The Tughyan of the Kuffar

The Messenger of Allah (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:
"The world is the prison of the Mu`min, and a Paradise for the Kaffir."
(Saheeh Muslim, Kitaabuz-Zuhdi war-Raqaa`iq [18/93] Sharh an-Nawawi)


The war against Islam launched by the kuffar last year has revealed many things. It has revealed the true agenda, the true beliefs, of those who hold power in kuffar countries, as it has revealed their utter hypocrisy. It has also revealed the utter failure of the Muslim Ummah to respond in any positive, Islamic, way.

The Kuffar Agenda:

The agenda of the kuffar is simple: make all Islamic countries conform to Western ways, manifest as these Western ways are in the political idea of so-called democracy, and in the Western concepts of law and Justice.

This means taming Islam, or rather, redefining -modernizing - Islam so that Muslims can live in a Western-style society (a so-called "modern industrialized nation") governed according to Western concepts of law and justice, with these societies taking part in the hypocritical fraud that is modern "representative democracy". These new societies will also have to abide by two other things: agree to the use, by Banks and financial institutions, of usury and agree to accept the overlordship of the United Nations, which is itself based upon kuffar concepts such as that of modern "nations", and Western law.

The West has shown that it is prepared to use lethal, massive force to get its own way. That is, the West is prepared to bomb Muslim countries, invade them and overthrow their governments, often using the United Nations to justify what is, according to the definition used by kaffir countries such as Amerika, terrorism. (Note 1)

In effect, the kuffar desire to impose their way of life upon Muslims.� The way of the kuffar is the way of taghut. The way of taghut is the way which allows or demands that we judge or rule by something other than that which Allah (SWT) has revealed. The Tughyan of the Kuffar is the rebellion of the arrogant, the insolent, who have or who desire to appropriate to themselves that which rightly belongs to Allah (SWT).� This way of taghut is the way of Amerika.

The Hypocrisy of the Kuffar:

The hypocrisy of the kuffar is revealed, for instance, in their insistence that a country like Iraq cannot and must not have "weapons of mass destruction", although the kuffar themselves can have such weapons, as can the Zionist entity that occupies Palestine.

The hypocrisy of the kuffar is revealed, for instance, in their capture and humiliation of over five hundred Mujahideen who are held in conditions contrary to the international laws that Amerika says it upholds and respects, and who are denied the rights that Amerika allows to its own citizens and to those of other kaffir countries.

The hypocrisy of the kuffar is revealed, for instance, when they speak and write about "freedom" and yet deny it to those Muslims who do not like what the West is doing in places such as Afghanistan, as witness the many Islamic web-sites that have been recently shut-down for daring to present an alternative source to the censored news that the Western media and Western governments allow (two recent examples are the Azzam site and The kuffar mean by "freedom" the "freedom" to believe in those ideas, concepts, views and ways which the West - the kuffar - allow or find acceptable. For the kuffar always reserve to themselves and their governments the "right" to make illegal anything and everything they the kuffar find, or might find, objectionable.

The hypocrisy of the kuffar is revealed, for instance, in their "selective memory" which mourns the loss of several thousand Amerikan citizens in the Jumaada Al-Thaani attacks, and yet "forgets" about the hundreds upon hundreds of thousands Muslims killed by Amerika, its allies, and Amerikan weapons in the past few decades alone: such as the tens of thousands killed in Afghanistan, the seventeen thousand killed during just one Summer during the Zionist invasion of Lebanon, or the one hundred thousand Iraqi Muslim children who have died in the last twelve months as a result of Amerikan-imposed sanctions on Iraq.

The hypocrisy of the kuffar is revealed, for instance, in their condemnation of "terrorism" while they themselves are the greatest terrorists of the modern world, as is evident from their actions in Afghanistan, their threats to Iraq, their support of the Zionist entity, their support for the Russian and Karimov Governments who have conducted and who are conducting a brutal war against Chechen and Uzbek Muslims, a war which this past year alone has cost the lives of over seven thousand Muslims.


The Muslim Response

Since we Muslims are facing a war which is both military and directed at our own Way of Life, we should be quite clear as to what our own Way of Life means. We have to accept that Islam is not based upon, or compatible with, the following:

1) The Western concept of the sovereign nation;
2) The Western concept of democracy;
3) The Western concepts of law and justice;
4) The division of everyday life, and Institutions, into secular, political and religious
5) The overlordship of a kuffar organization like the United Nations which can have or give a mandate to use force or blackmail ("sanctions") to invade or change or coerce an Islamic society.

If we do not accept that these kaffir things are incomptabile with Islam, then we have surely either not understood Islam, or have already compromised with the kuffar, and thus strayed into kufr.

"And whosoever does not judge by what All�h has revealed, such are the K�fir�n." [5:44 Interpretation of meaning]

"Whoever aids an oppressor or taught him an argument to nullify the right of an ordinary Muslim, has drawn upon himself the anger of Allah".� 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ood

"It is not for the believer - man or woman - when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter, that they should have any option in their decision. For whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has indeed strayed into plain error." (33:36 Interpretation of Meaning)

Islam and the Western Concept of Nation:

The Western concept of a sovereign nation - and the nationalism which derives from it - is incompatible with Islam. Islam recognizes only the Ummah and the Khilafah (or Caliphate) which Khilafah is ruled, or rather led, by an Amir (or Imam) called the Khalifah.

