Square 1

Solve the Bottom Corners

During this section, you only have to memorize one sequence.

Guess what? Because all 4 of the top corners are on the top layer by now, then all 4 bottom corners are already forced on the bottom layer, where they belong anyway. And as we all know by now, the bottom side is green.

Q: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

Fix the Bottom Corners

Because all 4 bottom corners are already forced on the bottom layer, all we have to do is shift them around to their correct places. The bottoms of all 4 corners are green, but what about their sides? At this point, there are 3 possibilities:

Now that we know the status of the bottom corners, it is time to fix them. Of course, if all 4 sides have matching colors, then the bottom corners are already solved.

Case I: No Side has Matching Colors

SET UP: Do the Move: Result:

Desc. notation:

b- R t+3 R
t-3 R t+3 R
t+3 R t6 R b+

JS notation:


The bottom corners have
one side with matched colors,
but the top layer is
temporarily scrambled.
To fix both layers, we
must do another step...
Now, rotate the bottom layer
until the two matching sides
are on the left:

Desc. notation:

b- R t+3 R
t-3 R t+3 R
t+3 R t6 R b+

JS notation:


All 4 sides of the
bottom layer match;
the top and bottom
corners are solved.

Case II: One Side has Matching Colors

SET UP: Do the Move: Result:
Rotate the bottom layer
until the two matching sides
are on the back:

Desc. notation:

b- R t+3 R
t-3 R t+3 R
t+3 R t6 R b+

JS notation:


The bottom corners still have
one side with matched colors,
while the top layer becomes
temporarily scrambled.
To fix both layers, we
must do another step...
Now, rotate the bottom layer
until the two matching sides
are on the left:

Desc. notation:

b- R t+3 R
t-3 R t+3 R
t+3 R t6 R b+

JS notation:


All 4 sides of the
bottom layer match;
the top and bottom
corners are solved.

Case III: All 4 sides have Matching Colors

The bottom corners are already solved!
Now you can proceed to solve the
Top Edges

What the Move Really Does:

In case you haven't noticed, the same sequence was used throughout this entire section; so just in case you are curious, here's what really happens:

Desc. notation:
It swaps two opposite corners
on the top layer, while swapping
the two adjacent right-side corners
on the bottom layer.

b- R t+3 R
t-3 R t+3 R
t+3 R t6 R b+

JS notation:


You must always perform this sequence twice. As you solve the bottom corners, the top corners become scrambled after the first time, and then unscrambled after the second time. After the smoke clears, the bottom corners are finshed as well.

NEXT: Solve the Top Edges

@ Transformation @ Top Corners @ Bottom Corners
@ Top Edges @ Polarization @ Bottom Edges

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