In The Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Why America Cannot Win its Declared War Against Islam


With its military action against Afghanistan on 19 Rajab 1422, the United States of America declared war on Islam. For, despite the rhetoric and the propaganda emanating from America and its new Crusader alliance, it is a war directed at Islam.

Western Rhetoric and Arrogance:

The Crusader rhetoric declares the war to be one "against terrorism" and especially against Sheikh Usama bin Laden, and yet: * They refuse to present evidence to the Taliban government in Afghanistan (or to anyone else). What so-called "evidence" they have produced is purely circumstantial or based upon secret "intelligence reports" which they refuse to make public.

The Islamic government of Afghanistan (the Taliban) have stated several times that, if presented with real evidence, they will consider it, and if the evidence is found sufficient to warrant a trial, they will either try Usama bin Laden themselves or arrange for him to be tried in another country.

The Taliban state this because they accept the Islamic principle that Sheikh Usama bin Laden, as a Muslim resident in a Muslim country which has no treaties or formal obligations with or to America and its allies, could only be tried by an Islamic Court. This is the fair, the civilized, thing to do, but America arrogantly rejected this offer, insisting it and it alone had the "right" to try and judge Sheikh Usama bin Laden, just the American government repeatedly stated that it would not negotiate with the Taliban except to discuss their surrender.

* They demand that the Taliban do exactly what they want, even though there are no treaties or agreements of any kind between the Islamic government in Afghanistan and America.

That is, they demanded- on threat of war - that the Taliban hand Sheikh Usama bin Laden over to America, for trial in that country, and then stated that even if the Taliban did give in to this arrogant demand, then military action - war - was inevitable because the trial of Sheikh Usama bin Laden was "irrelevant" since the Crusader alliance had already judged him guilty and sentenced him to death. ("We will get him dead or alive," was a typical statement from the American government.)

What this amounts to is that America and its Crusader allies have declared war on the Taliban and are using the rhetoric of "fighting terrorism" as a cover for their real aims: which are to undermine and destroy the Islamic government of Afghanistan, and replace it with a government which is sympathetic to America and the American capitalist way of life. That is, America is using such rhetoric to cover-up its brutal imperialist, anti-Islamic, aggression.

America arrogantly demands that others accept its claim to be judge, jury and executioner in all things. That is, America insists it has the right, based on the use of its military might, to attack and invade another country, and kill, injure and maim the people of that country. It further insists that only its own, Western, principles of law are valid, contemptuously rejecting as it does and has done, the right of Muslims living in a Muslim country to be judged according to Islamic law.

Furthermore, the American government is being hypocritical. When it suits them, they themselves bomb and kill innocent civilians, as they did during "Operation Restore Hope" in Somalia when between 7,000 and 10,000 people were killed; as they did during their war against Iraq when they dropped over 88,500 tons of bombs on Iraq and Kuwait; and as they did when they shot down an Iranian civilian airliner over the Gulf, killing hundreds of people. (They even gave the person who authorized the shooting-down of this airliner a medal.)

The hypocrisy of the American government is further shown by their continued support for the Zionist aggressors who occupy Palestine who have killed hundreds upon hundreds of innocent civilians in the past year and whose policy of assassination of Palestinians is avowedly terrorist.

The hypocrisy of the American government is also shown by their continued sanctions against Iraq which, to date, are estimated to have caused thedeaths of nearly one million Iraqi children.

Why America Will Lose:

Despite its superior military forces, America will lose the war it has begun even if - may God forbid it - the American infidels succeed in killing Sheikh Usama bin Laden and even if - may God forbid it - they succeed in undermining and destroying the power of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

They will lose because the war is not confined to Afghanistan. America, with its aggressive capitalism and its decadent, materialistic, infidel way of life, has managed to bribe and further corrupt the governments and officials of many Muslim countries such as Egypt, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. For these governments and officials fear and respect America more than they fear and respect Allah, just as they look to the material rewards and pleasures of this life more than they look to the rewards of the next life. In the same way, the decadent, materialistic, infidel Western way of life has tempted or persuaded many Muslims to abandon the pure way of Islam, just as the American government, with its deluge of propaganda and its hypocritical rhetoric, has persuaded many Muslims to support, or at least not oppose, its war of aggression against the Muslims in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

But despite all these things many, many Muslims world-wide understand the current war for what it is: a war, by infidels, against Islam. A war by an aggressive, arrogant, hypocritical government to impose its rule, its way of life, on others. And America, in the long term, will lose this war, despite its current military superiority, it current economic strength, and its current corruption and control of Muslim governments.

Muslims will remember, for a long time, the deaths, the suffering, that America has caused and will cause in Afghanistan, just as Muslims, world-wide, remember the deaths, the sufferings that the Zionist occupiers have caused and are causing in Palestine, and just as they remember and will remember the hypocrisy of successive American governments. For Islam will continue to grow just as America will continue to decline from within. For the truth is that American society itself is doomed, and with it the decadent, capitalist, way of life with its exploitation of the Earth, its exploitation and suppression of people, and its wholesale corruption of governments.

Already the signs of this decline are evident in America: the rampant social problems and deprivation, particularly manifest in the large cities; the unfair division between the rich and the poor; the escalating crime; the growing problem of drug abuse and addiction; the growing problem of what has come to be called "organized crime"; the rampant corruption which exists in political life. In particular, the continued and increasing migration of poor and deprived people to America is changing it from within, straining resources.

In many ways - as some cynical American officials know - America needs this war, for it serves to make the American people forget their own dire social and political problems, their own slow social decline. But this war cannot solve these problems, only hide them, for a while. Indeed, this and other wars may well serve to hasten that decline as more and more resources are used to support American world-wide military aggression.

Of course, the decline of America will take some time, and it may be as much as three or four or even more decades from now that the collapse occurs. But it will occur, despite the present arrogance and pride of its people who now gloat about their "military superiority" and their military prowess.

America is weak because it is a society built upon division, exploitation, arrogance, decadence and materialism. Islam is strong because it is not a society but a way of life: a noble, just, way of life which creates society after society, and which decade after decade inspires and continues to inspire people to change the world for the better by fighting injustice, oppression, decadence and tyrannical regimes.

Allah (SWT) knows best.

Note: This article was originally posted on Usenet, and retains several Usenet features such as using * instead of " when quoting or for emphasis.

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