Thanks for your patience as they are lots of Photos Loading!

Nothing is impossible with the Ace Of Spades from old school painting to new resurrection glass eyed doll.I don't take any credits for customs from drawings books ,photos or movies! They all belong to their original creators (Burton/Disney/Anne Rice/King...).
I am not related to Living dead dolls official Mezco brand.

I can do everything from classic eyes to new glass eyes (the creepy dead look ones), new bjd crossed technic Sculpting. I can handle every style and technic so you can ask me to make any doll you have always dreamt of.


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graal dolls From Hell Circus

till death do us part From heaven Dark tales

~Sarah Spades~

Please Note: Commissioned Living Dead Doll are possible. Send me your drawing or pics
...Blood can be added
and clothes can be torn, burnt or have a dusty look !!
The dolls come with a certificate of authenticity and they are marked even those based on existing dolls.

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