Alcazar, Museum of the Army:

In the museum of the army it emphasizes his collection of arms, coming from the Factory of Arms of Toledo. In the superior floor of the Alcazar , the scale models of five important battles in the History of Spain can be observed.

C/ Cuesta de Carlos V, 2

Tlfnos:925 22 16 73-925 25 65 36


Tuesday to Saturdays: 09:30 - 14:30

Festive Sundays and: 09:30 - 14:30

Monday: Closed


Museum of Contemporary Art:

One is in the House of the Chains , building of century XVI, prototype of toledan house.

The museum consists of work collections of century XX can be emphasized two rooms dedicated to the work of the toledan artist Alberto Sanchez.

C/ De las Bulas, s/n

Tlfnos:925 22 78 71/925 22 58 62



Tuesday to Saturdays:10:00-14:00/16:00-18:30

Festive Sundays and: 10:00 - 14:00

Monday: Closed


Museum and House of the Greco:

The house of the Greco is located in the heart of jewish quarter, the building is resembled the accommodated house of Toledo in centuries XVI-XVII, the rooms estan furnished to the taste of the time.

Between works of the Greco, they emphasize San Bernardino, Apostolate, Vista and Plano de Toledo and the Redentor. Also works of artists of the moment are exhibited.

C/ Samuel Leví, s/n

Tlfnos:925 22 40 46/925 22 45 59


Tuesday to Saturdays: 10:00 - 14:00 / 16:00 - 18:00

Festive Sundays and: 10:00 - 14:00

Monday: Closed


Museum of the Councils and the Visigotic Culture:

Located in the Church of San Roman , it contains archaeological collections of the centuries VI, VII and VIII, capitals, reliefs, etc.

Also are pieces found in necrópolis, and reproductions of crowns of the treasure of Guarrazar.

C/ San Román, s/n

Tlfnos:925 22 78 72/925 22 58 62


Tuesday to Saturdays: 10:00 - 14:00 / 16:00 - 18:30

Festive Sundays and: 10:00 - 14:00

Monday: Closed


Museum Duke of Lerma:

One is located in the Hospital of Tavera . The museum exposes works of the Greco, Ribera, Canaleto, Berruguete, etc.

The pharmacy, contains a great collection of bottles of ceramics of Talavera.

C/ Cardenal Tavera, 2

Tlfnos:925 22 04 51


Monday to Sundays: 10:30 - 13:30 / 15:30 - 18:00


Museum of Santa Cruz:

The museum contains the old collections of Archaeological Provincial and the Parochial one of San Vicente. The museum of Santa Cruz is one of most prestigious of the city. In their archaeological section are the cultures Roman, visigotic, Arab and mudejar. In the one of Beautiful Arts we found a toledan painting collection of centuries XVI-XVII and some panels of the Greco, and in its section Industrial Arts popular art can be seen (Ceramic, orfebrería, etc.).

C/ Cervantes, 3

Tlfnos:925 22 10 36/925 22 58 62


Monday: 10:00 - 14:00 / 16:00 - 18:30

Tuesday to Saturdays: 10:00 - 18:30

Festive Sundays and: 10:00 - 14:00


Museum Factory of the Moor:

The Factory of the Moor is construyed in style to mudejar, the disposition is Muslim like the Alhambra. Wood crafts are exhibited, like beams, small boards, etc., also can be observed, tablets, capitals and coffers of the time.

C/ Taller del Moro, s/n

Tlfnos:925 22 45 00/925 22 58 62


Tuesday to Saturdays: 10:00 - 14:00 / 16:00 - 18:30

Festive Sundays and: 10:00 - 14:00

Monday: Closed


Museum Cathedral Treasure:

Located inside the Cathedral . In the chapel of the Treasure the safekeeping can be seen, that it dates from century XVI.

In the Sacristy works of the Dyck can be admired, and in clothes, paintings of Velazquez and Ribera.

C/ Cardenal Cisneros, s/n

Tlfnos:925 22 22 41/925 25 34 00



Monday to Saturdays: 10:30 - 18:00 (Summer 19:00)

Festive Sundays and: 14:00 - 18:00 (Summer 19:00)


Museum of Victorio Macho:

It welcomes a selection of works of the author, bronze pictures of personalities and friends. It contains monument sketches that made in Spain and America, and an interesting collection of drawings.

In the garden they continue exposed its works, according to had them in life.

In the Room of Acts a news article projects on the core of Toledo.

Plaza Victorio Macho, s/n

Tlfnos:925 25 45 24/925 28 42 38


Monday to Saturdays: 10:00 - 19:00

Festive Sundays and: 10:00 - 15:00


Sephardic Museum:

One is attached to the synagogue of the Transit , the call Convent of the Horsemen of Calatrava..

The museum is made up of five rooms, with religious, historical aspects and of the daily life of the Jewish life in Toledo.

C/ Samuel Leví, s/n

Tlfnos:925 22 36 65/925 21 58 31



Tuesday to Saturdays: 10:00 - 14:00 / 16:00 - 18:00

Festive Sundays and: 10:00 - 14:00

Monday: Closed

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