Geography: One piece of mainland with a center and land extending northeast, northwest, and south. Southwest of the world is a branch of islands unexplored by the people of the mainland... at the north pole there's a place called the Sanction Island. East of the coast of the mainland is a small island inhabited by pirates. Key Locations: Mondavia: Located at the southeast coast of the mainland, Mondavia is a remote village fitting for both half-humans and fine humans. Relatively uninfluenced by the Human Empire and frequenly encounter the dark warriors. Birthplace of Jay Lightborn and Raine Hinemaid (They're close neighbors, by the way...) Fine Human Capital (Leponia): Located at the east of the center of the mainland, very much near the east coast of mainland. Extremely civilized society (1800s Europe set in a Medieval background would serve just right) and class different is extremely significant. Governing center of the human empire, trading center, etc. The birthplace of Eric Solvakia the noble. The Lonely Mountains: Located south of Leponia and north of Mondavia, a small village consist of pure half-humans reside in the ore filled cavern areas. Seperates Monadvia from the influence of the Human Empire. Highly advanced in craftmanship of weaponary. Ken Ragerite and Le Ax Gnol's home (although every half-human who move there is origionally from all over the Human Empire) Pirates Island: Located northeast of the Lonely Mountains. A group of Fine human/Half human pirates conquers the sea inbetween Mondavia and Leponia... another reason for Mondavia to be seperated from the Human Empire. These pirates are currently expanding onto mainland... might be considerable trouble to the already troubled Human Empire government. East Pass: Located north of Leponia in a bottleneck area between the northeast extension of the Human Empire and the the Osim's forest. Only those with identification can enter into the land of the Osims... they're still being prejudiced as "dangerous animals" in the eyes of the fine humans. Osim's forest: A huge forest occupying the northeast part of the island beyond the East Pass. A mystical dwelling place for the peace loving Osims. A gateway in the middle of the maze like forest opens the way to the Sanction Island. Sanction Island: Located near the north pole, the island was being created by mages who wanted to escape from the corrupted world. Tradition is, once that a person wanders into Sanction Island, they will have to stay in the island and never leave again. Every citizen is devoted to the "Religion of Heaven". They wear white robes and act really polite to each other... an angelistic community from inside out. Nighthawk's Peak: Located northeast of Leponia and between East Pass and West Pass. The highest mountain on the land of DS, and the resident of various monsters as well as the famous Air Staff. Ganisburg: Located directly west of the Leponia, near the border of the Human Empire's influence. A meeting place for traders from all over the place... the only thing that work in Ganisburg is money and a sharp tongue. Desert of the Hopeless: Extends from Ganisburg into the west coast. A desert full of evil powers... famous to be a place of no return... illusions formed inside the desert along with the intense heat would be enough to drive anyone crazy! Temple of Light: An abandoned temple that was once being placed to worship the dragon of light. Dark Fortress: Another abandoned castle once used by the evil Forsu'tar. Forsu'tar II, his altar-ego, now leads his rebelled group of half humans and recide in this castle as the new capital of the rebellion. Magic System: When I mentioned the powers in the world, I pretty much explained the magic system as well... most of the spells are being composed of one or more elements (light, darkness, the four minor elements), and a mage would mainly concentrate on a single element to study. Of course there are "part-time" students like Raine, who studies in the Tower of Xovus (it wasn't being mentioned becasue it's a minor location. It's located pretty much inside the range of Mondavia). Spell points will not be counted in the traditional MP method nor the TSR's memorization method... it'll be categorized into element points. For Example: Raine Hinemaid casts Meteor Shower, which consists of both Earth and Air powers. Such a spell will require 3 points of Earth MP and 1 point of Air MP. These will be subtracted out of Raine's MP storage individually. Shouldn't be too hard to understand... The Storyline: (revised version) Jay just got past 19 years old... he wants to help his father, so he pleaded him to bring Jay to hunt. It is a windy and cloudy day, but the father and son don't really care... ambushed by the dark soldiers, Jay is being put to sleep by spells and his father murdered. When Jay wake up, his father tell him to "open the steel box" that he hided from Jay for so long... Raine is there too. The two returns to the village... Raine is devestated to see her mother being knocked to the floor and the household item flipped and crashed (Raine like to keep stuff organized even though the family is so poor). It seems that the whole village is being raided, but suprisingly Raine find a gold amulet on the table... the biggest suprise of all is that she find a small painting of young Raine (Raine is 18 at that time, the picture showing her in the age of 4-5) and her long lost father... Back to Jay. Inside the box is a piece of scroll written in ancient