God’s Last Day Messenger


God does not show Himself directly and visibly to man. The reason for this is that our God is a holy God. Therefore God communicated with mankind through prophets in old testament times and through the apostles during new testament times. Christ Himself came to this world as a man among men and spoke to us concerning the things of God. Beyond the first century A.D. however, there were no established messengers of God.

Towards the last days of this world’s history, however, God has given to His last day church a messenger in the person of Mrs. Ellen G. White.

In this article, instead of examining the life work and life history of Mrs. Ellen G. White, we will look at some of the books which Mrs. White wrote during her life time. The messages and instructions contained in her writings are what we need for our preparation for the events of the last days.

1. Mrs. White was an Authentic Messenger of God

Some supernatural events accompanied the visions which Mrs. White received. They include:

1. She was utterly unconscious of everything transpiring around her.

2. She did not breathe, although her heartbeat was normal and her colour was normal.

3. Immediately on entering vision, her muscles become rigid, and joints fixed, so far as any external force can influence them.

Besides the supernatural events, Mrs. White fulfils the biblical tests of a prophet, which are as follows:

1. “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20. Mrs. White’s writings are fully in harmony with the Bible.

2. “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” Matthew 7:20. Mrs. White’s personal life and ministry truly produced good works and fruit.

3. “When the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the Lord hath truly sent him.” Jeremiah 28:9. Mrs. White did make several predictions in her writings which would see fulfilment, including the one regarding the buildings of New York city.

4. “Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God.” 1 John 4:2. Mrs. White wrote voluminously on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, as well as on His pre-existence, His heavenly ministry, and His return.

An application of all the Biblical tests of a prophet confirms Mrs. White as an authentic messenger of God.

2. God’s Last Day Messenger

Mrs. White was different from other prophets in the sense that she was God’s messenger for the last days. Her books and writings, therefore, were written for the purpose of last day events, instructing God’s people regarding what events would take place prior to the second coming of Christ, and also how to prepare for the last day events and the eventual return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

3. The Ellen G. White Books

Mrs. White wrote many books during her life time. In this article, we will examine the more important books which every faithful Seventh-day Adventist should possess and read and study, and, of course, to follow and practise.

Firstly, there are books which form a major series. Two major series of books may be identified:

1. Conflict of the Ages series.

2. Testimonies for the Church.

In the book, “A Prophet Among You”, written by T. H. Jemison, chapter 16, is mentioned two major series of books written by Sister White:

“Side by side with the Conflict of the Ages Series stands the second major series of books, Testimonies for the Church. Different in nature from the largely historical and biographical ‘Conflict’ books, the Testimonies are made up of letters, articles, records of visions, sermons, and addresses containing simple, straightforward instruction concerning the everyday affairs of life. While they outline broad principles that all can apply, they also bring the principles down to specific applications. Mrs. White sets forth the purpose of the volumes succinctly in Testimonies, volume 2, page 608. There she quotes the words spoken to her in a prophetic dream. ‘One stood by my side,’ she said, and spoke, among other things, these words: ‘“Your success is in your simplicity. As soon as you depart from this, and fashion your testimony to meet the minds of any, your power is gone. Almost everything in this age is glossed and unreal. The world abounds in testimonies given to please and charm for a moment, and to exalt self. Your testimony is of a different character. It is to come down to the minutiae of life, keeping the feeble faith from dying, and pressing home upon believers the necessity of shining as lights in the world.”’” – T. H. Jemison, A Prophet Among You, pages 314, 315.

Then there are books which were written as “stand-alone” books which were not part of any major series. Examples of such books include “Steps to Christ,” “Christ Object Lessons,” “Education,” “Ministry of Healing,” and “Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing.”

4. Conflict of the Ages Series

This major series of books consists of five books, namely, “Patriarchs and Prophets,” “Prophets and Kings,” “Desire of Ages,” “Acts of the Apostles,” and “The Great Controversy.”

These books assist the reader in getting a better understanding of Bible history and of the great conflict between Christ and Satan as played out in the lives of people throughout earth’s history.

5. Testimonies for the Church Series

Whenever the word “Testimonies” appear in italics and with the capital “T”, it would specifically refer to the nine volumes of the “Testimonies for the Church”, particularly, as mentioned in the following quotation:

“As the end draws near and the work of giving the last warning extends, it becomes more important for those who accept present truth to have a clear understanding of the nature and influence of the Testimonies, which God in His providence has linked with the work of the third angel’s message from its very rise. In the following pages are given extracts from what I have written during the last forty years, relating to my own early experience in this special work, and also presenting what God has shown me concerning the nature and importance of the Testimonies, the manner in which they are given, and how they should be regarded.” – Ellen G. White, Testimonies, vol. 5, page 654.

