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Tiddukla Tadelsant Tamazight di Ottawa - Hull
Association Culturelle Amazighe � Ottawa-Hull
 Amazigh Cultural Association in Ottawa - Hull
  tidukla tadelsant tamazigt Di utawua hul

Timeghri n Tmazight di Ottawa 
S lferh ameqwran ar awen n tessawed Tadukli Tadlsant Tamazight di Ottawa-Hull (TTTOH) lexbar belli teswejd-ed  taneghrit tamazight ti ssnat di Ottawa. Taneghrit-a ad tili di: 
Glebe Collegiate
212 Glebe Avenue,

Timeghri-ya ad ilint degs 3 n swaya di smana, yaana tarwa yellan degw gherbaz ameqwran (secondaire) akken yaana daghen icurafen merra akken yebghu yili le3mer-nsen. Timeghri-ya ad tessawed ghef uselmed n Tmazight, s tira-s, s wawalen-is, s tjerrumt-is, akken ara d-tessiwed daghen ghef umezruy, t-tsekla t-tgherma n Imazighen. 

Di tagera n useggwas n tmeghri-ya, tarwa n ugherbaz ameqwran ad sfaydin deg sin (2) n ismaden (cr�dits). Ma d icuraf ad awin yidsen aselkim n tezrawt n Tmazight. 

Tameghrit tamezwarut ad tili ass n ssebt 15 si cutenbir ad iteddun, si 10:15gher 12:15. Tamerta n wehric wis ssin ad yettunefk di tmeghrit-a tamezwarut.Win yebghan ad mmerkin gher-s ad yeddu gher Glebe Collegiate. 

Ad nesmekti daghen belli tameghrit n tmazight tamezwarut, yaanan tarwa imezyanen (si 6 gher 12 iseggwasen) teldi aseggwas-agi i3eddan, u tettili  deg wass n ssebt si 10:00- gher 12:30, deg-gw gherbaz i-d-yezgan di :

 Alexandre Visconti School
55  Mann Avenue,
Ottawa (Canada)
 Dinna i-d yettili umerki gher-s i wid yebghan ad mmerkin.
 Win i ran ad yissin akter ghef timeghra-ya, ad yaru i Tdukli gher : [email protected]

Tamazight classes in Ottawa
The Amazigh Cultural Association at Ottawa-Hull is pleased to inform you that a new class on the Tamazight language has opened this year and takes place every Saturday from 10:15 to 12:15 at:
Glebe Collegiate
212 Glebe Avenue,
 It is a 3-hour course per week and is aimed at high school students, as well as adults of any age. Besides the Tamazight language (conventional transcription, texts study, grammar, lexicon and dissertation), this course will cover Amazigh history, literature and civilization.
 For high school students, the course will be validated in terms of session credits (2 credits). Adults will receive a certificate on successful completion of the course.
 We would like to remind those of you who were not aware, that a course in Tamazight for children opened last year and takes place every Saturday from 10-00 to 12-30 at:
 Viscont Alexander School
55  Mann Avenue, Ottawa
 For more information regarding these two courses, please e.mail us to: [email protected]
Les Cours de Tamazight �  Ottawa
L’Association Culturelle Amazighe � Ottawa-Hull (ACAOH) a le plaisir de vous informer que le conseil scolaire d’0ttawa-Carleton a approuve l’ouverture d’une nouvelle classe de cours de Tamazight � Ottawa (Canada) �
Glebe Collegiate,
 212 Glebe Avenue, Ottawa.
 Le cours, d’une dur�e de 3 heures par semaine, s’adresse aux �l�ves du secondaire et aux adultes sans limite d’�ge. Il portera sur la langue Tamazight (transcription, �tude de textes, grammaire, lexique, r�daction) ainsi que sur l’histoire, litt�rature et civilisation des Imazighen).
 Le cours sera officiellement  cr�dit� (2 cr�dits) pour les �l�ves du secondaire et sanctionn� par un certificat d’�tudes de langue Tamazight pour les autres.
Le premier cours aura lieu ce samedi 15 septembre de 10h15 � 12h15. L’ horraire de la deuxi�me tranche du cours sera communiqu� lors de la premi�re s�ance. Les inscriptions auront lieu au Gl�be Collegiate Institute.
 Pour rappel, une pemi�re classe de Tamazight niveau primaire (de 6 � 13 ans) avait d�j� �t� inaugur�e l’an dernier et dont le cours a lieu tous les samedi de 10h � 12h30 �
l’�cole Alexandre Viscount ,
55   Mann Avenue, Ottawa (Canada) .
 Les inscriptions se font au si�ge de cette �cole.
Pour tout autre renseignement, merci de contacter l’ACAOH par e.mail au : [email protected]

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