languages and a steel sword that his father kept with his life. Jay and Raine finally decides to seek the priests in the Tower of Xovus for assistance... only to find a place full of dead people... the Highest Priest is alive, only hanging on by the last thread of magic... the dark soldiers was there. The Highest Priest glanced through the scroll, didn't have time to say anything but he point to Jay and says "You're the one..." then dies. Jay and Raine decides to seek help at Leponia (that place is more civilized) and they set foot on the Lonely Mountain. During midnight Raine is being kidnapped by some people that Jay cannot really see clearly... devesated he follow the path of those criminals to the hidden village of the Half-humans... he met Ken Ragerite, who is devestated also because the leader of the village is being assassinated. Ken accuse Jay as the murderer and Jay accuse Ken of "stealing" Raine. But then, Jay is now in Ken's territory... he's being captured and jailed inside the hidden village. Meanwhile, Raine finds herself on a ship to the pirate island... seems like that the pirates are trying to get another female slave to "work out" with... but keeping Raine is their mistake... Led by a mysterious voice, she broke out of the pirate's den and reach the edge of the sea. In a bright light the Ice Bow appeared, before the eyes of Raine and a dozen pirates who chased Raine. With the power of Xovus and the help of thousands of slaves Raine managed to overrun the pirates and start sailing back to mainland. She brings with her the knowledge of the six weapons and part of the truth about the "powerful" mage who save the world in the War of the Dragons. It's an intense night at the hidden village within the Lonely Mountain... the dark army is advancing, and their powers are unstoppable... seems like that they'll never die! Ken, the temporary leader of the milita, is troubled... he can only place his last hope on their prisoner, Jay... (as a side note, there's even prejudice between different types of half-humans... as you have seen in the rough draft of Jay and Ken, Jay is more human like and Ken is more beast like, even though they're both half human) A mysterious lonesome child insists that he'll accompany Jay and Ken. Jay, seeing that this child has some sort of sterness and power, decides that the child should come along. The child's name is Le Ax Gnol, who is currently 8 years old. When Jay and Ken returns to the battle, strange things occured... first, Le Ax Gnol (Hmm, isn't this name strange? Try to unscramble LEAX... and by the way, Long is part of my middle name) mumbles words of incredible power to create protection fields for the half human warriors, and under these spells Jay's steel sword suddenly glow with a bright light, and the power of the sword overcomes the dark soldier's seemingly undefeatable powers. Ken and Jay follows the path of destruction to see what the evil army is after. Turns out that the evil army is trying to reach the deepest part of an abandoned mine... when the two warriors reach the end of the cavern, they met Raymond the Razor for the first time... at first the battle seems unfavorable with Raymond's powerful Sword of Flame and Jay losing Light power within his steel sword, but then an earthquake stops the battle. Raymond escaped in time, leaving our heroes behind with the collapsing cavern... Somehow Ken and Jay survived the earthquake... with an unclear mind Ken discovers the Earth Axe... an ancient voice of the Earth dragon reveals another hidden history of the War of the Dragons... With the dark armies diminished and the Earth Axe recovered, Le Ax Gnol insisted that Ken should go with Jay, and so the two set foot toward Leponia. Another night... Ken and Jay run into a group of hostile warriors in the darkness... when the confusion clears, a torchlight revels the faces of the two parties: Raine on one side and Jay on the other. Of course the two are glad to reunite... no personal feelings for Jay though... With numerous effort Jay and his two friends finally manage to reach Leponia... but then things are not as good as they thought... no scholar can read the language, and the most respected elders refuse to see anyone but the king's guests, plus the prejudice for half-humans (Raine's doing most of the talking...) and the tension inside the capital (The news of Fosu'tar's rebellion bring fears to many fine human... what if every half-human join that bastard and fight back against the Human Empire??) make the progress even worst... Residing in a tavern the party find Eric, a troubled noble decedent (he didn't reveal his identity at that time, he just said something like "normal citizen", which is respectable enough) who don't want to follow his family's order to marry a nobility (she's not ugly, just too plain and boring...). Eric seeks adventure, which he'll never get living in a civilized society... a few drinks in the bar didn't do him any good either, except to get him into more trouble by running in a local bully.. (Leponia is large enough that the Human Empire government don't really have control over every corner in the city, sigh...) weak and defenseless physically (not to mention drunk), Eric is beaten nearly to death until Jay and his gang show up and save the day. By saving Eric's live our three little unworthy slum suddenly become the savior of a prince! Now our heroes would finally get a chance to meet the elders and get the torn scroll translated... suprisingly