climbing would be bouldering, where you climb up rocks of a height you can jump from safely, plus you have "spotters" who assist you with your landing if you fall.

How do you get started?

Inside climbing walls - a good place to learn

A first step would be to check out your nearest climbing centre or club listed with the BMC (British Mountaineering Council). Within these clubs, you will find competent climbers to train and develop your climbing techniques.

As a side note, climbing is often part of multi-activity action weekends away (perhaps corporate events), so you can get a taster whilst trying other activities as well.

What Equipment Do I Need?

The most important part of any climber's wardrobe is their tight fitting shoes, worn without socks.
The gadgets that make up safe climbing kit include:

Carabiners - small metal lockable hooks used to attach equipment together.

Harness - Your safety nappy, it supports your body and is attached to a rope; great to stop you falling. (However, not designed to deal with scary poopy moments!)

Belay - your rope hooks through this metal device to give you some control in descent.

Rope - quite pricey, about the same as the climbing shoes. Various lengths, dependent on how far you want to climb.

Other stuff you may want to buy are: chalk (for better grip) and chalk bag, and a helmet to protect your nod from stray rocks. Not forgetting clothes designed for climbing.


Climbers are a sociable bunch, willing to share experience and knowledge. You don't think about that when you are climbing though, in fact most of your energy goes in to supporting your body from limited hand & foot-holds and mentally planning the best route upwards.

Anyone can try climbing, and although hanging off the face of a cliff initially sounds dangerous, the technology in ropes, and equipment is unsurpassed in quality and reliability. Resulting in a sport which provides challenges, thrills and highs whilst still being a relatively safe sport.

Hanging off the face of a cliff - not as hard as you first thought.

Summary of Climbing

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