This is the letter I sent in response to an article about me, and my Letter to Nick Griffin, which article appeared in a British Sunday newspaper.

(THIS WEBSITE: See also regarding this reply by Sheikh ibn Myatt 'Sunday Mercury Reply')

In The Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Hasbiya Allahu la illah illa huwa `alayhi tawakaltu wahuwa rabbul `arshil `atheem

 "You who believe, if a dishonourable person [fasiq] comes to you with any news, verify it lest you harm people unwittingly and afterwards regret what you have done." [The Noble Quran 49:6 Interpretation of Meaning]

Further to your article about me, published in The Sunday Mercury on August 1st
(THIS WEBSITE: 'Come And Be A Muslim, Nick' Aug 1 2004), in which you made a number of unsubstantiated allegations concerning me.

However, these scurrilous and dishonourable allegations come as no surprise, given the on-going war against Islam and those who support the Mujahideen through deeds, and words, and given that it seems your primary source of "information" about me comes from the notoriously unreliable pro-Zionist "Searchlight" organization.

In reply, I wish to state here and publicly and most importantly that - despite the rumours and disinformation to the contrary - I am now as I have been for six years a Muslim, Alhamdulillah. I converted/reverted at a Mosque in England, in front of several Muslim witnesses. For over a year, I regularly attended Namaz (prayers) at that Mosque. My writings in praise of Islam, my writings concerning my own conversion, and in support of those fighting the dishonour of the kuffar, also testify to my acceptance of Islam.

You wrote: "They claim he is continuing to post messages on fascist websites while posing as a devout Muslim on Islamic sites where he praises the 9/11 attacks and Osama bin Laden..."

As I wrote above, I am a Muslim. As for being "devout", only Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala truly knows and only Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala can truly judge.

"There is no believing servant except that he has a sin which he commits from time to time, or a sin in which he persists in and does not abandon until he leaves this world. Indeed the Believer was created as one who is frequently tried and tested, who often repents (then) forgets. When he is admonished he accepts the admonition." Reported by at-Tabaraanee in al-Mu'jamul Kabeer (no. 11,810); hasan.

As for posting messages to "fascist web-sites" - yes, I have, as a Muslim, striven for some years to bring various factions together to fight the menace of the mis-named New World Order - the Zionist-Crusader alliance - as I have striven to explain the honourable and perfect Way of Life which is Al-Islam to various people. My Letter to Nick Griffin was a public part of this action, by me, to counter the propaganda that is being directed at Islam, and to counter the prejudice that is rife concerning both Islam and Muslims.

However, given the reaction to my efforts, and this letter to Griffin, it appears that my strategy to counter the prejudice and ignorance rife among certain politically orientated factions has failed. Perhaps this strategy of mine to bring such disparate factions together was wrong.

In your article you made mention of involvement with Satanism - malicious allegations which has been repeatedly made against me for many decades without the slightest proof ever being offered, apart from referring to a hackneyed, now discredited "interview" I allegedly gave some decades ago, which "interview" was mostly fiction invented by the journalist in question in order to make a good story and sell more newspapers. As I wrote years ago:

Despite all the rumours spread, and all the (unsubstantiated and dishonourable) allegations made by my political opponents in order to discredit me, I am not now nor have I ever been a so-called satanist. I regard so-called satanism as decadent and morally wrong. Whatever may be said or written about me, my own conscience is clear and God is my witness...

As for my own political views and opinions now, I have none. For I am a Muslim, and so view this world, and its peoples, in an Islamic way, striving to think in Islamic terms and striving to live according to the laws and customs of Islam, as revealed in the Quran and through the words, deeds and example of the noble Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam).
As for me praying in the way you scurrilously mention in your article - I have only ever in my life prayed to God: prior to my conversion to Islam, as a Christian (and more especially when I was a Christian monk) and, more recently in the last six years, to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

Contrary to the incorrect assumption in your article, my over-riding (and only) inspiration now is Islam - the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala as manifest in the Quran, and the perfect example of the Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) as manifest in the Sunnah.

"And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, such are the Kafiroon." [5:44 Interpretation of meaning]

As for my political past:

"Asking for details of a persons past and wanting to know what sins they might have committed when they were ignorant about Islam is not right at all. Allaah covers peoples sins and loves to see them covered (i.e. not dragged out into the open). So long as a person has repented, his sins have been wiped out. Islam deletes whatever came before, so why should we ask questions that will only embarrass people? Allaah accepts peoples repentance without their having to confess or expose their sins to any other person. A number of the Sahaabah had committed adultery and murder repeatedly, or had buried infant girls alive, or stolen things, but when they entered Islam they were the best of people. No one needs to be reminded of a shameful past; it is over and done with, and Allaah is the All-Forgiving, Most Merciful." Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Those interested in various articles by me about Islam and my own conversion, can find them at

"Islam is simply a guide to how we should live our lives in an honourable, civilized, way; a simple guide to the way which leads to the perfect eternal peace of Jannah. This simple honourable way is what the West with its arrogance, its hubris, its dishonour, its materialism, its hypocrisy, its new empire, has forgotten. Right, and laws, belong to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) and Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) alone, just as honour is not possible without the higher perspective that an awareness of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) brings. That is, Taqwa is the beginning, the foundation, of honour just as in the Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) we have the perfect example of the honourable man - the archetypal human being, the archetypal honourable and chivalrous man: fair, courteous, just, trustworthy, brave, tolerant, honest, generous, modest and pious. "  (A Question of Islam and the West)

A copy of this letter will be posted on various Islamic Internet forums as I have certain doubts about it appearing in your newspaper.

May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala  forgive us for our mistakes and may He guide us to and keep us on the Right Path

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala knows best.

Abdul-Aziz ibn Myatt
15 Jumad Al-Thaani 1425

"One of the foremost principles of [Al-Jahiliyah] was that they were deceived by following the majority, using that majority as proof of the correctness of their view." Sheikh Muhammad Abdul-Wahhaab: "Masaail-ul-Jahiliyah"

This letter is not copyright, and may be published and re-distributed by whatever means, without obtaining my express permission.
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