the second half of the scroll is already there... and the story revealed... The "heroic" mage who trick the six dragons into turning each other into weapons trys to own these powers unto himself but failed... even as the dragons are being locked into weapons they still possess abilities to choose the "beholder" (owner) of the weapon. The mage decides that if he can't own the powers, nobody will... he hide the weapons in six exotic (meaning rare and unreachable, for all you lusty men) locations: beneath the surface of Mondavia lies the Light Blade, in the dreaded cavern of the Lonely Mountain lies the Earth Axe, at the edge of the Pirate Island (unoccupied at that time) the Ice Bow is being thrown into the sea, the Air Staff sits on top of the Nighthawk's Peak (actually, the active white dragon already revealed this to the citizens in Leponia thru telepathic means, but it's just that no one is brave enough to get up there...), the Fire Sabre (sorry that I said sword in the beginning... can't remember everything at once...) stabbed into the hottest soil of the Desert of the Hopeless (recovered by Rayomd the Razor) and finally, the Sword of Darkness is supposed to lay inside the Dark Fortress. Little did our heroes know that Fosu'tar tricked the frightened mage to release the black dragon, and Fosu'tar slay the mage immediately after his release... To advance the defense of the Human Empire, the Air Staff must be sought and kept. Since Eric is being seen by the elderly as a "chosen beholder" (as well as Raine, Jay, and Ken), the four pack up to head for Nighthawk Peak... only to find that the Air Staff is --- GONE. Our heroes trace the lost Staff to the Osim forest. Even though the Osims promise that the Air Staff will be returned to our heroes under good intentions, Eric and Ken simply distrust these "female griffins and male centurs"... Two key things happened... Raine finally appeal to Jay and try to express her emotions fully, only to recieve a blurred and negative reply... defining her situation as "hopeless", Raine head for the River of Love (If you still remember, those lovers who exchange a drink of the water from this river gets blessing from the Gods... remember that now?) and try to drown herself to death. Eric, who was already attracted to Raine back in Leponia, comes to the rescue. With a heart to repay Eric's gratitude Raine decides to give Eric a try... In the midst of these welcoming feasts comes a "beautiful" Osim (body length blonde hair full grown upper body... but the griffin part... well... she really can't help it...) girl who falls in love with Jay... by desperate means she seek the mysterious powers in the forest to trade herself for a night as a human female... And so, Jay and this unexpected female had a nice of romance... and this poor girl was found dead next day... (what a tragic yet romantic love... only I can think of plots like these... what am I thinking... seesh, brain overload!) Finally at the right day the Osims send our heroes thru the portal into Sanction Island, a place full of pure and angelistic monks. They worshipped the Air Staff as a symbol of faith... finally our heroes have to steal the Air Staff and leave overnight... the wrath of the Sanction Island Monks (aha, see who's so "pure" and "lovingly kind" now...) drive these monks back thru the portal and start seeking the Osims for revenge. Jay and Ken feel that they own the Osims (the two are half-humans and feel the same prejudice and suffering...). The Osims agrees to help the Human Empire in battles in exchange for the human's protection... Our heroes head back to the ever-messed-up-Leponia... everyone in the city is in fear that the dark army would consume the whole land... even the Air Staff and the help of the Osims don't bring comfort. With a heart of revenge Jay step up and decides to make Fosu'tar II suffer (he's now positive that Fosu'tar II is the Black Dragon's human replica, thanks to the Sanction Monk's "all knowing" telepathic abilities) for attacking Mondavia, Leponia and killing his father... The Ganisburg stop was pretty much unplanned in my storyline... but it'll show the corruption of money in a civilized world, as well as giving the player a chance to buy exotic armor (again, the world exotic means rare in context) at a unreasonable price. In the middle of the Desert of the Hopeless the party is being seperated by a sandstorm and all four of them fall into a dozen illusionary distractions... Eric sees himself marrying the woman he don't like (the plain girl that his family planned for him), and having a family life that he don't want... he finds the hopeless and repetive aspect of life... Raine sees Jay leaving her with that transformed Osim into the darkness forever... (Raine was there when Jay found that transformed blonde... at least Raine saw part of the play between Jay and the other girl...) she finds the sad and broken heart that lies withing herself... Ken sees his people in the Lonely Mountain being slaughtered in a raid... he sees the tragic side of fate... Jay sees the killing of his father... origionally sad and hopeless, he finally discovers that everything is illusion... he brakes the illusion barrier and take his companions out of their misery... they find out that everything is illusion, and they're back on the road again. Finally they reach the West Pass, but a dark soldier ambush at that place left Raine captured and Eric heart broken. Jay knows that to truly restore the