
Glyph of Water

Water Temple

Wednesday 23rd August 1995 (9:40pm)

Earth Temple Air Temple Water Temple Fire Temple

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Barry: In the middle of the pool water has solidified after spinning into a circular platform. We step across.

Rob: I have the sensation of moving, like being on an escalator.

Barry: I feel that the platform was pivoting in the water. We are the other way up, in the water.

Rob: It is comfortable though.

Barry: All around us is a vast green sea, we are being drawn like a path towards a central pillar like a tree. The path seems to spiral up.

Rob: I see sea elementals on the path with vast skirts that merge with the sea as it moves. They are vast creatures. A large clam shell with a crystal ball lies at the base of the tree. Light reflects off it onto the pearl of the shell.

I have the sensation of these giant creatures that are part of the sea. They are really huge, we can only see the smallest part of them at the surface.

Barry: I feel we have risen through water like mercury. Your head appears There are translucent females carrying crystal balls like the one you described. They are moving in a ceremonial dance. As the balls approach they are giving off a spark of electricity which generates ozone. They are interacting.

The tree has grown to enormous proportions. Now everything is contained in a single raindrop on the bark of the tree.

Rob: I look in the crystal and see vast stone structures will tall arches like a cathedral. The perspective changes I am looking at a blue sky from a flat roof in a hot country. There is the sound of bells behind me. I turn. There is a woman behind me with two cups which she places on the ground. I am getting an overlay of �Temperance�.

She is pouring water. One cup overflows. Into the other she pours an equal amount, It is empty. Now I see the crystal again. I look up and see the tree unimaginably high. I can see its pattern repeated like fractals.

Barry: I have sunk below and am close to you. I look up and can see these many levels like plates around the tree.

Rob: Can you see figures? They are reaching out as if inviting us up.

Barry: I can see figures doing movements like dancing, some more inviting than others. I can see outside the base of a tower in a cathedral. A staircase leads up. The stone is white, carved with elemental figures. Each stair is the foot and head of an elemental. Shall we go up.

Rob: Yes.

This place is less cluttered a feeling of space as though only essentials are here. Space, endless expansion.

Barry: I have the feeling of being carried within the fabric of one of the figures, in the beard of a gigantic man. I�m being placed down in a strange landscape looking out on a vast scene of bubbles dripping water both up and down. They are stationary. Its difficult to describe.

Rob: I see them as bits of a sphere like smarties and dressed in something that buttons to the top. Its quite angular flaring into a very wide skirt.

Barry: Outside is a small round blue tube. It is a phosphorescent purple colour.

Rob: In my right hand I have a thin�something. Its not a staff, its too thin. At the top is a holder for a crystal ball which sits in it.

Barry: Touch a �smartie� with it.

Rob: It expands.

Barry: It takes on a pinkish hue, a jangley music has begun.

Rob: (Breathes deeply).

We are within the Aqua Regis. Its relationship to ordinary water is that of a king to a peasant.

Barry: This bubble contains solidified emotion � racial memory � feeling felt by many people. It can be tapped through water. I can see a morning star shining high above a lake. The star brings hope.

Rob: This realm displays great fluidity. You mentioned mercury earlier, its fluidity is that of water. Perfect fluidity involves not moving at all as one is always where one wants to be.

Barry: I feel great pressure in this place, and must descend.

Rob: The essence of something lies within it opposite, like yin-yang. At the heart of fluidity is immobility.

Barry: I descend in a slow spiral. The weight lifts. I am back in the temple of water.

Rob: I am where I want to be. I am beside you. The tall staff has gone. We both drink and offer one to the toad. It drinks then winks knowingly at me.

Barry: In one way I think the toad may have been the platform.

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