or life as observed by me
May 5, 2004 less than 29 hours I will be finished with my first year at Case.  But, I'm not gonna do the typical "i'll miss everyone" "this year was the best year of my life" bullshit, because I think all of that is implied...a In any case, the question now is what will I write about?  There is no juicy gossip to disperse, no interesting conversations, no good stories to tell (or rather, am willing to tell), only the typical, grade A bullshit you'll find on everyother xanga and livejournal about leaving.
hmmm...well, I could tell you about A.  a past childhood experience (not involving school), B.  a moving tale (but you've heard all of those) or C.  my personal stance on those metal studs on jeans.  * Disclaimer, i am random.  I am even more random at 2:51 am. 
So, C looks good (just like Vicky's Gilly's donut did....see the randomness is just flowing...)
Actually though, I'm sitting here looking at my AE Jeans, and wondering what the purpose of those little copper studs are on the corner of each pocket and on the belt loops.  I imagine at some point they had a function, like Levi Strauss couldn't find enough thread or something and just used those studs to bolt together the pants or something, but I can't imagine that having copper bolts sticking out of your pants would be very comfortable.  And you would think that once good ol' Levi got back to the city, he would have made his pants with thread.  But somehow the jeans retained those little circular bolts.  I wonder if maybe Levi didn't actually put those on his first pair of jeans.  I wonder if maybe he had a Queer Eye for the Straight Guy  moment and decided that plain indigo blue and tan thread weren't enough, and that those little studs would add just the right amount of studliness to the jeans.  I donno.  But its kinda weird don't ya think? No one ever says anything about them, if a pair of jeans w/o those studs existed, I doubt anyone would notice. 
Anyway, yea, sorry to dissappoint.  It is kinda hard to talk about anything else but leaving.  But at least I tried, and now you're gonna be bothered by jeans and their copper studs.  Yea, you know you're gonna check every pair in your closet now...go ahead. 
next page...
May 11, 2004 12:28 am
Aight people, I'm home from Case.  That means two things: 1.  I will be bored off my ass 90% of the time and 2. the other 10% of the time I will be working. 
So yea, today was my first day of "job hunting", i.e. where I dress up like a fool and sell myself to stores to hire me who either a. are only looking for part time help, or b.  want me to work for way too little money.  See here's my thing, I figger that I'm not some 16 year old kid who will just take anything that pays.  See, no.  No more working 35-40 hours a week at a fast food job that pays only 5.75 an hour and makes me feel more tired than anything else when i get home at night or dreading that the phone will ring because some bastard whose car broke down needs me to go in and work his shift for him.  I loved arby's and all, but I think that maybe I deserve something a little better.  So I'm going to hit up Manpower and other agencies to get a decent, respectable clerical job tomorrow I think. 
However, back to issue number one.  To take care of the boredom, I have decided to teach myself something.  I'd like to relearn what little I knew of guitar if I can (read: if I can afford to buy a guitar), I'd like to be able to play something halfway recognizable by the end of summer, or at least teach myself a language or something.  I gotta say, libraries have a ton of language tapes and stuff...and its free.  I'm thinking maybe a little Italiano, ya know, since I already know the language they spoke before  I may also pick up a little greek, since I'll hafta learn it anyway if i go through with this classics major thing. 
I also have started to read a few books.  Mainly ones suggested by a few friends.  Karuna suggested "Guns, Germs, and Steel", Vicky recommended "The DaVinci Code" and dear Lauren recommended "The Other Side of Eden," which is about Inuits living in the Alaskan wilderness...right up my alley.  I also have been wanting to read The Sound and the Fury.  I started it once, a while ago, but could never follow what was going on.  But I figger I've got all summer to see what Faulkner is getting at.   
I am honestly looking forward to just chilling outside with my book in a lawnchair.  Its kinda nice to take a break from reading and take in the neighborhood (given its not what it used to be, but its still somethin), talk to the kids playin outside, and listen to the birds.  I used to know every kid in the neighborhood, not so much now, but I'd like to know them all again.  Some of them were a little rowdy, a little trouble maybe, but after talking, listening to them, they turn out to be all right. 
I also want to get back in soccer for a year has taken its toll, so to make up for it I rode my bike today for a good 8 miles or so.  My plan is to ride  10 everyday, and then on the weekends take my bike downtown to the river and ride.  Its really pretty down there once you get past the city, and my bike needs the workout after sitting in the bike room of Tyler all year :)
Anyway, I think I'm about cashed out.  I gotta get up really early tomorrow and take my sister into school for her 8th grade Washington DC trip at like 730 am.    ahhhh... the memories of my 8th grade DC trip....Anyway, take care people. 
May 12, 2004 12:18 am
Well, i think today's entry is going to be a little heavier than usual, mainly because I got some pretty heavy news today.  So disclaimer: if you are not already depressed, it is highly likely that you will  be by the end of this entry. 
Ok, so i discovered that yesterday my step-cousin (if there is such a thing) died of AIDs.  (gasp).  Yes, AIDS.  So that brings my grand total of acquaintances who've died of AIDS to 2.  The first being my 4th grade teacher who stopped teaching half way that year because he started getting really sick.  Mr. James Boyd, an amazing teacher.  Quite seriously the best I've ever had (yes, even better than Doc Oc or Mesko). I seriously doubt I would be the person I am if I had never had Mr. Boyd.  And then of course there is my step-cousin.  To be truthful, I was never close with Stephan.  I think I had met him 2 or 3 times on vacation in Florida, but that was about all.  I did spend a lot of time with his adopted daughter Amy, however.  I'm not sure if she was ever fully adopted or only a foster child, but I do know that she went through a lot of shit and Stephan literally picked her off the street and took her into his home.  He really fought for her, got her into a decent school, helped her get into a decent college and set up a trust fund for her, made sure she'd always have somewhere to go if she needed it.  And its actually kind of funny, because when I first met Stephan I was an 8th know, angry adolescent hate the world kind of thing... and was pretty discontent, maybe disillusioned, with the world. For awhile there, I really thought, felt, that the world sucked and no one cared.  And then I remember meeting Amy and meeting Stephan and thinking about things a little differently.  I guess he showed me that at least someone cared.  And I only wish I had had enough time to care about him.  So, the moral of today's story: Be smart, be safe, be happy, and tell someone you love them. 
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