Thai Fish Cakes

Inspired by one of Rick Stein's series of TV programmes ("Taste of the Sea")

Rick Stein got the idea for this version of Thai fishcakes from Australia. He also reckons there is "nothing to them" - just fish and flavourings, and they should be within the grasp of any would-be chef who can operate a food processor without losing a finger (which rules me out - T.A.).


  • Fresh coriander leaves & stems - chopped - as much as you can stand
  • Fish fillet - around 500g - firm white fish normally, but experiment
  • Lime - juice of half to one small fruit
  • Chilli pods - depends on your taste and the type of chilli - slice thinly
  • Egg - chicken's - one
  • Brown sugar - 1 or 2 teaspoons
  • Red Thai Chilli paste - 1 teaspoon or 2 depending on palate
  • Fish sauce - 1 tablespoon
  • Kaffir lime leaves - 2 or 3
  • Green beans - one handful - diced into discs

Shove everything except the beans into a food processor and macerate for long enough (30 seconds or so) to thoroughly mix all the ingredients, but not for long enough to turn into baby food. Then mix the diced green beans in and form into small balls, flattened for frying. Fry in shallow fat and turn over when browned on one side.

Serve with a dipping sauce as follows:-

  • Mix some sugar into a mixture of water and vinegar (experiment to suite your palate)
  • Add finely diced coriander, cucumber, carrot, onion and chillie
  • Slap in a dash of fish sauce

The beans are as much for texture as for nutrition. They are also a conversation piece - it is not usually obvious what these little green discs are.

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