'; OutString += '
'; OutString += NavBar; if (Feedback.length>0){ OutString += '' } OutString += '
'; OutString += ''; OutString += Feedback; OutString += '
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'; if (is.CRAPBrowser){OutString=ResolveAllURLs(OutString);} //Write it to the frame TopFrame.document.clear(); TopFrame.document.open(); TopFrame.document.write(OutString); TopFrame.document.close(); } function DisplayExercise(){ //Build the output string var OutString = ''; OutString += ''; OutString += '
'; OutString += '
'; OutString += TitleCode; OutString += ''; OutString += NavBar; OutString += '
'; if (WordBox.length > 0){ OutString += WordBox; } OutString += ''; OutString += BuiltCloze; OutString += '
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'; if (is.CRAPBrowser){OutString=ResolveAllURLs(OutString);} //Write it to the frame BottomFrame.document.clear(); BottomFrame.document.open(); BottomFrame.document.write(OutString); BottomFrame.document.close(); } function ShowClue(ItemNum){ //alert(ItemNum); State[ItemNum][0] = 1; WriteFeedback(I[ItemNum][2]); } function SaveCurrentAnswers(){ for (var i=0; i-1){ FirstBit = InString.substring(0, i); LastBit = InString.substring(i + Token.length, InString.length); InString = FirstBit + Replacement + LastBit; i = InString.indexOf(Token); } return InString; } I = new Array(); I[0] = new Array(); I[0][1] = new Array(); I[0][1][0] = new Array(); I[0][1][0][0]='Avis'; I[0][2]=''; I[1] = new Array(); I[1][1] = new Array(); I[1][1][0] = new Array(); I[1][1][0][0]='chafariz'; I[1][2]=''; I[2] = new Array(); I[2][1] = new Array(); I[2][1][0] = new Array(); I[2][1][0][0]='feliz'; I[2][2]=''; I[3] = new Array(); I[3][1] = new Array(); I[3][1][0] = new Array(); I[3][1][0][0]='Moniz'; I[3][2]=''; I[4] = new Array(); I[4][1] = new Array(); I[4][1][0] = new Array(); I[4][1][0][0]='juiz'; I[4][2]=''; I[5] = new Array(); I[5][1] = new Array(); I[5][1][0] = new Array(); I[5][1][0][0]='perdiz'; I[5][2]=''; I[6] = new Array(); I[6][1] = new Array(); I[6][1][0] = new Array(); I[6][1][0][0]='infeliz'; I[6][2]=''; I[7] = new Array(); I[7][1] = new Array(); I[7][1][0] = new Array(); I[7][1][0][0]='perdiz'; I[7][2]=''; I[8] = new Array(); I[8][1] = new Array(); I[8][1][0] = new Array(); I[8][1][0][0]='nariz'; I[8][2]=''; I[9] = new Array(); I[9][1] = new Array(); I[9][1][0] = new Array(); I[9][1][0][0]='cicatriz'; I[9][2]=''; I[10] = new Array(); I[10][1] = new Array(); I[10][1][0] = new Array(); I[10][1][0][0]='Moniz'; I[10][2]=''; I[11] = new Array(); I[11][1] = new Array(); I[11][1][0] = new Array(); I[11][1][0][0]='nariz'; I[11][2]=''; I[12] = new Array(); I[12][1] = new Array(); I[12][1][0] = new Array(); I[12][1][0][0]='anis'; I[12][2]=''; I[13] = new Array(); I[13][1] = new Array(); I[13][1][0] = new Array(); I[13][1][0][0]='chafariz'; I[13][2]=''; I[14] = new Array(); I[14][1] = new Array(); I[14][1][0] = new Array(); I[14][1][0][0]='actriz'; I[14][2]=''; I[15] = new Array(); I[15][1] = new Array(); I[15][1][0] = new Array(); I[15][1][0][0]='Beatriz'; I[15][2]=''; I[16] = new Array(); I[16][1] = new Array(); I[16][1][0] = new Array(); I[16][1][0][0]='petiz'; I[16][2]=''; I[17] = new Array(); I[17][1] = new Array(); I[17][1][0] = new Array(); I[17][1][0][0]='Lu\u00EDs'; I[17][2]=''; I[18] = new Array(); I[18][1] = new Array(); I[18][1][0] = new Array(); I[18][1][0][0]='diz'; I[18][2]=''; I[19] = new Array(); I[19][1] = new Array(); I[19][1][0] = new Array(); I[19][1][0][0]='condiz'; I[19][2]=''; I[20] = new Array(); I[20][1] = new Array(); I[20][1][0] = new Array(); I[20][1][0][0]='juiz'; I[20][2]=''; I[21] = new Array(); I[21][1] = new Array(); I[21][1][0] = new Array(); I[21][1][0][0]='perdiz'; I[21][2]=''; Text = new Array(); Text[0]='Na vila de '; Text[1]=' junto ao '; Text[2]=' vivia '; Text[3]=' o doutor '; Text[4]=' que, sendo '; Text[5]=', ca\u00E7ava '; Text[6]='.