power of the Light Blade (which, through numerous experiments, is definitely the ordinary looking steel sword in his father's steel box) he must visit the Temple of Light. And at that place he hears his destiny: Destroy the plane of the dead and restore the balance of Light and Darkness! In the meantime, Raine is being locked in a chamber in the Dark Fortress and she is being watched by Raymond daily... she finds out that the brutal killer (who left Raine and her mother so that he can gain good for his family... later he find out that he's a "beholder" and under Fosu'tar's personal guidiance he recovers the Flame Sabre... but then he still remembers his daughter... he tries to find her in the village of Mondavia but Raine left to see Jay and his dying father at that time... so Raymond left Raine that golden amulet for Raine to remember her father). Raymond tries to convince his daughter to join Fosu'tar II (doesn't have to be marriage... I guess partnership would do fine in this case) and equal the powers (water+fire+darkness VS earth+air+light), but our heroic Raine refused... With the power of light at hand, Jay gathered the Osims/Human joint force and starts the attack of the cities around the dark fortress. During these lonely time he felt how wrong he is to refuse Raine's love... that his foolishness cause him to lose the only woman he loved... and now Eric owns her... Back to the Dark Fortress Fosu'tar II and Raymond finally decides to use Raine as bait to break the heart of Eric and Jay... using the Black Dragon's powers a private conversation between Raymond and Raine is being "boardcasted" in the midst of a heated battle. Raine reveals her hidden heart for Jay and the intention of her suicide. Eric turn mind blown and start to attack Jay... Jay had no choice but to knock Eric into heavy injury until he faints... Fosu'tar, fearing the powers and worried beneath his confident look, decides that Raymond and Raine are both untrustable. In a plot to kill them both Fosu'tar give lethal damage to Raymond during one of the father-daughter conversation (although Raine rejects the idea of joining evil, she still loves her father, and she don't resist and chance to talk to her father...). Fianlly seeing the mistake of his past, Raymond break free of Raine's chain with his last ounce of strength and pass the Flame Sabre to Raine. Fosu'tar knows that he must finish Raine before everything's too late... But then it is too late, for in comes Jay and Ken... the power of Darkness might be strong, but with five elemental forces combined Fosu'tar's spirit is finally being put to rest by our heroes... Eric, deep in his fatal wounds, tell Raine and Jay to forget his immature love, that he really should listen to his family's advice and marry that plain yet faithful girl... Eric died a peaceful death, with enlightenment finally filling his heart in the last moment... The wedding between Raine and Jay is grand, the marriage a happy one... but the story doesn't stop here. What about the plane of the dead? What about the forbidden island? What secret lies there? How to put the powers of evil down once and for all? If you are still reading to this point, do you want to play Dragon Saga II? (Hahahaha...GOTCHA!) Character Specifics: (For a character sketch, please visit JAY LIGHTBORN: A rather complex character. Wants to be a good hunter just like his father... he respects and loves his father. He has a heart to revive the position of half-humans yet he doesn't really know how to do so. He loves Raine from the beginning, but he repress his feelings because he feel that he's too low to fit such a wonderful woman; besides, in the realm of love he's completely recessive and defensive... most of the time he'll have to go against his feelings and say something killing to Raine's heart. Besides these internal affairs, Jay is a light-hearted man full of courage and responsiblity. He'll try to help anyone at any cost... extremely heroic on the outside and extremely well in hiding feelings on the inside. RAINE HINEMAID: A beautiful girl from the start, Raine is head to toe a property of Jay... it's just that Jay can't really figure it out until the end of the story. As a member of a hunter's village, she's the best archer there is to be found. Have high interest in arts of magery and she studies at the Tower of Xovus... Xovus's warm and forgiving personality pave a path for Raine's reaction to some of the events that she face in the future. Since she lost her father at a young age, she have to turn to the Highest Priest of the Tower of Xovus for comfort... the Highest Priest becomes a father like character in Raine's life. When Raine is being rescued by Eric, she starts to pay attention to other men besides Jay, but a short (at least inside of her heart it is) affiar indicates that Eric is more like an older brother for her... it's not intimate love... it's brotherly love. Raine had been praising her father as her hero... a person that she'll never see until the end of the story, her father's image was being built to perfection all through her life... no wonder that even her father turns out to be the brutal killer Raymond the Razor, her mind would still think of him as a loving and kind father who join Fosu'tar only for her good. KEN RAGERITE: Violent and emotional in general, Ken is more like a babarian compared to Jay's more rational personality. He despite the position of his people; he wants to be a leader who leads the people in the