Beware, those who enter may find themselves immersed in my nonsensical ramblings with very scary implications



Red spotted purple phase drain

Red spotted purple phase drain






LIGO SITE LIGO_VIRGO_S190521g screenshot of afterresonance

MRO taken with iPhone camera

MRO Picture taken with iPhone camera

Alienz dance yo!

The Next Wave, NSA Publication

Some food for thought...

Is there a way to induce surface acoustic waves (SAW) waves in conventional electrical systems?

If solutions to the Korteweg-deVries equation can be found that describe circuit laws for electronic solitons, this may be possible. The question is, how hard is it to find such solutions and what's the right approach to finding them?

40 Hz Auditory Steady State response, basis for consciousness research and binding field modes in the study of the brain:

40 Hz Auditory response stimulus-induced desynchronization (feedback)

Visual Steady State response research into visual evoked potential in brain EEG, and field mode study analogue in the visual domain:

VSSR Visual Steady State Response (paper)

A great book on EEG and the study of electric potentials in the brain and environment:

Electric Fields of the Brain: Neurophysics of EEG

Reality mappings as a fundamental representation of reality, and not dynamics at its core: Internal representations of stimulus synchronization (field modes like the 40 Hz response field) are based on dipole waveforms as described in Nunez's book Neurophysics of EEG. What kind of map might map the internal dipole to an external dipole field? In my view, likely d/dt zeta_0(2*pi*40*t), which causes waves in the atmosphere akin to an inverse-whistler that translates to a higher frequency. This synchronizes the translation aspect of the field mode (mapping).

Additionally, synchronization of environmental modes through optoelectric emission of d^2/dt^2 zeta_0(2*pi*40*t) (impulse driving of the map), allows for imaging new kinds of particles, and at new frequencies of photons.


Satellite communication is the future for redundant systems. World governments have exploited this technology for decades. Satellite control of electrical and biological systems is also in our future, and many other technologies involving energy in terms of satellites. How will this be accomplished and what is the next step in ensuring that the battlefield doesn't arrive at our doorstep?

Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear threat reduction

Some passive resonators (worn in a wallet), or hung on a wall, can protect against chemical, biological threat, or nuclear detonation. Additionally, active emission can be targeted at an incoming nuclear warhead to increase the chance of fizzle. This is through nyquist theory of gauge optics, in terms of gauge emission that is 2nd order to the U(1) unitarity symmetry of the electromagnetic field in dirac electrodynamics. Novichok agents can be manufactured with van der waals like materials and organophosphate binders like found in fertilizers. Decimation of a polar molecule is one way novichok agents are made. Some types of resonators may protect against foam like time domain stretching and persistance of novichok agents in terms of dispersal from the body on membranes and countering asphyxiation by passive and active techniques are also possible. Similar technologies may also be effective against weaponization of prion diseases particular technologies effective for alteration of viscosity and nuclear layer-modulation (persistant shake modulation in Friedel phase) like in the solar phase striplines.

Countering keyword and subject matter masking by OTHRs such as Ghadir and some near Dugway

Passive resonators and active emission can also remove masking effects on subject matter and keywords done by Over-the-horizon-radar-like tech such as the Ghadir radar which is part of the Mersad system (based on the US HAWK) radar. Some Israeli policy sites are affected, and scale trasnformations of information are often used for the masking. This has relevance to the 2nd / 1st Iraq War. There were likely precedessors of Ghadir involved, and the Iranian technology is extensive.

The 'Holy Grail' - Usage in Medicine

Passive and active resonators have utility in similar diseases to the above conditions particularly mental illness, and other conditions. Effective for information dissemination without limiting forms of psycho-social control, and alleviation of joint and other pain due to arthritis, and good temperment.

Research into Luminous Acoustic Phenomenon (LAP)

Entanglement coherence enhancement from train whistle at train museum

Volcano base-like sound

Hodgekin-Huxley bandwidth transform chirp


American Physical Society


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Feedback loops

B00M, Shakalacka!

40 Hz