THiS page iS DEDiCATED to all of those wonderful FiLMS out there.  Most of them are EPiCS, or TRAGEDiES, or RiGHT out Shoot 'em up Bang Bangs, musicals and their like...anything notable can be noted
OK...NoW I knOw all oF yoU aRe
waiting anxiously for me to name this month's movie of the month...
drum roll plz...

All right this month's movie of the month goes to.....
Mystic River

Starring Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Kevin Bacon

Long time no see my fellow movie-buffs.  Yes, it has been too long, but it has also been a long time since I saw a movie worth an entry. 
Synopsis: Murder Mystery with lots of weird Freudian undertones sex and killing.  Unfortunately, if I gave any more detail I would probably ruin the movie
BUT what I can tell you is that the acting in this movie is PHENOMENAL. Tim Robbins is freaky as hell as a man molested in his childhood, and Sean Penn puts on an amazing performance well worth the oscar he won this year as an ex-con trying to do the best he knows how.  Kevin Bacon also puts on one of the better performances of his career as a police officer whose wife left him.  But aside from the actors, tthe script is full of poetic bullshit that'll either make yourself ask "wtf?" or make ya think.  And oh yea,  story has lots of twists and drama.  The drama and twistedness of it all is almost Shakespearean and pulls it off  quite nicely. 

Other movies to keep in mind: 21 Grams.  Another Sean Penn goodie, in my opinion maybe a better role for him than Mystic River.  Check it out.  Its worth the search on DC++. 
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