Math puzzles

Here you will get a list of some mathematical puzzles that I have come across from various sources. These are sort of simple problems that you might enjoy solving yourself. The solutions, if known to me, are also provided. Why don't you try yourself before looking at the solutions? In case you find errors in these solutions, or if you devise other solutions, feel free to communicate. Write to Abhijit Das (Barda).

Neither of the problems, unless otherwised specified, are my inventions. I tried to mention the source of the problems whenever available (I have often changed the language, but the ideas are the same). This, however, does not imply that the problems originated from those sources. On the contrary, it's very likely that these sources acted as distributors in most of the cases. Similarly each solution is accompanied by the name of the person(s) who solved it. Again these persons are not the first ones on earth to solve these problems. After all, these are easy problems and if you try independently, you will probably come up with the same solutions. You may use the hints given for every problem. One of the solutions provided uses these hints.

Try the problems. None of them requires sophisticated mathematical gadgets for solving. If you want to send solutions, and if you have to use weird mathematical symbols like Greek letters, summation sign etc, better write in LaTeX (or TeX). Or wait for a future version of html specifications that include html math and for a browser supporting them.

Have fun !!! And visit this page again. This page will grow as soon as I get new suitable problems.

The problems

1. The summation problem   Hint   Solution
2. The Fibonacci number problemHintSolution
3. The n lamps problemHintSolution
4. The random walk problemHintSolution
5. The partition problemHintSolution
6. The (n+1)-subset problemHintSolution
7. All composite problemHintSolution
8. The problem with 132 idli'sHintSolution
9. Four squares in APHintSolution

These pages are best viewed with Netscape version 3 onwards.

Page maintained by

Abhijit Das (Barda)
Department of Computer Science and Automation
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012
e-mail: [email protected]

Last updated on Nov 12 1998

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