This quotation above appears as the first paragraph in the section entitled “The Nature and Influence of the ‘Testimonies’” in Testimonies, volume 5, pages 654 to 691. It may be well for you to read that entire section before and after you read this article. In that section, Mrs. White also wrote the following paragraph:

“I took the precious Bible and surrounded it with the several Testimonies for the Church, given for the people of God. Here, said I, the cases of nearly all are met. The sins they are to shun are pointed out. The counsel that they desire can be found here, given for other cases situated similarly to themselves. God has been pleased to give you line upon line and precept upon precept. But there are not many of you that really know what is contained in the Testimonies. You are not familiar with the Scriptures. If you had made God’s word your study, with a desire to reach the Bible standard and attain to Christian perfection, you would not have needed the Testimonies. It is because you have neglected to acquaint yourselves with God’s inspired Book that He has sought to reach you by simple, direct testimonies, calling your attention to the words of inspiration which you had neglected to obey, and urging you to fashion your lives in accordance with its pure and elevated teachings.” – Ellen G. White, Testimonies, vol. 5, pages 664, 665.

Further indications of the fact that whenever the word “Testimonies” appear in italics and with the capital “T” specifically refers to the nine volumes of the “Testimonies for the Church” can be seen in the next section of this article.

Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that God’s people who are living at the time of the end will be able to participate in the work of the third angel only if they have been studying and practising the instructions and counsels which the Lord has given in the nine volumes of the “Testimonies for the Church”.

6. To be Introduced into every Sabbathkeeping Family and be Read Again and Again

“The volumes of the Spirit of Prophecy, and also the Testimonies, should be introduced into every Sabbathkeeping family, and the brethren should know their value and be urged to read them. It was not the wisest plan to place these books at a low figure and have only one set in a church. They should be in the library of every family and be read again and again. Let them be kept where they can be read by many.” – Ellen G. White, Testimonies, vol. 5, page 681.

The above quotation, found in the same section entitled “The Nature and Influence of the ‘Testimonies’” in Testimonies volume 5, further indicates that the Testimonies do not refer to the writings of Mrs. Ellen G. White in general but rather to the nine volumes of the “Testimonies for the Church”. The importance of the “Testimonies for the Church” is further expressed in the following paragraph in the same section entitled “The Nature and Influence of the ‘Testimonies’”:

“‘In ancient times God spoke to men by the mouth of prophets and apostles. In these days he speaks to them by the testimonies of His Spirit. There was never a time when God instructed His people more earnestly than He instructs them now concerning His will and the course that He would have them pursue.’” – Ellen G. White, Testimonies, vol. 5, page 661.

God instructs His people more earnestly now because they are living through the events of the last days. Therefore, they need to study earnestly the counsels and instructions contained in the nine volumes of the “Testimonies for the Church.”

“‘Repentant sinners have no cause to despair because they are reminded of their transgressions and warned of their danger. These very efforts in their behalf show how much God loves them and desires to save them. They have only to follow His counsel and do His will, to inherit eternal life. God sets the sins of His erring people before them, that they may behold them in all their enormity under the light of divine truth. It is then their duty to renounce them forever.’ ‘If God’s people would recognize His dealings with them and accept His teachings, they would find a straight path for their feet and a light to guide them through darkness and discouragement.’” – Ellen G. White, Testimonies, vol. 5, page 661.

Why has God given us the “Testimonies for the Church” even though we already have the Bible for our study? The answer is given in the following paragraphs:

“The word of God is sufficient to enlighten the most beclouded mind and may be understood by those who have any desire to understand it. But notwithstanding all this, some who profess to make the word of God their study are found living in direct opposition to its plainest teachings. Then, to leave men and women without excuse, God gives plain and pointed testimonies, bringing them back to the word that they have neglected to follow. The word of God abounds in general principles for the formation of correct habits of living, and the testimonies, general and personal, have been calculated to call their attention more especially to these principles.” – Ellen G. White, Testimonies, vol. 5, pages 663, 664.

“The Lord designs to warn you, to reprove, to counsel, through the testimonies given, and to impress your minds with the importance of the truth of His word. The written testimonies are not to give new light, but to impress vividly upon the heart the truths of inspiration already revealed. Man’s duty to God and to his fellow man has been distinctly specified in God’s word, yet but few of you are obedient to the light given. Additional truth is not brought out; but God has through the Testimonies simplified the great truths already given and in His own chosen way brought them before the people to awaken and impress the mind with them, that all may left without excuse.” – Ellen G. White, Testimonies, vol. 5, page 665.

7. Linked with the Work of the Third Angel’s Message from Its Very Rise

As you can see from reading the section in Testimonies, vol. 5, pages 654 to 691, the nine volumes of the “Testimonies for the Church”, or Testimonies, are to be studied and practised by those who accept present truth. In fact the very first paragraph says:

“As the end draws near and the work of giving the last warning extends, it becomes more important for those who accept present truth to have a clear understanding of the nature and influence of the Testimonies, which God in His providence has linked with the work of the third angel’s message from its very rise. In the following pages are given extracts from what I have written during the last forty years, relating to my own early experience in this special work, and also presenting what God has shown me concerning the nature and importance of the Testimonies, the manner in which they are given, and how they should be regarded.” – Ellen G. White, Testimonies, vol. 5, page 654.

Thus God’s people who are living at the time of the end will be able to participate in the work of the third angel only if they have been studying and practising the instructions and counsels which the Lord has given in the nine volumes of the “Testimonies for the Church”. This matter is very important.