hidden image to glory against the fine humans. Have heavy prejudice and distrust against anyone except people in his village. When people becomes his friend, however, he'll entrust these friends with his own life. By the way... he hates magic... he consider it as "fighting without honor". Fair match is what he's looking for... that's why Jay become such a good friend to him after all the conflicts between them are cleared. ERIC SOLVAKIA: As a fine human nobility he lived the first half of his life in the control of his family and the influence of the society. Secretly he seeks adventure... and he actually prepare himself for it by studying the art of magic with an elder that he trust. The elder taught him everything interesting about the world besides the magic part; that only taunts Eric further into leaving his home into adventure. When he's being introduced to the massive pressure of social matchmaking, he can only release his feelings at a local slum bar. Then, Raine come into his life, unexpectly, angelistically like his savior. His physical as well as inner self fall in love with her in first sight... that's why he'd go through all of the troubles putting them as the king's guest, following them to Nighthawk's peak (he doesn't care a damn about the world's fate... he's simply doing it for adventure and most of all, Raine), and finally get his dream fulfilled by rescuing Raine from her suicide... a tragic and blind love that is, the mystic curtains being torn by Raine's confession in the final battles. Stressed and heart broken, Eric turn into an emotional break down and kill anyone who seems to be stealing Raine's love... Jay is the perfect target... it's in the final moments of his life that he realize a secure family is not so bad... a mechanical life might be boring but it's also fulfilling... enlightened, he died happily and peacefully. Monsters List(Need A LOT OF Expansion): Dark Army (Skeleton): The Evil Black Dragon's ultimate weapon of destruction. In Dragon Saga, Skeletons are much harder to beat than a typical TSR clone RPG game... they are truly undead, their bones protected by black magic, they'd also bring along the magic and physical powers along to their afterlife... the only weapon against these undeads are magical/spell enhanced weapons and/or spells. Pirates(Half/Fine Human): The most infamous ones are located at the Pirate Island.(where else?) Typical pirates are being born as son of another pirate and one of the more favored female servents (pirates never marry). Childhood composed nothing but combat training and a lot of practice to enjoy the treasure owned by the pirates... when they grow up, they're all in the same mold: a brutal killer of the sea with outstanding navigational skills, a hatred for anyone besides pirates, and a special taste for gold, jewels, and women. A Basic Understanding of the Fine Human Society: Basically, the Fine Human lives in a world of Medieval Monarchy. There's still a king, and he still holds actual power, though not as much as a dictator. Under the king comes the three branch: The Purity Priests, The Military Commanders, and The Society Fighters. Purity Priests are basically law makers. They have the power to make a law that's as ridiculus as they wish (once they made a law that banned spitting; finally's being outruled by the Society Fighters) as long as the king and the Society Fighters agrees in the law. Military Commanders controls more than troops... they are also the tax collectors, diplomats, and budget keepers. The Society Fighter is the only branch that is not composed of directly decended Nobles/Priests. The 12 Society Fighters (the other two branches are consist of 12 people aso, by the way) are being elected from the people of each city under the Empire's control. Their job is to fight for the right of the people... Clashes between the three branches are often, resulting in a tension in the king's court no matter what time of the year it is. The Elders are the minor influencial group. They are veterans of the War of the Dragons or politic experts who don't really care about politics at such a high age. They'll see no one but the best of the best (the king's guests are always among their meeting list though) For human relationships, fine human nobilities are strictly isolated from other half humans and females during their childhood. They'd study language, art, social skills (including anything from makeups to dance steps), combat skills (most of the fine humans studies magic, but advanced levels of spell casting are not allowed to be taught due to unwanted circumstances, so officially the teaching that Eric recieves from the Elder is illegal), and politics. At the age of 21 (and strictly no women before that... fine humans are pretty much out of the trouble of unwanted pregnancy and foolish teenage romance except a few specialized cases) the parents of the child will hold a grand feast inviting every friends and relatives to the house. In this grand dance our fine human child have the one and only chance to dance with any women he wants... but the parents will decide which girl is fitting, and they'll come up to the parents of the chosen girl. Once the marriage is settled (it's not really that difficult... setting up a marriage is more like selling a female slave...) our poor little fine human will have no choice but to marry the chosen girl. Only then will he be accepted to the adult society of politics and scholarship. (hey, fine humans