Area Name                Builder(s)        Approximate Level Ranges
Antharia                 Amadeus           [ 40   70 ]

Antharia is an underwater city-state, whose peoples live primarily
peaceful lives, worshipping daily at the temple of Anthar. Shop-
holders thrive from the custom of the many people travelling
through to visit the eight guilds in Antharia, and the rule of law 
is strongly upheld by a vigilant guard.

Arachnos                 Mahatma           [  5   20 ]


Camelot                  Lok               [ 20   52 ]


Ciquala's Lair           Binky             [ 40   50 ]


Circus, The              Binky Phantomisa  [  1   12 ]

A permanent funfair with animals, circus freaks and all manner of
wierd acts is here, getting good custom from the Hyldonian peoples 
who come to be entertained.

Coven                    Lok               [ 35   45 ]


Crystalmir Lake          Strahd            [  5   45 ]


Dangerous Neighborhood   Raff              [  5   15 ]


Dragon Tower             Wench             [  5   50 ]


Dungeon                  Yaegar            [ 20   45 ]


Dwarven Catacombs        Raff              [ 10   20 ] 


Dwarven Day Care         Sandman           [  1    5 ]


Dwarven Kingdom          Anon              [ 10   25 ]


Dwellings of The Soul    Yaegar Rhiannon   { 45   60 ]

Modified from an area formerly known as Seven Holy Places

Elemental Canyon         Raff              [  5   30 ]

Think you can rough out the elements? This place has everything from
fire elementals to small puddles of water, to small sparks of
electricity for you to sharpen your blade on, as long as you are
tough enough to handle them. At the beginning of the canyon trades
an elixir vendor, who has something very handy for sale!

Faerie Ring              Lok               [ 10   15 ]


Freeport                 Lok Esa           [ 20   65 ]

Freeport is the major maritime trading port in the realm, and ships 
dock here from all over, bringing slaves, spices and trinkets. The
town is well stocked with shops, though pirates have been said to
have taken an interest in the running of the place and  may be
found if you look hard enough for them. Famous Institute of Dumb
and Deaf is also located in the City of Freeport. Remember  to
seek for hidden places, as underneath the City you can find Lord
Mourning and his crew of pirates!

Ghost Town               Yaegar            [ 55   75 ]


Gnome Village            Vougon            [  5   15 ]


Graveyard                Alfa              [  5   10 ]


Great Eastern Desert     Anon              [ 10   20 ]


High Tower of Sorcery    Anon              [ 10   30 ]


Holy Grove               Alfa              [  5   20 ]


Keep of Mahn-Tor         Chris             [ 15   35 ]


Land of Grail            Spam  Xenia       [ 35   45 ]


Midgaard                 Diku              [  1   99 ]

This is the standard Merc city, but due to a natural disastar that
made it unlivable, the people that formerly lived there started
work on a new and better city, called THE GRAND CITY. However, with
the bridges to the rest of the world down this city, which is devoid
of life, still remains somewhere in the realms.

Mount Doom               Yaegar            [ 45   65 ]


Moria                    Alfa              [  5   15 ]


Murky Lands              Hatchet           [  3   50 ]


Ofcol                    Hatchet           [  5   35 ]


New Ofcol                Alfa              [  1   99 ]


Olympus                  Generic           [  5   30 ]

This is where the Greek Gods and Godesses make their home in AAW.
Here you will find many very useful potions and staves, but you
must take on the Gods themselves, which is quite a task, even for
the most toughened adventurer. On top of it all is the god Zeus,
who guards his territory fiercely with his monstrous Thunderbolt.
Items of note: Ambrosia, Nectar, Ivory Staff

Prehistoria              Yaegar            [ 10   30 ]


Prison                   Flar              [  5   75 ]


Rats Lair                Hatchet           [  2   10 ]

A dark, damp basement in the realms is infested with a huge group
of rats that have been exterminated from the Grand City. Here, the
rats rule everything, and even have taken a few human slaves to
work for them as ordered by the wererat leader. Also, somewhere
inside this basement lies a vast treasure, guarded by the huge

Sewer                    Diku              [  5   30 ]

Below the beautiful Grand City lies something you hope you will
never have to see again. Inside this dark, damp sewer, you find
yourself up to your ankles in the murky water. Rats and other
assorted monsters make their homes here, as they were exterminated
from the city long ago.

Shire                    Anon  Jude        [  5   35 ]

The land of the shire is populated by hobbits, ruled over by the
Thain and policed by the shiriffs. They like to have a drink or
ten those hobbits, hence the large number of pubs in this area.

Shaolin Temple           Boom              [ 50   70 ]


Solace                   Strahd            [  5   35 ]


Thalos                   Anon              [ 10   25 ]


Troll Den                Merc              [ 10   15 ]


UnderDark                Silence Callendor [ 13   50 ]


Valley of the Elves      Hatchet           [  5   20 ]


Wyvern's Tower           Tyrst             [  5   30 ]


Yggrdasil                Glop              [ 15   50 ]

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