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X-Men 1 & 2

X-Men (1.5)
Born into a world filled with prejudice are children who possess extraordinary and dangerous powers - the result of unique genetic mutations. Cyclops unleashes bolts of energy from his eyes. Storm can manipulate the weather at will. Rogue absorbs the life force of anyone she touches. But, under the tutelage of Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart), these and other outcasts learn to harness their powers for the good of mankind. Now they must protect those who fear them as the nefarious Magneto (Ian McKellen), who believes humans and mutants can never co-exist, unveils his sinister plan for the future...

The Film
I can't decide which one I like more. I saw X-Men 2 first, liked it, but I always like it when they show where they all come from (as I saw X-Men 2 first, 1 seemed like the backstory to me). I think I like X2 more, although this is still excellent. Halle Berry's lines were awful, but otherwise good (and also convincing - quite an achivement) acting. It amazes me how they managed to cram so much story into such a short film. It follows ten principle characters, and doesn't feel rushed or hazy round the edges. A remarkable achievement.
Film: 8/10

They've gone crazy. There's an insane amount of extras on the second disc, coupled with commentaries and branchable deleted scenes on the first. The main drawback, however, is the fact that about a quarter of the second disc is merely a plug for the sequel. But what the hell. That's just as good...
Disc: 10/10


X-Men 2 (AKA X2: X-Men United)
Hatred and distrust brew between human and mutantkind. An unprovoked mutant attack on the President gives General William Stryker (Brian Cox) his long-awaited opportunity to wage an all-out war against the mutants. A war that would leave only one race victorious.
Xavier (Patrick Stewert), Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), Storm (Halle Berry) and the other X-MEn must unite with their old adversary Magneto (Ian McKellen) to prevent a devastating confrontation that could destroy everyone on the planet.
In X-Men 2, acclaimed director Bryan Singer delivers state-of-the-art special effects, explosive action and one twist after another, X-Men 2 takes excitement to the Xtreme!

The Film
As I said earlier, I saw this before the first one. I was amazed by it. The opening attack on the President grabs you and the rest just follows nicely. Generally out-does the original in almost every way, yet the original does hold its own when held together. The money and time spent on this is clearly evident, but the main focus is the story. Following so many characters was an achievement in the first, now more are added. So a story has to be followed, which is done nicely. Acting is again very convincing (and Storm's lines are also much improved. If you liked the original, you'll love this.
Film: 9/10

The DVD Again, a crazy amount of extras. These are definitely the discs to buy for quantity. The quality is also excellent. A must for everyone, particularly comic-book fans.
Disc: 10/10

Overall 9/10

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