Num dia '; Text[7]=' uma '; Text[8]=' picou-lhe o '; Text[9]=', deixou '; Text[10]='. O doutor '; Text[11]=' partiu para paris tratou do '; Text[12]=' com licor de '; Text[13]=' junto do '; Text[14]=', casou com a '; Text[15]=' Dona '; Text[16]=' e teve um '; Text[17]=' chamado '; Text[18]='. Segundo ele '; Text[19]=', n\u00E3o, n\u00E3o n\u00E3o '; Text[20]=' com doutor '; Text[21]=' ca\u00E7ar mais '; Text[22]='.
'; State = new Array(); function StartUp(){ var i = 0; MixWords = new Array(); for (i=0; i -1){ var TotalChars = GetGapValue(i).length; State[i][3] = (TotalChars-State[i][1])/TotalChars; if (State[i][0] > 0){State[i][3] = State[i][3]/2;} if (State[i][3]<0){State[i][3] = 0;} State[i][4] = 1; } else{ //Otherwise, add zero to the array and increment the hints for this item, as a penalty State[i][1]++; State[i][3] = 0; //then set the flag AllCorrect = 0; } } } //Calculate the total score var TotalScore = 0; for (i=0; i'; } Output += YourScoreIs + ' ' + TotalScore + '%.
'; if (AllCorrect == 0){ Output += '
' + Incorrect; } BuildExercise(); WriteFeedback(Output); DisplayExercise(); RestoreCurrentAnswers(); } function TrackFocus(BoxNumber){ CurrentWord = BoxNumber; } function CheckBeginning(Guess, Answer){ var OutString = ''; var i = 0; var UpperGuess = ''; var UpperAnswer = ''; if (CaseSensitive == false) { UpperGuess = Guess.toUpperCase(); UpperAnswer = Answer.toUpperCase(); } else { UpperGuess = Guess; UpperAnswer = Answer; } while (UpperGuess.charAt(i) == UpperAnswer.charAt(i)) { OutString += Guess.charAt(i); i++; } OutString += Answer.charAt(i); return OutString; } function FindLongest(InArray){ if (InArray.length < 1){return -1;} var Longest = 0; for (var i=1; i InArray[Longest].length){ Longest = i; } } return Longest; } function GetGapValue(GNum){ var RetVal = ''; if ((GNum<0)||(GNum>=I.length)){return RetVal;} if (eval('BottomFrame.document.Cloze.Gap' + GNum) != null){ RetVal = eval('BottomFrame.document.Cloze.Gap' + GNum).value; RetVal = TrimString(RetVal); } else{ RetVal = State[GNum][5]; } return RetVal; } function SetGapValue(GNum, Val){ if ((GNum<0)||(GNum>=I.length)){return;} if (eval('BottomFrame.document.Cloze.Gap' + GNum) != null){ eval('BottomFrame.document.Cloze.Gap' + GNum).value = Val; } } function FindCurrent() { var x = 0; FoundCurrent = -1; //Test the current word: //If it's state is not set to already correct, check the word. if (State[CurrentWord][4] != 1){ if (CheckAnswer(CurrentWord, false) < 0){ return CurrentWord; } } x=CurrentWord + 1; while (x -1){return ''} RightBits = new Array(); for (var i=0; i 0){ SetGapValue(CurrGap, HintString); State[CurrGap][1] = State[CurrGap][1] + 1; } WriteFeedback(GiveHint); } function Blank(){ return '
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'; } //--> //]]>
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