Heraldry Family Mottoes
Q - R

Family Name Gaelic Equivalent Original language English Translation
Quigley Ó Coiglig Celeritar. With speed.
Mc Quillan Mac Uigilín Pro patria. For my country.
Quinlan Ó Caoinnealaín - True to the end.
Quinn - Que sursum volo videri. I would see what is above.
Mac Queen - - Constant and faithful.
Mac Queen - Que sursum volo videri. I would see what is above. -
Queen Anne - Semper eadem. Always the same.
(O') Quin - Que sursum volo videri. I would see what is above. -
Quinlan - - True to the end.
Rafferty Ó Reactaire Virtus semper viridis. Virtue is always flourishing.
Rainey Ó Ráine Caelestis veritas origo. The source of heavenly truth.
Ramsey Ramsaig Ora et labora. Pray and labour.
Redmond Mac Réamainn Pie vivere et Deum et patriam diligere. To live piously and to love God and country.
Regan Ó Riagáin Mullac abú. The chief forever.
Reid Ó Maoilldeirg Semper eadem. Always the same.
Reidy Ó Riada Toujours pret. Always ready.
O'Reilly Ó Ragailllig Fortitudine et prudentia. With fortitude and prudence.
Reynolds Mac Réamainn Favente Deo. By Gods favour.
Rice Ris Nihil alienum. Nothing strange.
Richardson Mac Risteaird Virtute acquiritur honos. Honour is the reward of virtue.
Ring Ó Rinn Vigilans audax. Vigilant and bold.
O'Riordan Ó Riordáin Pro Deo et patria. For God and country.
Roberts Robeard Virtute et valore. By virtue and valour.
Robinson Mac Roibín Dílis. Faithful.
Roche De Róiste Mon Dieu est ma roche. My God is my rock.
Rochford De Rosfort Candor dat viribus alas. Truth gives wings to strength.
Roe Ó Rua Virtute et valore. Virtue and valour.
Rogers Mac Ruairí Omnia vincit amor. Love subdues all things.
Ronan Ó Rónáin Ipse fecit nos. He made us.
Rooney Ó Ruanaid Ex merito. With merit.
Mc Rory Mac Ruairí Res non verba. Facts not words.
Ross Rosac Floreat qui laborat. He prospers who labours.
Rossiter Rosaitear Prudens ut serpens simplex ut columba. Prudent as a serpent simple as a dove.
O'Ro(u)rke Ó Ruairc Serviendo guberno. I govern by serving.
Rowan Ó Ruain Cresco per crucem. I increase by the cross.
Rowe Ó Rua Agendo gnaviter. By acting prudently.
Rowley Ó Rotláin Ventis secundi. By favourable winds.
Rush Ó Rois Un Dieu, un roy, un foy. One God, one king, one faith.
Russell Ruiséil Che sara sara. What will be will be.
Rutledge Ó Maoildeig Verax atque probus. Trust worthy and honest.
Ryan Ó Riain Malo mori quam foedari. Death rather than dishonour.
Rait - Spero meliora. I hope for better things.
Ralph - Fideliter. Faithfully.
Ramsay - - Fear nought.
Ramsay - Ora et labora. Pray and labour.
Ramsdale - Coelum non animum mutat. A change of skies does not change the mind.
Ramsden - Coelum non animum mutat. A change of skies does not change the mind.
Ramsey - Aspiro. I aspire.
Ranking - - Forget not.
Rashleigh - Nec temere nec timide. Neither rashly nor timidly.
Ratcliff - Fide et fortitude. By fidelity and fortitude.
Rattray - - Free for a blast.
Ravenshaw - Deus pascit corvos. God feeds the ravens.
Rawdon - - Trust winneth troth.
Rawdon - Nisi Dominus frusta. It is in vain without the Lord.
Rawlinson - Dieu et mon roi. God and my king.
Rawson - In veritate victoria. Victory in truth.
Reeves - Virtute et fidelitate. By valour and fidelity.
Reid - - Firm.
Reid - Spectemur agendo. Let us be judged by our actions.
Reid - Virtute et labore. By valour and exertion.
Renny - In cruce salus. Salvation from the cross.
Renton - - Trust in God and not in strength.
Reynolds - Fide sed cui vide. Trust, but be careful whom (you trust).
Rhodes - Coelum non animum. Climate may change, but not the character.
Rich - Garde la foy. Guard the faith.
Richards - Deo adjuvante non timendum. With God assisting we must not fear.
Richards - Esto quod esse videris. Men should be what they seem.
Richards - Honor et amore. Honour and love.
Richards - In Deo confido. I trust in God.
Richardson - - Trust in God.
Richardson - Constans fidei. Steady to my faith.
Rickford - Virtute non verbis. Deeds not words.
Riddell - - I hope to share.
Riddell - Tout droit. Always right.
Riddock - Tu ne cede malis. Yield not to misfortunes.
Ridley - Constans fidei. Steady to my faith.
Rigg - Virtute et labore. By valour and exertion.
Rigge - Festina lente. Be quick without impetuosity.
Riley - Fortitudine et prudentia. With fortitude and prudence.
Rippon - - Our hope is on high.
Rippon - Frangas non flectes. You may break, but shall not bend me.
Rishton - Reviresco. I flourish again.
Robarts - Nec temere nec timide. Neither rashly nor timidly.
Robe - Candore Truth.
Roberton - - For security.
Roberts - - God and my conscience.
Roberts - Dum spiro spero. While I breath I hope.
Roberts - Ewch ymlaen. Go forward.
Robertson - - Dinna waken sleeping dogs.
Robinson - Loyal aut mort. Loyal to the death.
Robinson - Qualis ab incepto. The same as from the beginning.
Robinson - Virtute non verbis. Deeds not words.
Rochdale - Dum spiro spero. While I breath I hope.
Roche - Dieu est ma roche. God is my rock.
Rochead - Fide et virtute. By fidelity and valour.
Rochfort - Candor dat viribus alas. Truth gives wings to strength.
Rock - Nil admirari. Not to admire.
Rodie - Spero meliora. I hope for better things.
Roebead - Pro patria. For my country.
Rogers - Nil conscire sibi. To have a conscience free from guilt.
Romilly - - Persevere.
Roney - Audaces fortuna juvat. Fortune favours the bold.
Roper - Spec mea in Deo. God is my hope.
De Ros - Crom a boo. Crom defying.
Rosborough - - God is my shield.
Rose - - Constant and true.
Rose - Pro patria. For my country.
Rosher - - Consider the end.
Ross - - Think on.
Ross - - Virtue have virtue.
Rostron - Semper vigilans. Always watchful.
Rothery - Festina lente. Be quick without impetuosity.
Rothwell - Mens conscia recti. A mind conscious of rectitude.
Round - Esse quam videri. To be, rather than to seem.
Rowley - Misneac. Bear and forbear.
Roxby - Perseverando. By perservering.
Royds - Semper paratus. Always prepared.
Rudd - In cruce salus. Salvation from the cross.
Le Ruez - Vi et virtute. By strength and valour.
Rushton - - Have patience and endure.
Russell - Memor esto. Be mindful of thy ancestors.
Rutherford - Per mare per terras. By land and sea.
Rutson - Spectemur agendo. Let us be judged by our actions.
Ryder - Vincit veritas. Truth conquers.
Ryland - - Not the last.
Rylands - Dum spiro spero. While I breath I hope.
Rynd - Fide et fortitude. By fidelity and fortitude.
Irish Family Mottoes "The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales."
By Tomás ó Baoill by Sir John Bernard Burke


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