! Mercanary Script ! Copyright (c)1997 AbyssWare ! By: AbyssDragon ! abyssdragon@juno.com http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/2795 ! Modified from civilian.scr by DCSoftware ! ! This is the script I use for mercanaries in my game. It's pretty basic. ! If you don't understand it, then you need to practice in DCGames Scripting ! some more. ! Npc.value contains the cost to hire !------------------------------------------------------------------------! :@TALK ! Talk to the character ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------! if player.hp = 0 then writeln( player.name, " is dead!" ); STOP; endif; if npc.count = 0 then L0 = msgbox( ERROR, 1, "Ok", "ERROR: NPC Script called with no NPC selected!" ); STOP; endif; if npc.picture >= 0 then viewpcx(npc); endif; ! Introduction.... Give options loadtext(npc.text); readtext( npc.text ); pause; paint(window); S1 = swriteln( "If you need my services, then I go for ", npc.value, " gold."); L0 = msgbox( EXCLAMATION, 2, "Hire", "Cancel", S1); pause; paint(window); on L0 goto HIRE, XSTOP; goto XSTOP; :HIRE if group.gold < npc.value then L0 = msgbox( EXCLAMATION, 1, "Okay", "I don't work for free. Come back when you have the money."); goto XSTOP; else dec( group.gold, npc.value); JOIN; endif; !-----------------------------------------------------------------! ! All STOPs now lead here so the screen can be restored if needed ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------! :XSTOP if npc.picture >= 0 then paint(window); ! Assumes the picture fits in the window ! endif; stats(-1); ! Refresh Statistics ! STOP;