All the scholars of Islam from the days of Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah until recent times are agreed upon this. In addition, and importantly, the Khalifah leads through bay'ah and not through any form of "democracy". That is, the Islamic way is the way of bay'ah.

Nationalism - and the State or nation based upon it - is contradictory to Islam for two basic reasons.

1) First, because nationalism and the concept of a sovereign nation encourage division among Muslims, and this asabiyyah is a return to Jahiliyyah (Ignorance).

In a very important sense, the concept of the nation, and nationalism itself, are kufr: a concealment of the reality of Tawhid. The Message of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) - given by Allah (SWT) and manifest in the Quran and the Sunnah - was a revealing of that which kufr had concealed, and as such, for those who embraced Islam, Jahiliyyah was destroyed.

The only boundary Muslims should recognize is the the boundary between Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Kufr.

2) Second, because nationalism and the concept of the sovereign nation encourage and are based upon placing the welfare of the nation, and its people, first and giving obedience to other than Allah (SWT) and His representatives, who are His representatives (leaders such as an Amir or the Khalifah) by virtue of the fact that they strive to obey His Will and strive to implement Islam in a practical way through such things as the Shari'ah.

That is, the nation and nationalism compete with Allah (SWT): for the Muslim, life means Aqeedah and Emaan, and nationalism and the nation distance the Muslim from these.

Islam and Democracy:

Islam is incompatible with democracy. There can be no such thing as an Islamic society, an Islamic country, which is "democratic" or based upon the Western (kuffar) concept of democracy. This is so because:

1) The essence of the Islamic way - as outlined above - is the Khilafah, which is based upon the Islamic concept of bay'ah. (Note 2).
2) Democracy elevates the judgement and opinions of human beings above that of Allah (SWT), That is, in a democracy, laws are made and enforced based upon the (supposed or alleged) "will of the people" as manifest through their elected political representatives. In Islam, the laws have already been given to us by Allah (SWT). The Way of Life Allah (SWT) revealed is complete:

"This day I have perfected your Way of Life for you and completed My Favour upon you and have chosen for you as your Way of Life Al-Islam."� ( 5:3 Interpretation of Meaning)
3) Democratic societies are in a constant state of change, with new laws being made, new political and social ideas implemented, and old ways being challenged and changed. In contrast, Islam is based upon the unchanging and perfect revelation of the Quran, and upon the Sunnah and its interpretation by learned and pious scholars. In addition, in democracy, the measure of success is usually some short-term popularity or economic advantage, while in Islam the criteria is and only can be what Allah (SWT) demands:
"In truth, the most honourable of you in the sight of Allah is the one who has At-Taqwa." [13:2 Interpretation of meaning.]

In democracy, the reality is that self-interest and such things as "lobby groups" most often hold sway and dictate the agenda of politicians, while in a true Islamic system (the Khilafah) the motivation is submission to the Will of Allah (SWT).

"Let not the believers take the disbelievers as Auliy� instead of the believers, and whoever does that will never be helped by All�h in any way." [3:28 Interpretation of Meaning]

Islam and the Western Concepts of Law and Justice:

Islamic law (the Shariah), correctly understood, is very different from Western law. Furthermore, it is impossible to combine the two: any attempt to do so is un-Islamic because it is an imitation of the kuffar and an abandonment of what Allah has decreed.

An Islamic society, an Islamic community, is by definition one where the Shariah is upheld and where it is used to regulate and guide the conduct of the individuals of that society or community. For the Shariah is the Way to Allah, as its very name indicates.

However, due to Western influence in what were once Islamic countries, there have been many attempts, by Muslims, to adopt Western legal ideas and concepts. Thus, nominally Islamic societies such as that in the Arabian Peninsula, have introduced Western-style laws, Courts and punishments, just as they have accepted many fundamental Western legal concepts such as that of treaties involving the extradition of suspects (Note 3).

Indeed, things have gone so far that many "modernist" Islamic scholars have sought to to "adapt the Shariah" to what is called (by the West) "the modern world" and in the process they have seriously weakened Islam and greatly increased the influence of the West. For the Way of Al-Islam (Dar al-Islam) is complete and perfect, and the opposite of the Way of Ignorance (Dar al-Kufr) which dominates the societies of the West.

It is wrong for Muslims to accept, and submit to, Western laws - and those who enforce them - because such laws are man-made laws based upon man-made ideas, and the Muslim is duty-bound to submit only to Allah: to recognize and obey only the authority of those who are Allah's rightful representatives on Earth. These rightful representatives are those who are honourable and pious, who themselves accept the supreme authority of Allah, and who are acting on His behalf. That is, a Muslim obeys no one unless obeying that person is tantamount to obeying Allah. This fundamental Islamic principle is one of those that has been ignored by those Muslims who have sought and who do seek to "modernize" Islam: that is, who seek to compromise with the kuffar or who seek to imitate the kuffar.

