Recommended Sherlock Holmes Pastiches on the Web

Rating stories is highly subjective. A posting on The Hounds of the Internet listed Frick's Rules for Good Pastiches, which is a reasonable set of guidelines. In general, the closer the stories met these guidelines, the higher I rated the stories. If they were not close to meeting these guidelines, then they would not be included in my list. So, parodies, satyrical stories, or those taken from a point of view other than Watson or Holmes did not qualify. Surprisingly few qualified. If you have similar interests, hopefully this list will save you time.

Back in 2002, I read most of the on-line pastiches pointed to by and Foxhound's Sherlockian Page.

Of course, I have a highly biased opinion about my own collection. Therefore, these stories aren't included in the list, but instead have been rated by other readers.

From best to worst, I recommend the following stories:

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