
My Ride:
The entry picture, and the background for this page are shots of my own board. I ride a 2001 Palmer Gap 155, in Ride Vapor boots bound with K2 HB clickers.
I go riding with my nephew and friends at Fairview canyon ('cause we're poor), and sometimes at real ski hills.
If you follow snowboarding much, you may have heard of my cousin, Dresden Howell. She was the 2001 female Big Air world champion.
All year long she competes with the other big names in women's Big Air, and consistently places in the top 5. If you want to see for yourself, just search the net for 'Dresden Howell snowboard'.
When my friends and I go boarding, we try to talk our good buddy Gilbert into bringing his DV camcorder, so we can get some cool footage.
So here are some pics of my snowboarding conquests:

These pics are taken from captured DV camcorder frames.

The four of us at Sundance.

The four of us at Sundance. Tom, Jason, Adam, and Ryan.

Simple pic of me

So simple, but I make it look so good.

Jason coming to a stop.
Jason coming to a stop.

Tom trying to look good, he caught an edge right after this.

Tom trying to look good, he caught an edge right after this.

Ryan slowing down for once.
Ryan slowing down for once.

Just looking good.

Just looking good.

It was a beautiful day.
It was a beautiful day. This is the other side of the last hill at Sundance.

Check out a slow-mo video of Ryan's board grab (570k, 720x480 DivX) We did all of this with Gilbert's DV Camcorder, and Movie DV Suite by AIST.
If this video opens, but doesn't play, click on the image and it should play. If it plays audio, but no video, then download the codec at the DivX site.
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