6 3 0 1 B R A N C H C O L U M N ________________________________________________ BRA BRanch Always Category: Unconditional branch and jump Function: PC <-- (PC) + 0002 + Rel BRN BRanch Never Category: Unconditional branch and jump Function: PC <-- (PC) + 0002 BHI Branch if HIgher Category: Conditional branch Function: PC <-- (PC) + 0002 + Rel, If (C) | (Z) = 0 BLS Branch if Lower or Same Category: Conditional branch Function: PC <-- (PC) + 0002 + Rel, If (C) | (Z) = 1 BCC Branch if Carry Clear Category: Conditional branch Function: PC <-- (PC) + 0002 + Rel, If (C) = 0 BCS Branch if Carry Set Category: Conditional branch Function: PC <-- (PC) + 0002 + Rel, If (C) = 1 BNE Branch if Not Equal Category: Conditional branch Function: PC <-- (PC) + 0002 + Rel, If (Z) = 0 BEQ Branch if EQual Category: Conditional branch Function: PC <-- (PC) + 0002 + Rel, If (Z) = 1 BVC Branch if oVerflow Clear Category: Conditional branch Function: PC <-- (PC) + 0002 + Rel, If (V) = 0 BVS Branch if oVerflow Set Category: Conditional branch Function: PC <-- (PC) + 0002 + Rel, If (V) = 1 BPL Branch if PLus Category: Conditional branch Function: PC <-- (PC) + 0002 + Rel, If (N) = 0 BMI Branch if Minus Category: Conditional branch Function: PC <-- (PC) + 0002 + Rel, If (N) = 1 BGE Branch if Greater than or Equal to zero Category: Conditional branch Function: PC <-- (PC) + 0002 + Rel, If (N) ^ (V) = 0 BLT Branch if Less Than zero Category: Conditional branch Function: PC <-- (PC) + 0002 + Rel, If (N) ^ (V) = 1 BGT Branch if Greater Than zero Category: Conditional branch Function: PC <-- (PC) + 0002 + Rel, If (Z) | [(N) ^ (V)] = 0 BLE Branch if Less than or Equal to zero Category: Conditional branch Function: PC <-- (PC) + 0002 + Rel, If (Z) | [(N) ^ (V)] = 1 ________________________________________________ Effects on the Condition Codes H = N/A I = N/A N = N/A Z = N/A V = N/A C = N/A ADDR MNEM OPER 1st 2nd 3rd MODE NOIC FRMT BYTE BYTE BYTE ________________________________________________ REL BRA Rel 20 Rel REL BRN Rel 21 Rel REL BHI Rel 22 Rel REL BLS Rel 23 Rel REL BCC Rel 24 Rel REL BCS Rel 25 Rel REL BNE Rel 26 Rel REL BEQ Rel 27 Rel REL BVC Rel 28 Rel REL BVS Rel 29 Rel REL BPL Rel 2A Rel REL BMI Rel 2B Rel REL BGE Rel 2C Rel REL BLT Rel 2D Rel REL BGT Rel 2E Rel REL BLE Rel 2F Rel