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www.edelsteinorakel.de (ger),  Willkommen! Auf diesen Seiten möchten wir Ihnen eines der ältesten Orakel der Welt vorstellen: Das Edelsteinorakel. Schon in den ältesten Städten der Welt, wie Mohenjo Daro und Harappa, in der alten Sarasvati-Kultur, haben die Menschen auf diese Weise ihr Schicksal befragt. Die millionenfache Anwendung des Orakels ist tief im kosmischen Äther verwurzelt, so dass es auch heute noch jedem die Möglichkeit gibt, über Orakelsteine mit der höheren Weistheit zu kommunizieren - so wie es einst die Autoren der indisschen Palmblattbibliotheken taten. Dieses Orakel können Sie nun auch hier Online befragen oder als Software für Ihren Computer nutzen. Eine genauere Beschreibung über die Funktionsweise des Edelsteinorakels, sowie Informationen zum Programm finden Sie unter dem Menupunkt "Das Edelsteinorakel". Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spannung und Erkenntnis bei der Arbeit mit dem Orakel!

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http://www.shyamasundaradasa.com (engl), Jataka (Natal), Prasna, Muhurta, and Nimitta, Teacher: Krishnan Potti (Prasna Marga style of Kerala. The computer program he wrote for calculating the Vedic Calendar is used in hundreds of ashrams worldwide and is freely availble for download and use. Use it to calculate your own local Vedic Calendar. He began developing Vedic Astrology software in 1979. This culminated in a joint venture, in 1988, with Matrix software and the publishing of a professional level program Jyotish Vedic Astrology program. He was requested by Dr. BV Raman (October, 1992) to become a founding member of the American Council for Vedic Astrology (ACVA). He declined. He has authored numerous articles on Vedic astrology and Philosophy. He maintains a private online "Symposium" for Vedic Astrology since 1993. He has large astrological practice of satisfied clients. Memberships:Vedic Calendar Committee, Patron member--Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS), head of the Bhaktivedanta College School of Jyotish - Vedic Astrology

 http://www.harimedia.com/ (eng), HariMedia. Tapes and CD`s with music, lectures and seminars by Hari


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(ger), die planetarische Verbindung, "die Sonne verkündet seine Helligkeit in einem Rubin, obgleich es ist ein Edelstein."
Sri Brahma Samhita : 5.49,  Die Planetarischen Kräuter , Planeten U. Edelsteine (Englisch) , Edelstein-Konflikte ……….


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 (eng), Thank you for using this software. This software was created with a lot of care, love and devotion. Please use it to help people and to conduct researches to enrich our collective understanding of Vedic astrology. It is the author's earnest and sincere hope that your use of this software will result in a lot of souls being helped and also in a renaissance in the Vedic astrological knowledge! God bless you and God bless all! :: Om Tat Sat :: Vedic astrology software Jagannatha Hora (version 5.0)

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 (eng) free yjotish software from Sri Jaganatha vedic center, Now you can buy the commercial Vedic astrology software Jagannatha Hora (version 5.0). The free lite version "Jagannatha Hora Lite" is still available for Vedic astrologers who cannot afford expensive software!!

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http://www.brihaspati.net/  (eng), great site of Gauranga Das, how to consruct Sri Yantra

 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~jcaracci/higgins_bros_success_story.htm (eng)

 http://www.geocities.com/planetaryastro/index.htm, http://www.geocities.com/planetaryastro/remedy.htm(eng),
http://www.srijagannath.org - Site of Sri Jagannath Centre
http://www.srath.com (eng), - Site of Guru Sanjay Rath, Welcome! We hope the eternal light of the holy lamp of Jyotish shall guide you in your life's journey.

http://www.vedicastrologer.org (eng), - Site of Guru P.V.R. Narasimha Rao

http://www.jyotish.net/ (eng)


http://groups.yahoo.com/group/varahamihira/ Sri Jagannath Center A classroom for discussions, distribution of literature and views on Jyotish (Vedic astrology) based on the teachings of Maharshi Parasara, Jaimini etc. This is the tradition of the Jyotish Parampara coming down from Sri Achyuta Dasa, the ardent disciple of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

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