
Glyph of Water

Water Temple

Wednesday 17th May 1995 (9:15pm)

Earth Temple Air Temple Water Temple Fire Temple

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Rob: The temple is full of the sounds of water and faintly a flute. The flute is summoning.

Barry: Behind us we hear a jingling bell. The mist appears.

Rob: And the bridge.

Barry: We step onto the bridge. The fog closes around us.

Rob: All sound, save the flute, is deadened.

Barry: The fog is a protecting closeness, deep within the element of water. I can feel the presence of the giants. They carry nets in their hands and weave the fog bridge on which we travel.

To our left the fog thins, I can see the image of a flat sea. In the centre is the remains of the rock pinnacle. It is blackened and broken. The land which once surrounded it has been replaced by a white sea. Little evidence remains of the place of power which was there. Soon the great sea will wash away all traces of the pinnacle. It will be lost to memory under the sea.

Rob: We move on through the mist, moving faster than last week. Before us we become aware of a hooded figure. Can�t see his face, but his eyes shine with an unearthly light.

Barry: The figure seems to carry a staff and a lantern in his hands. The lantern penetrates the fog and his staff guides his way.

Rob: The Hermit, we are encountering Tarot trumps.

Barry: His robe is deepest green.

Rob: The mist clears to reveal wide flat stones leading to a small island. The causeway is passable. There is deep water either side. Under the water a bell tolls.

Barry: I can see a vague light also.

Rob: The figure bids us cross silently.

Barry: We cross the causeway, which is slippery with weed.

Rob: A small figure stands at a distance on a wide path leading to the island. It has wings.

Barry: A small horn rests on a plinth on the stony beach of the island. I set foot on the beach.

Rob: Who would you judge?

Barry: Only myself.

Rob: By what right do you judge yourself?

Barry: I am responsible for my actions on the path I tread.

Rob: You would better not judge at all. Who do you forgive?

Barry: I don�t understand. I search for the path with the heart.

Rob: The question is more directed at me. I forgive practically everyone but myself.

Barry: Water should be used to wash away the guilt. The decisions on the path should not be regretted once taken if taken with heart.

Rob: Do you seek to control your own destiny?

Barry: I don�t know whether my destiny is pre-ordained, a single path or a web of choices. The actual destination or the sight of this is what I seek.

Rob: The mist is Water of Air. It is accommodating to us because it is intellectual. We have previously worked with Water of Water. We need to be capable of distinguishing the shades.

The creature turns making us move away.

Barry: My foot on the island has had a strange effect. I can see two visions at once. One in brilliant sunlight, a horse standing deep in the waves of the sea moving down to the lights below. The second vision in brilliant moonlight, a hill fort with deep banks and ditches. For me this is where the grail is. Guarded by an armoured figure with bright eyes.

Moving my foot from the beach the vision fades. The horn is used to call up the horse and the figure.

Rob: I do not think that I seek the grail. I think that I seek peace, which comes from being no longer divided from myself. That is my grail.

The island seems very quiet. The land is low and hilly. It is brown because this part is covered in mud. It is flooded regularly.

Barry: It appears to be newly risen from the sea.

Rob: Things rising from our consciousness. The mud should be washed away.

I feel myself becoming a stream of water. I feel myself flowing along the pathway. Fluid. Emotion. I can�t say exactly what I can see. Three points of light surround it. Many facets of interlocking crystal, some sort of doorway. And path leads to this crystal. Shimmering and beautiful. This door will be the next thing to pass. It is time to return.

Barry: The tide rises on the causeway.

Rob: We hurry, so as not to be trapped.

Barry: We look back and see the Hermit, his lamp fading into the mist.

Rob: Which closes around us.

Back at the beach. Two cups are on the altar. They are inscribed with fish

Barry: We drink the sparkling ice cold water, filled with strength. The toad seems satisfied that we have drunk from the spring.

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