Statement by Abdul-Aziz ibn Myatt

(David Myatt)

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem


The first to be summoned to Paradise on the Day of Resurrection will be those who praised and gave thanks to Allah for both their good fortune and their misfortune. Al-Tirmidhi, 730

All Praise and All Thanks are for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to whom we shall all return to be judged on The Last Day. We praise Him and ask Him for help and forgiveness; and ask His protection from the mischief of our souls and the bad results of our deeds; whomsoever Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala  guides, none can misguide; and whom He declares misguided, none can guide to the right path; and I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala: He is Alone, without partner. And I bear witness that Muhammad (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is the Messenger and Servant of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala .

Given the dishonourable rumours and allegations which have been made and which are still being spread about me, I feel it necessary to write a brief statement.

I do not intend, for the moment, to give any interviews to Journalists for I have learnt from experience that whatever I say will be either misquoted or used by those Journalists out of context.

Despite what such Journalists say, write or believe, I have striven for many decades to live by a Code of Honour. There was always an honourable purpose behind what I did, what I said, and what I wrote. Not that I believe that what I write now will make a great deal of difference - for dishonourable people will still spread rumours just as dishonourable journalists will continue to invent lies and make or repeat baseless accusations and rumours in the knowledge that they will make a better story. And whether these journalists know it or not, such lies, accusations and rumours also serve to support the dismal, dishonourable, un-numinous, and increasingly God-less, Establishment status quo.

For years - before my conversion to Islam - I challenged some of the people making these allegations and repeating these rumours to face me, man to man, and to fight a duel with deadly weapons according to the etiquette of duelling. Not one of them had the courage, the honour, the decency to accept, just as few people on hearing or reading such allegations or rumours had the honour to contact me in person and ask me privately (and I stress privately) for my side of the story.

As I have said and written many times in the past, I shall continue to maintain a dignified silence about the many rumours, allegations and dis-information that have been and are being spread about me. However, I wish to state:

1) That, nearly nine years ago now, I converted to Islam and, despite past and present rumours and disinformation, I am still a Muslim, Alhamdulillah, and I shall remain a Muslim, InshaAllah.

2) As for my own political views and opinions now, I have none. For I am a Muslim, and so view this world, and its peoples, according to Deen Al-Islam, striving to think according to Deen Al-Islam, and striving to live according to the laws and customs of Islam, as revealed in the Quran and through the words, deeds and example of the noble Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam). My only loyalty and obedience is to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

3) As a Muslim, I regard the Way of Al-Islam as complete and perfect, and superior to the materialistic, arrogant, way of life which now dominates all the societies of the West. Thus, I reject nationalism, racialism, the kaffir-manufactured concept of "the State", and all the other Tawagheet of the kuffar.


For me, Islam is the supreme, practical, example of honour made manifest in this world. It is also the supreme, practical, example of the numinous - of the sacred, the divine. Why is this? Because Muslims strive to humbly submit to, and to obey, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. This produces a genuine reverence, a genuine awareness of the divine, so evident in Salah. But Islam is also practical in a quite simple way - our weaknesses, our strengths, are laid bare, in the Quran, in Ahadith. What all this means in reality is that Islam produces, can produce, and has produced noble, honourable, human beings. It is a simple and practical guide to how we should live - indeed, I would go so far as to say that it is Islam which defines what is civilized. One has only to compare the simple, honest, devout belief of a Mujahid on one of the many modern battlefields with the arrogance of a Western soldier to understand this - to feel this. The practical implementation of Islam, via Shariah and a community of Muslims led by an Ameer or Khalifah, can produce, and has produced in the past, a civilized way of life for thousands - indeed millions - of people, just as we have, in the modern West, the practical implementation of arrogance, of that dishonourable bullying, of that deceit, of that hedonism, that lust for pleasure and so-called "glory", that plunder, which is the mark of the barbarian. (In Reply to Nick Griffin)


May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) protect us from all forms of Al-asabiyyah Al-Jahiliyyah, forgive us for our mistakes, and guide us to and keep us on the Right Path.

Abdul-Aziz ibn Myatt

Revised 23 Rabi Al-Thaani 1428
(First issued 16 Thul-Hujjah 1423)

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