The simple truth is that we Muslims have a duty - which is Fard - to re-establish the Khilafah and to live in a society, or strive to create a society, which is governed only by Shariah.

The Muslim Failure:

"Aiding the Non-Muslims over Muslims - no matter which form of aid or co-operation it be, even if it is merely in speech - this is clear Kufr and sheer hypocrisy. The one who does this has perpetrated one of the actions which negates Islam, as has been specifically stated by the Imams of the Dawah and others, and such a person is not a believer in the aqeeda of al-Wala and al-Bara (being a patron of someone or disassociating solely for Allah)." Sheikh Safar bin 'Abdir-Rahmaan al-Hawaali

"It is prohibited to hand over a Muslim prisoner of war to non-Muslims as this involves casting off a Muslim and subjecting him to the control of a non-Muslim; such act typically represents letting a Muslim down."

"Shari`ah stipulates that it is not permissible to hand over a Muslim captive to a non-Muslim authority. This is the meaning of the Hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, that reads: "A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim. He does not oppress him, nor let him down nor even look down upon him. In addition, handing over Muslim captive to non-Muslims is a form of disdaining a Muslim and a sacrilegious act to his blood." Dr. Anwar Dabbour, professor of Islamic Shari`ah at Cairo University.

The Muslims have, among other things, allowed the kuffar - especially that chief representative of the kuffar, Amerika - the destroy an Islamic government, to install one more pro-kuffar puppet regime in an Islamic land, to coerce and effectively control the government of Pakistan, to capture and take away and continue to humiliate and imprison, hundreds of Mujahideen, to search out, arrest and detain thousands of Muslims world-wide on "suspicion" of aiding Sheikh Osama bin Laden (hafidhahullah).� The allowing of all of these things is a clear neglect of our Islamic duty.

The majority of the Muslims of the world have also remained either silent, or they have repeated the propaganda of the kuffar about "terrorism".

Islam - The Way of Jihad:

"In truth, Islamic history is not written except with the blood of the Shuhadaa', except with the stories of the Shuhadaa' and except with the examples of the Shuhadaa'." Sheikh Abdullah Azzam (shaheed)

" The first obligation after Iman is the repulsion of the enemy aggressor who assaults our Way of Life and interferes in our affairs". Ibn Tayymia.

�"It has been made clear that if the Kuffar� infringe upon a hand's span of Muslim land, jihad becomes Fard Ayn for� its people and for those near by. If they fail to repel the Kuffar due to lack of resources or due to indolence, then the Fara'id of� jihad spreads to those behind, and carries on spreading in this process,� until the jihad is Fard Ayn upon the whole earth from the East to the West." Sheikh Abdullah Azzam (shaheed): In Defence of Muslim Lands

"And what is wrong with you that you do not fight in the Cause of Allaah, and for those weak, ill�treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this place whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help. Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allaah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Taghut. So fight against the friends of Shaitaan." [ 4: 75 - 76. Interpretation of Meaning.]

�"One hour of standing firm in the ranks (in Jihad) in the Way of Allah is more virtuous than sixty years of worship."� al-Bayhaqee. Al-Albanee called it saheeh in Saheeh Jaami` As-Sagheer (5151).

"Let those who would trade the life of this world for the life Hereafter fight in the Cause of Allah. And those who do fight in the Cause of Allah - whether they be killed or are victorious - will have bestowed on them, by Us, a great reward." [4: 74 Interpretation of Meaning.]

"And when you punish them (your enemy) then do so with the like of that with which you were afflicted by them" [16:126 Interpretation of Meaning]

Hazrat Abu Huraira (RadhiAllahu 'anhu) said: "Safeguarding the Muslim borders in the path of Allah (Jihad) is more beloved to me than my worshipping Allah in the night of Qadr in front of Hajera Aswad (the black stone in the corner of the Kaabah)."

Allah (SWT) knows best

Abdul Aziz
Rajab 1423

(1) A kaffir definition of terrorism: "The calculated use of violence or the threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological." This most certainly applies to the actions of Amerika against the former Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as it does to their actions against Iraq, and their threats to other Islamic countries, actions and threats which were and are nothing short of the tactics of the vicious, arrogant bully: "Do as we demand, or else we shall use lethal force to get our own way."

(2) Although the term bay'ah was sometimes used in the times of Jahiliyyah, with the revealing that was and is the Quran and Sunnah, it acquired a strict Islamic sense, referring to giving allegiance, loyalty, to an Amir or Khalifah.

(3)� While some Muslims maintain that extradition was sanctioned by the Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) they are mistaken. Their belief is based upon the case of the people who escaped to Medina but who were sent back to Makkah, by the Prophet, because of the treaty the Muslims had with the Qureysh.
��� However, this treaty specified that anyone who left Makkah without proper permission (from their guardian) had to be returned. This is very different from the extradition which has become such a feature of this modern, Westernized, world. The example set by the Prophet is to do with permission by individuals, and as such, I am struck by its humanity, in contrast with the abstract extradition's of the present with their concern for transgressing an abstract concept (a human-made law) and the over-riding power of the modern kaffir State.

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