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This isn't a deck but I think you should post it any way.

OK. At the draft I was rare drafting but only the ones that everyone else past on. I got
Fiery Gambit, I know your thinking what a crap card but, it did win me a match against Josh. He was at 11 life and I cast Fiery Gambit, he called heads and it was tails so I did it again he called tails and it was heads at this point. I went crazy cause I knew I had just won doing 6 to the dome with Fiery Gambit. I followed it up with a Shrapnel Blast,  game over. I then went on to lose the duel but it was a victor for my deck and gave me faith I could win with it . I then played Austin and was victorious in the duel with one other crap rare that was passed by, Worldslayer. His deck was fast but he couldn't recover from it going off twice.

OK now  for the real beef and the real reason why I�m writing this is. In a duel with L I got my combo off twice. That got me into the top four at the second seed. You ask �what combo?�.
Shared Fate and Leveler!  Don�t laugh it works just ask L and Mack they both fell prone to the combo putting me in the final duel with Trey. This tale has no true happy ending though. The deck flopped against Trey, or perhaps his deck was better. All in all it was a great time and I can't believe that crap could go so far...

Inside The Mind Of A Champ...  I mean Chimp... uh Chimp?
I was sent this story while I was on vacation and I must say I hate I missed this tournament. Andre seemed to turn absolute crap into a pretty fun and successful deck. When I see a deck like this do well I really miss the days that rogue was totally viable. Now everybody runs to the internet to see the new top 8 decks. They build them, play them, and win with them. I'm just as guilty as the rest of us. And don't tell me because you change a few cards your not metagaming. But that is not my point, I'm not trying to ridicule people for playing great decks. My point is that Andre made me miss the days when I took a Lure/Basilisk/Cockatrice deck to a PTQ. Needles to say I was handed my ass on a platter. But it was my first PTQ and before I even knew what "metagame" or a deck called Sligh was. Don't get me wrong, I don't enjoy getting my ass kicked. I like playing good decks. I like having a much wider range of knowledge about the competitive scene of Magic. But I do miss the days of playing for fun and fun alone. Would I ever go back to that? No way! But I'm a competition junkie. Maybe I'll bring back my Mono-White Life Gaining COP deck..... Maybe not. But do read and enjoy Andre's story. And let it remind you that it's not always about having the best cards of the best deck. Although that's pretty fun too.

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