Capital of the Carpetania in century IV a.C. according to Plinio. Conquered by the Roman legions in year 192 a.C. Tito Livio mentions Toletum like fortified establishment.

At Roman time an important iron industry and of minting of currencies was developed.

Rest of the Amphitheatre, Circus, Villa and an Aqueduct can still be seen.

In the 411 d.C. was conquered by the mastiff ones. Seven years later take the visigods expelling to the previous ones. During the reign of Atanagildo (century VI) contituye like capital of Hispania.

They were carried out the Councils of Toledo, with repercussions not only religious, but political and legislative, thus contributing at this moment to increase the splendor of the city.

In century X and after the Muslim invasion, it changes its name by Tulaitula becoming the most important Arab city of the north of Spain.

The legacy of this culture is ample, small lofty and narrow side streets that compose a labyrinth that transfers us to that time. The mosque of Cristo de la Luz and the old Door of Bisagra (pertaining to the old Arab wall), are representative monuments.

In some churches as the one of Santa Eulalia and San Sebastián the cult were allowed mozárabes (Christian that they lived in Muslim territory).

The 25 of May of 1,085 the city is reconquered by king Alfonso VI, after signing a pact with the Muslims, in whom it was committed to respect the atmosphere of coexistence of the three religions and existing cultures in Toledo, all it, in exchange for the city of Valencia. As of this moment, the maximum splendor of the city begins.

With Alfonso X the Wise person, is created the famous School of Translators, becoming the city the cultural capital of the West, being translated texts to the Latin and the Castilian, of Arab thinkers, Jewish and classic.

The different communities from Toledo, were evolving like the city.

The Jews constructed style synagogues to mudejar, like the one of Santa Maria la Blanca or the one of El Transito , construyed by Samuel Leví, treasurer of Pedro I.

The Christians who had lived with the Muslims created mudejar, based on the medieval Christian form, with arabesque decoration. Of this style they are the churches of the Cristo de la Vega, San Vicente, San Miguel, Santiago del Arrabal, or Santo Tome , this last one lodges the panel of the Greco, El Entierro del Conde deOrgaz .

The Christians, who participated in the conquest, received houses and orchards in the city on the part of the king.

In 1.226 inica the construction of the Cathedral by order of Fernando III and of archbishop Ximénez de Rada. Juana la Loca and Felipe el Hermoso would be proclaimed successive to the throne.

The temple was finished in 1.493, after the conquest of Granada, although later it would receive added, in first half of century XVIII.

In century XIV, the Jews he blames himself to them of the economic crisis and social that undergoes the time, by this, Kings Catolics take two measures that would affect the coexistence in Toledo: the creation of the Court of the Inquisicition, established in the city in 1.485, and the Decree of Expulsion of the Jews of 1.492.

Kings Católicos, chose Toledo like capital, and seat of their last rest, constructing for it the church of San Juan de los Reyes .

Into century XVI, king Carlos I turns it into capital of the Spanish Empire. Because of this the city reaches its maxima demographic expansion, and protected by the imperial power, it adopts Renaissance samples of first line. Of this time we can emphasize the Hospital of Tavera , Hospital of Santa Cruz , Alcazar , Archiepiscopal Palace , Door of the Cambron , and Door of Bisagra .

In 1.560, Felipe II transfers the capital to Madrid, reason why the city begins to undergo a very important declivity. In little more than fifty years, they cause that Toledo happens to have less than half of population. In spite of this, it continues being the ecclesiastical capital.

During this time it develops its activity one of the most outstanding painters: The Greco. Its work still can see in the city in churches and convents.

In century XVIII, due to the push of Lorenzana Cardinal, it is developed to resurge of the city, are constructed factories, among them the one of arms, constitutes the Real Company of Commerce, a hospital for lunatic is built and the Level door of the cathedral is constructed.

During the war of Independence the city undergoes sacking and deterioration of its patrimony.

In 1.858, the first railroad arrives, coming from Aranjuez. In the last third of century, with the I Republic, it appears a slight renovador impulse.

During this time, Toledo is visited by numerous artists and writers, of all parts of the world, contributing to create a romantic image of the city, that still today lasts.

From 1,960, the city develops to a new impulse of industrialization, being created a polygon of clearing of Madrid. In years 80, Spot is named capital of the Autonomic Community of Castilla-La Mancha.

Nowadays and in spite of the governors, who are pawned on leaving their "track " on the history of the city, Toledo raises itself majestic in the place that corresponds to him, although we do not know whatever will hold.

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