André Leclerc informatics consultant

Project risks

Here are the data elements to capture and record on the risks accompanying a project:

Data element Description
The identifier The data element that is only used for reference purposes.
The source The person who has identified or defined the risk.
The report date The date on which the risk was reported or recorded.
The description A clear and precise description of the risk.
The probability index The likelihood of a risk occurring.
The impact index The impacts of the risk on the project if the dreaded situation occurs.
The risk index An evaluation of the size of the risk, taking into account its likelihood and its impacts.
The measures The measures chosen to deal with the risk.
The responsible person The person selected to manage the risk.
The escalation The fact that this escalation is required or not within the organization.
The cross-references with other risks A risk can be affected by one or many other risks previously defined.
The active or inactive aspect of the risk The relevance of a particular risk in the current situation.

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One must prioritize the risks according to their probabilities of occurrence and their potential impacts.

If you do not confront the risks, they will attack you!

Here are some categories of risks to consider when defining project risks:

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