7 BENEFITS OF DANCE          

Being a dancer isn’t all rainbows. Learning to dance well takes years of hard work, and there’s typically no pot of gold awaiting you, either – sore, callused feet are more likely.

Still, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how lucky you are. There are plenty of benefits to being a dancer.

1. Dancers move with health and confidence.

Dancing helps keep you physically fit and healthy. Dance is good for your heart, lungs, and bones. It’s a fun way to stay active while increasing your strength, stamina, and flexibility. In addition, dancing encourages good posture, body awareness and control that, even as you age, can and will benefit you. All of these things come together in a dancer to give him/her a physical confidence that others can spot and recognize. “You’re a dancer, I could tell.”

2. Dancing helps you keep your wits.

Two well-publicized studies concluded that dancing is the only physical activity to reduce your chances of dementia in the way that cognitive activities do. Dance requires you to use multiple parts of your brain at the same time. No matter your age, this increased brain power improves your mental sharpness and agility, and can even increase your attention span.

3. Dancing gives return on self-investment.

Dance keeps you in touch with your body, which is healing all by itself in a couch potato culture. Dance also helps you connect with your mind, emotions, and spirit. The practice of dance is an investment in yourself that can reduce stress, improve your mental well-being, and give you an outlet for self-expression.

4. Dance teaches survival skills.

Dancing builds resilience and determination because, well, dance is hard! You learn to keep trying despite failed attempts, keep going when things don’t go as planned, and yes, occasionally grit your teeth through a bit of pain. Dance also gives you plenty of chances to be resourceful and a creative thinker, especially if dance is your chosen career.

5. Never. Stop. Growing.

Dancing teaches you to keep going but you also learn that a person never stops growing. Every step you ascend on the stairway of dance, lights the way to more. There’s always somewhere to go; more goals to accomplish or details to master. This endless climb is also quite humbling… bonus!

6. All you really need to know, you learned in dance class.

Commitment, communication skills, passion, perseverance, the ability to take and respond to constructive (or not-so constructive) criticism and, you bet, that slice of humble pie, are just a few of the life skills dancing develops in its lifetime pupils. There’s not much you need to know in life that you haven’t already learned in a dance class.

7. As a dancer, you become part of a bigger picture.

Dancers build lasting memories and friendships with one another. Maybe it’s the work or long hours together, or maybe it’s because you’ve each given so much of yourself, but it always happens. Wherever you go, when you spot that other dancer in the room (and you will), you’ll know you have something in common. That shared experience is part of a rich history of tradition and innovation that unites dancers all over the world. And, because dance is tied deeply to the roots of our communities and cultures, dance builds awareness and appreciation of the differences and similarities between people. This makes you a better citizen of the world.

So, count your lucky charms, dancer. You are all kinds of awesome!


1. Singing Is Scientifically Proven To Improve Your Mood, Make You Happy And Relaxed. It releases the same feel-good brain chemicals as sex and chocolate! Endorphins and Oxytocin are a very powerful combination that will make you happy, reduce stress and ease any pain you might be suffering from.

2. It’s An Actual Workout, And A Really Good One. Through singing and proper breathing, you are having a great aerobic workout. Yes, the one that works on the lungs… If you don’t believe it, try for yourself to sing for 30 minutes and see how great you feel afterward, or ask any performing singer (even if it’s the local choir singer) how he feels after a two-hour performance.

3. Your Everyday Posture Will Become Better and you’ll look more impressive. The most basic singing 101 is to always make sure you stand / sit straight and in a correct posture. When you get this right and keep practicing it regularly, it will also “spread” to your everyday routines.

4. Your Breathing Will Become More Efficient And You Will Be More Vital. When you are more efficient it means you get more oxygen, more oxygen means you are less tired and enjoy increased vitality! Unfortunately, it’s a fact that most of us just breathe incorrectly and in a shallow way. Partly because of the everyday life hurries and stresses, and partly just because we never practiced doing it in the most efficient way, even if it sounds like something so simple and obvious. Singing will help you fix it!

5. Singing Boosts Your Immune System, helping to fight disease and prolonging life expectancy.

6. Singing Will Get You To The Front Of The Stage. Even if you don’t want to become the full-time lead vocalist in your band, decent singing skills can let you jump to the front for a song or two occasionally, like John Frusciante does in Red Hot Chilli Peppers concerts and he is just one example.

7. You will be able to Sing Harmony and back up the lead vocalist! Who said The Grateful Dead, The Beatles? Those are the kind of harmonies that can make people happy… (-:

8. The enhanced breathing control you will get from singing will be Very Helpful If You Play Multiple Instruments that require good breathing control such as the harmonica, flute, trumpet, etc.