Errors of the Kuffar:

Part 1 - The Kaffir Error of Freedom

All Praise and All Thanks are for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to whom we shall all return to be judged on The Last Day.

Yet again we have heard the ignorant chant - the pagan mantra - from the current leader of kufr, Bush the Amerikan, that he and the Zionist-Crusader alliance of which he is the figurehead are fighting a war "for freedom", which "freedom" the enemies of the Zionist-Crusader alliance allegedly hate and despise and want to destroy. (Speech by Bush on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Jumaadi Al-Thaani attacks.)

In addition, this figurehead has once again affirmed that the kuffar represent "civilization", that we who oppose them adhere to "a totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, rejects tolerance, and despises all dissent, and that "the war against this enemy is more than a military conflict. It is the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century..."

Given this Crusader rhetoric, let us therefore consider here "freedom" according to the understanding of the kuffar and according to Deen Al-Islam.

The Taghut of Freedom:

What is this "freedom" that the kuffar write and talk about, and which they make an idol, a Taghut, which they worship and which they demand we Muslims worship, in disobedience of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala?

According to their manufactured ideas, the kuffar regard freedom as one or more of the following: personal happiness; personal liberty; the possession of "human rights"; the absence of restraints; the ability to pursue one's own autonomy or dreams, according to the "law" which "law" the kuffar manufacture according to their hawah or some political idea.

The error of the kuffar here is the basic assumption that this condition, this state-of-being, they call "freedom" is or should be or can be the natural state of human beings, and that some manufactured thing or some person can provide or assure or protect this "freedom". That is, that some law can protect this freedom; or some nation-State can assure it; or some armed forces can protect it or bring it into being where it does not exist; or some leader or political organization or some piece of paper (constitution) can guarantee it.

Another error of the kuffar in this respect is the assumption that what is important in some way is the happiness, the contentment, of the individual, and that this "freedom" they speak and write about is necessary for this personal happiness, this contentment to, if not exist, then at least be fully attained.

Thus, in the past hundred or so years, the peoples of the West have fought many wars, among themselves, and with other peoples, in the name of "freedom" and "liberty". Indeed, this manufactured concept called freedom has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions of people, as the kuffar sought to attain freedom for themselves, and sought to "liberate" other peoples and bring this "freedom" to them. Now, they have embarked on a crusade to bring this "freedom" of theirs to the Muslims - so far at the cost of at least a million more lives.

The kuffar are in error regarding freedom because, according to Deen Al-Islam, there is no such thing - "freedom" is something which the kuffar have manufactured, in their ignorance, and imposed upon themselves and others. For is there no such thing because all there is, is the simple choice to obey or disobey Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala; to be Muslim or kaffir; to accept Truth, or Falsehood. To know the purity of Tawheed, or to have the ignorance of Jahiliyyah.

This is so because our natural condition, as human beings, is to know, to obey, to submit to, Allah  Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. That is, our natural state, our being, has nothing whatsoever to do with "freedom", happiness, or "human rights". Rather, our natural state of being - our fitrah - is to know and obey Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.  Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

"Do you not see how all beings that are in the heavens and on the Earth obey Allah - the sun, the moon, the stars; the hills, the trees, the animals, and even a great number of human beings?" 22:18 Interpretation of Meaning
"Therefore be honourable: let (this) Deen be your aim, the fitrah given by Allah. What Allah creates, nothing, and no-one, can change. And this is the correct, the perfect, Deen, although many remain in ignorance of this." 30:30 Interpretation of Meaning

As Muslims, our concern is not - should not be - this "freedom" which the kuffar have manufactured and which they go to war for and which they have made into an idol so that they are prepared to fight and die in the service of this idol, in the service of this abstract manufactured ideal of theirs.

Thus, when the kuffar say to us that they are bringing us "freedom", that they have come to "liberate" our lands, what they mean and what are they are doing is imposing their ways, their Tawagheet, upon us - that is, they demand that we obey and bow down to what they, in their ignorance and arrogance, worship.

