The crash was unfortunately all my fault, lucky no one else was involved and I was unhurt. I was racing a Vectra and lost control after overtaking him, at least I beat him. I spun and went in a ditch and hit a wall. The wall was rebuilt, now just the car to do.
Here is a picture of the car before the crash.

I had planned to take the car off the road at the end of summer 2003 to rebuild it to bring it up to spec for VWDRC, I needed a roll cage as it is a cabriolet. I bought a 1303 unfinished project from a friend to use the chassis, after having the frame head changed of course. This is what I bought

I wanted to get rid of any panel in the Wizard that had been patched and replace them with whole panels, basically do the job properly. I was most looking forward to ripping all the wiring out, as it resembled a robots bird nest, you were never sure if any thing electric would actually work. If it didn�t fault finding was a nightmare! I wanted a flip front as well as I always have liked the look of them.
All of these plans were moved forward rather abruptly.

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