Adadada's Movie List


江湖,救命,First 50 Dates,天作之盒,Cold Mountain,Somethings Gotta Give, Brother Bear, Gone with the Wind, 地下鐵, Infernal Affairs III, Love Actually, Goodbye Lenin, 忘不了, Matrix Revolutions, Casablanca, 戀之風景, Infernal Affairs II, 花好月圓, Big Fish, The Butterfly Effect, Passion of the Christ, 21 gram, Ong bak, Lord of the Ring-Fellowship of the Ring, Lord of the Ring- Two Towers, Lord of the Ring-Return of the King, Nightmare before Christmas, A Tale of Two Cities, Cubes, Finding Nemo, Monster Inc., A bug's life, Frequency, 阿飛正傳, 縱橫四海, 向左愛向右愛, 假如愛有天意, 戀愛掃描, 周末同床, Edward's Scissorhands, 黑白森林,天下無雙,戀戰沖繩, 我的野蠻女友, Autumn in New York, Meet Joe Black, Shakespeare in Love, Notting Hill, 乾柴烈火, 千與千尋, Matrix I, Matrix Reloaded, 向左走向右走, the hours, He loves me He Loves Me Not, Moulin Rouge, Chicago, 天使愛美麗,Firelight, 常在我心,
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