8. Object of the Testimonies

In pages 661 to 663 of Testimonies, volume 5, Sister White explains the purpose or object for which the “Testimonies for the Church” were given to God’s last day church. The following are some highlights of what she wrote in these pages:

  • God instructs His people through the Testimonies. “‘In ancient times God spoke to men by the mouth of prophets and apostles. In these days he speaks to them by the testimonies of His Spirit. There was never a time when God instructed His people more earnestly than He instructs them now concerning His will and the course that He would have them pursue.’” – page 661. Please bear in mind that we are examining the section in volume 5 of the “Testimonies for the Church” entitled “The Nature and Influence of the ‘Testimonies’”.
  • The Lord shows the needs and errors of His people who are living in the last days. “‘The Lord has seen fit to give me a view of the needs and errors of His people. Painful though it has been to me, I have faithfully set before the offenders their faults and the means of remedying them. .... Thus has the Spirit of God pronounced warnings and judgments, withholding not, however, the sweet promise of mercy. ....’” – page 661.
  • Although God’s people are being reminded of their transgressions and warned of their danger, they are not to despair. “‘Repentant sinners have no cause to despair because they are reminded of their transgressions and warned of their danger. These very efforts in their behalf show how much God loves them and desires to save them. They have only to follow His counsel and do His will, to inherit eternal life. God sets the sins of His erring people before them, that they may behold them in all their enormity under the light of divine truth. It is then their duty to renounce them forever.’ ‘If God’s people would recognize His dealings with them and accept His teachings, they would find a straight path for their feet and a light to guide them through darkness and discouragement.’” – page 661.
  • God’s special, chosen people are His representatives on earth. Therefore any sin in them dishonours His name. “‘Warnings and reproofs are not given to the erring among Seventh-day Adventists because their lives are more blameworthy than are the lives of professed Christians of the nominal churches, nor because their example or their acts are worse than those of the Adventists who will not yield obedience to the claims of God’s law, but because they have great light, and have by their profession taken their position as God’s special, chosen people, having the law of God written in their hearts. They signify their loyalty to the God of heaven by yielding obedience to the laws of His government. They are God’s representatives upon the earth. Any sin in them separates them from God and, in a special manner, dishonors His name by giving the enemies of His holy law occasion to reproach His cause and His people, whom He has called ‘a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people,’ that they should show forth the praises of Him that hath called them out of darkness into His marvelous light. ....’” – pages 661, 662.
  • God wishes to separate all sin and wickedness from His people. “‘The Lord reproves and corrects the people who profess to keep His law. He points out their sins and lays open their iniquity because He wishes to separate all sin and wickedness from them, that they may perfect holiness in His fear. .... God rebukes, reproves, and corrects them, that they may be refined, sanctified, elevated, and finally exalted to His own throne.’” – page 662.
  • God is merciful and cares for His people. “‘I have been looking over the Testimonies given for Sabbathkeepers and I am astonished at the mercy of God and His care for His people in giving them so many warnings, pointing out their dangers, and presenting before them the exalted position which He would have them occupy. If they would keep themselves in His love and separate from the world, He would cause His special blessings to rest upon them and His light to shine round about them. Their influence for good might be felt in every branch of the work and in every part of the gospel field. But if they fail to meet the mind of God, if they continue to have so little sense of the exalted character of the work as they have had in the past, their influence and example will prove a terrible curse. They will do harm and only harm. The blood of precious souls will be found on their garments.’” – page 662.
  • Sister White’s inquiry: “‘Testimonies of warning have been repeated. I inquire: Who have heeded them? Who have been zealous in repenting of their sins and idolatry, and have been earnestly pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus? .... I have waited anxiously, hoping that God would put His Spirit upon some and use them as instruments of righteousness to awaken and set in order His church. I have almost despaired as I have seen, year after year, a greater departure from that simplicity which God has shown me should characterize the life of His followers. There has been less and less interest in, and devotion to, the cause of God. I ask: Wherein have those who profess confidence in the Testimonies sought to live according to the light given in them? Wherein have they regarded the warnings given? Wherein have they heeded the instructions they have received?’” – pages 662, 663.


We have seen the evidences which determine whether a prophet is true or false. We have also seen the importance of the books which God’s last day messenger, Mrs. Ellen G. White, wrote during her life time. The importance of studying and following God’s counsels in the nine volumes of the “Testimonies for the Church” is adequately explained in this article. May God’s true remnant people realize the importance of reading these books again and again and to heed God’s instructions on how to prepare for the events of the last days.

Prayer: “Our Father in heaven, thank You so much for giving us more guidance for the last days through Your last day messenger, Mrs. Ellen G. White. Please help us to gain more knowledge of Your will through a faithful and diligent study of Your word, the Bible, and also the writings of Mrs. Ellen G. White. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

* * * End of Article * * *

Questions for Thought:

1. In spite of the fact that we already have the Bible, why would we still need to study the writings of Mrs. White, in particular, the nine volumes of the “Testimonies for the Church”?
2. Do Mrs. White’s writings help us prepare for the events of the last days?