The Kaffir Errors of Ideology and Islamo-Fascism:

A recent myth, propagated by the kuffar is that Islam is some kind of “ideology”. This myth arose from the kaffir error of viewing the world, and people, through various manufactured concepts, ideas, ideals and abstractions. That is, these concepts, ideas and abstractions - all -isms and all -ologies - the kuffar and those imitating them projject onto the world and people, so categorising them. They then believe they have “understood” the world, and people, whom they so describe, and define, by such -isms, -ologies and abstractions.

This is a fundamental error, a manifestation of kufr, for by doing this the kuffar, and those imitating them is speech, writing and thought, are categorizing that-which cannot and should not be so categorized, which is The Unity, the purity, the sacredness, of Tawheed. By this division according to human manufactured and fallible and ever-changing concepts, ideas, ideals and abstractions, the kuffar, and those imitating them, have at best covered-up, and concealed, the numinous, the sacred, indivisible essence of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, and our correct relationship with and obligations to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, and at worst they have set these concepts, ideas, ideals and abstractions up as idols, as Tawagheet, which they adhere to, admire, respect, trust and often worship: which they use as their source of judgement and understanding. This is the profoundest Ignorance - a manifestation of Jahiliyyah - because it profanely tries to separate us human beings from our source, from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, ascribing to us the judgement which rightly belong to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, alone. This error is hubris: the arrogant insolence of usurping that which rightly belong to God, to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, and the arrogant belief that there is not, or we do not need, a Creator; that we are free agents and can attain understanding (and thus “wisdom”) by ourselves, using our ingenuity and the concepts, ideas, ideals and abstractions which we have manufactured or which we may manufacture in the future.

In contrast, for Muslims, everything is a creation of, or a Sign of, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, just as our natural nature, our fitrah, as human beings is to know and to submit to, to obey, only Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. Furthermore, Muslims accept that Aql - one thing which distinguishes us, as human beings - is a gift from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. [See Note 1]

According to the fundamental error of the kuffar - according to this manifestation of their hubris - Islam is just a “religion” among many religions, and those Muslims who do not accept or who do not adhere to the “moderate” so-called “Islamic religion” that the kuffar find acceptable (and which they and those imitating them have in large part manufactured and propagated) adhere instead to some kind of “Islamist ideology”. Furthermore, according to the kuffar, this so-called “Islamist ideology” is “totalitarian” in nature and has, according to them, similarities with “fascism” and even “National Socialism” and some of the kuffar have gone so far as to describe this “Islamist ideology” by the term Islamo-fascism. Thus do the kuffar, and those imitating them, believe they have “understood”.

However, as I have written elsewhere:

“Correctly understood, Islam is a Deen - a complete and perfect and numinous Way of Life. Nowhere in the Quran does the word mazhab occur. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala calls Islam a Deen, and therefore to be precise we should talk and write about Deen Al-Islam, and not about “Islam” as if Islam was a “thing” - a manufactured human construct - to be categorized according to the manufactured terms, ideas and concepts of the kuffar. Thus, there is no such thing, in Deen Al-Islam, as a “religion” which is separate from something called a “State” or separate from that which is “secular”: instead, there are only duties and obligations to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and His Messenger (salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam). There is only obedience to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. A “religion” is a manifestation of kufr, concealing as kufr does The Unity of Tawheed which lies beyond the ignorant division to which the kuffar have assigned and manufactured separate concepts such as “the State”, “the nation”, “the secular” and “religion”. Furthermore, the submission that is Deen Al-Islam is a personal, individual, submission to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and His Messenger, Muhammad (salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) - that is, it is not to “Islam” as if this “Islam” was some “thing”, some abstract, impersonal, human-manufactured and thus fallible construct to to be adhered to or to be identified with.”


(1)   ‘Aql is often best left untranslated - it is gift, to us, from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, the basis for our humanity, and it implies both reason and intelligence, although not as these words are commonly understood in the West, according to the materialistic philosophy of the West. One possible interpretation of the meaning of al-’aql is “awareness of the numinous” where by numinous is meant “the sacred”, the divine. An awareness of the numinous can dispose us toward what is good, and distance us from what is bad. Thus, a Sign of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala is numinous - reminding us of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala; reminding us of the beauty, the purity, of Emaan; reminding us of the truth of Islam itself.

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