  "In truth, the Deen, according to Allah, is Al-Islam." 3:19 Interpretation of Meaning

The Difference Between Islam and Kufr:

There is a simple and profound difference between Deen Al-Islam and the ways of the kuffar, a difference which, it seems, some Muslims have forgotten or may be in ignorance of. The difference is that we are Muslim - and the kuffar are not. We have pledged ourselves to obey only Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala - that is, we seek to return to our natural state of being: to the purity, the unity, of Tawheed. This is very simple, in both theory and practice.

It means we accept that the Quran is Kallamu Allah. It means we acknowledge Muhammad (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) as the Messenger and Prophet of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. It means we accept that there is no god but Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and that we should obey, and submit to, only Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala - rejecting each and every Taghut which thee kuffar manufacture and which the kuffar obey or worship and which they give their loyalty to.

It means we concern ourselves with what Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has said is the purpose of our mortal lives on this Earth - which is Jannah. Thus, we do not, primarily, strive for some abstract personal happiness, or pursue our own desires, or seek to be "autonomous".

This simple but profound difference between Islam and kufr means we are not fighting for "freedom" and "liberty" - but for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and His Messenger (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and in obedience to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and His Messenger (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) in order to do our duty to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and His Messenger (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam). That is, we are striving in the name of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to establish Deen Al-Islam - to draw closer to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in the hope of attaining Jannah, the purpose of this mortal life of ours.

This simple but profound difference between Islam and kufr means that we Muslims do not want this "freedom" and "liberty". Rather, we want - and are striving for - Deen Al-Islam: to implement Deen Al-Islam in our lives, among the Muslims, and to bring the truth of Islam to those in ignorance of their relation to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala  says:

"In truth We have sent Messengers to every people with a warning for them to submit only to Allah and so reject the Taghut." 16:36 Interpretation of Meaning

Each and every Taghut takes us away from Deen Al-Islam, from our natural state of being, away from fitrah - and distances us from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, just as Kalimaah Tayyibah returns us to our natural state of being, which is Muslim.

In addition, the kuffar in their ignorance assume that it is their manufactured things - or their own assumed power or might or wealth - which can protect the Taghut of freedom they believe in, or by which it can be attained. That is, they believe that they have, or can have the power, through their own efforts, their own manufactured things - such as some nation-State or some law or some army - to achieve what it is they want or desire or demand. This is sheer arrogance; outright insolence - for they set themselves, and their "things", to compete with Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, and have faith and belief in these "things". In contrast, we Muslims know that it is Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala alone who has the power to grant victory or defeat; that it is Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala alone we can rely on, and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala alone who can protect us - that whatever we believe we may achieve, is achieved only because of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

Furthermore, we should not be afraid to challenge the kuffar about this manufactured "freedom" of theirs. We should not be afraid of opposing this Taghut of theirs. We should not be afraid of speaking and acting as Muslims for whom obedience to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and His Messenger (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is the most important thing. And we should not be afraid of openly challenging the ignorance and arrogance of the kuffar who are seeking to impose their ways upon us - we should invite them to re-discover their true nature by inviting them to Islam, and if they reject this, and insist on interfering in our affairs and continue with their Crusade to impose their Tawagheet upon us, then we have no option but to defend our lands, our brothers and sisters, and do our duty to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala by openly affirming Deen Al-Islam and by Jihad Fee Sabilillah

"One who believes in his heart but does not give voice his belief is not considered as a believer either in this life or the Next... For such outward affirmation is a part of Eeman, and the Muslims in general and the scholars are agreed that anyone who does not make such a confession of belief, although they have the ability to do so, is a disbeliever." [Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimullah): Kitaab al-Eeman, 126]
"Will you not fight? Or is it that you are afraid of them? Rather - fear Allah most of all, if you do indeed believe." 9: 13 Interpretation of Meaning

May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala protect us from all forms of Al-asabiyyah Al-Jahiliyyah, forgive us for our mistakes, and guide us to and keep us on the Right Path.

Abdul-Aziz ibn Myatt
18 Shaban 1427

 In Part 2 of Errors of the Kuffar we shall InshaAllah consider "civilization", tolerance and hate according to the understanding of the kuffar and according to Deen Al-Islam.

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