don't do the dirty work; their half-human servents do it for them) They can finally be released from their parents contol and become a free (and married) man. The life of a female living in a fine human society is pretty much like a fine human male (Requirement is that these girls must be blonde/brown/red hair with white skin and blue eyes, much like the other fine humans. There's actually no difference between females with different looks, unlike the significant physical and mental difference between fine and half human males. Since Raine looks very much like a fine human, she added a lot of guilt to Jay... that's his reason to say that he's not fit for Raine...). They are being educated in the same way until they're 17, when their parents start to force these girls to attend feasts hosted by the fine human males' families. If everything goes well they'll marry... but if they're still single by the age of 21, they'll be ruled as "unfit for breeding"(which is not really true) and these girls are fine to leave the society if they wish... (Raine's mother is such a person... she left her fine human parents to pursue Raymond, who was still a soldier fighting along with Mehjven in the War of the Dragons...) they are mostly being treated as low as the half humans in this point... a good reason for these "unmarried widows" to seek adventure or marriage in the half-human society. As a side note, Borgads can only play a minor role in the first game of Dragon Saga... they're mostly employed as governers of the different cities. Although they are being highly respected, the extreme prejudice of the fine human society cause these intelligent individuals out of the seats in the king's court (although they might be one of the Freedom Fighters, which consist of anything from Fine Humans and Females to Borgads and Half Humans. Osims are the only exception) Basics of the Half-Human Society: The only "organized" half-human lives in slums around the castle of Leponia. They're uneducated, and mostly spend the rest of their lives as a soldier or they'll inherit their father's job, whatever that is. Half humans covers a wide range of dirty works... if it's dirty, they'd do it. Marriage is more open than fine humans... free love, unwanted pregnancy and other teenage romance troubles are common among half humans. (another reason for fine humans to look at them with a prejudiced eye) The goverment would care less about these slum areas... most of the time a gang or a single bully can take over an area by brute force. Remote villages like Mondavia and the Hidden Village in the Lonely Mountains are relatively a kingdom unto themselves... they have their own politic system (sometimes complex to the point where no one but a Borgad would understand), army, and life style. The Osim's Life Style: Notice that I didn't use the word "government" nor "society", because the Osims generally don't have either in their world. If they're not being hunted by humans, Osims basically live like the elves in a typcal Japanese RPG game: They seek true romance, they love nature, and they are friendly enough to host feasts for any human who is friendly to them. Due to their constant escape from human hunters, Osims don't have a settlement in the forest that they reside in... they hate wars, despite the fact that they're rides for soldiers during the War of the Dragons, their only reason being "they want the war to end faster". Talking about romance, Osims do have a lot of tales and myths that kept the spirit of them going... like the tale where a Osim couple dies and become one star, and another saying that whoever exchange a drink out of the River of Love (in which Raine and Jay did it in a very unnoticed way... they "accidentally" did that in one of the numerous feasts that the Osims held for our heroes) will recieve blessings from the Gods... Religion Practiced in the land of Dragon Saga: For most fine humans (especially those who live near Leponia), they treat the Dragon of Air as a symbol of faith (so did the monks in the Sanction Island, as I will describe later)... although the dragon served Fosu'tar during the War of the Dragons, he did his best to repay the damage he had done using whatever power he had left after the war (remember that even as trapped weapons these six dragons still have influencial powers) to help the people... so the White Dragon is being praised as "bad gone good", origin of him as a symbol of faith. Females living in any corner of the world tend to worship the more tender and loving Xovus... a common practice is for these young girls to kneel before the sea and give a prayer that she'll find the perfect match. (although in reality Xovus don't really have too much influence over everyone's marriage... what do you think the Blue Dragon is, your ideal matchmaker?) Half humans who becomes soldier would either worship Mehjven, Uosvj'ar, or Esuar, depending on their personalities. Most soldiers with a heart to fight for the good follows the leading of Mehjven. Those who wish to fight for the land choose Uosvj'ar as their guide... some obsessed soldiers who want nothing but power would secretly give prayers to Esuar (banned in fine human laws... at least this is a more reasonable law) Besides the six dragons, Osims and the Monks in Sanction Island believe in a "Higher God": in their explanation, the Higher God determines the fate of everything, even the fate of the six dragons... rumors has it that the Higher God created the dragon eggs.