Area Name            Builder(s)          Level Range      Version

Academy of Wisdom    Darrow Xenia        [ 1     5 ]      2.0

Place where every player's soul has been born into mortal. Here
you can gain the knowledge and skills that will stay with you 
the rest of your life as you attempt to reach the status of
Legend in this realm. Replaces stock Newbie School (old one can
be visited in GC museum). 

Altyra               Cyrien              [ 60  100 ]      2.0

The City of Altyra is the center of a floating nation of mixed
races that fled in times long ago from the bloody human expansion
that took place. The people though weak in military might had a
much greater understanding of magical nature and thus floated
this island up into the clouds so as to protect themselves from
the aggression of their neighbors which was rapidly overwhelming


Asylum Island        Bloat Phantomisa    [ 20   40 ]      2.0

According to the log books of an unknown Sailor, there seems
to be an uncharted Island, somewhere in/or near the Sea of Baecara
However, the true location of the the Island has been smudged out.
According to the deceifered water-logged pages, this island should
be inhabited by persons anything but normal! NB: This area is not
just hack and slash, but you need to use your wits also to get
out alive. Brave survivors are greatly rewarded!

Bavila               Esa                 [ 40   50 ]      2.0


Black Mesa Landing   Draven              [ 30   45 ]      2.0 RDL

The Black Mesa was once home to the secret hide-away of a band of
hooded thieves. The gods of ancient times however vanquished them
and all their evil doings to the Black Rock in order to protect
the primative Azin culture who were often at the brunt of the
clans misdemeanor.

Caedhelm             Rowen               [ 30   40 ]      2.0 RDL

The hamlet of Caedhelm serves the province of Hyldon in fortyfying
the Great Northern Gap, a wide pass in the Mythos Mountains. The 
Hamlet is governed by a Hyldonian magistrate, who, in turn, controls
the military presence in Caedhelm. Southern Vaedhelm is composed
of a farming community, providing food and supplies for the garrison.

Canjoh Jungle        Callendor Darkor    [ 60   75 ]      2.0

This is an immense jungle where many adventurers have perished.
It is an extremely lush jungle, and one can easily lose there way
inside. It is rumored of a powerful warlock residing inside, and
also a beautiful enchantress. Many wild creatures inhabit this
jungle, as well as several bandits.


Casino               Dalla               [  1   99 ]      2.0

Low on gold? Need to take a break from slaughtering "innocent" mobs
around the realm? Visit the Casino of AAW, where you can waste your
time playing the slots, enjoying a game of BlackJack or dices mayhap
with your friends and even hopefully make a few coins on the side.
Here you can also play the famous hangman, and get rid of cursed
noremove items.

Castle of Death      Callendor Esa       [ 60   70 ]      2.n Q


Castle of Esk'sha    Richelou            [ 60   75 ]      2.n Q


Castle of Wonders    Kaen                [ 75   80 ]      2.0 Q

The home of unfamous Egam, a quasi-crazy mage who list his
marbles and can't seem to find them.. maybe you can do so 
instead - hey who said anything about giving them back!  

Caves of Despair     Kaen                [ 30   40 ]      2.0


City of Angels       Xenia               [ 15   25 ]      1.0

City of Angels is a holy place. Only those with the blackest of
heart would dare to inflict any injury to the heavenly beings
that live in this city.

Circle of Trees      Kaen                [ 45   65 ]      2.0

The mystical clan of druids, the Circle of Trees, owns this domain. 
Everything that is here was created by Gaea escpecially for these
devote druids. The land itself is alive.

City of Renata       Darrow              [  1   99 ]      2.0

City of Renata is the place where mortals can take charge and
run the show. Visit shop keepers to buy build vouchers and
set-up your own favourite mob, object or room. This is something
new and will hopefully develop into big and prosperous place for
players to enjoy. 

Crystal Gardens      Kaen                [  5   15 ]      2.0

The Crystal Gardens are the home of a friendly yet mischievious
group of pixies called "Trixsters". They can be dangerous if not
watched carefully, and LOVE playing practical jokes on people.

Dark Forest          Esa                 [ 40   50 ]      1.0

Dark Forest, that continues the Victoria Forest at south is even
more hostile one, and so takes higher level adventurers to explore.
To get to this place you need to go across the Grand River. Also
having the means to cast yourself invisible is highly recommended,
because drow spellcasters and giants inhabiting this part of the
realm will not be happy to meet you there!

DeadLands            Walter, Xenia       [ 70   99 ]      2.0

The Deadlands is a level 70+ area based on Evil Dead 2 and Army of
Darkness. If you find yourself here you will be hard pressed on
what to do, cover in fear from the onslaught of the Deadites, or
laugh so hard you cry at the creative mobs and room descriptions.
This area is not only an extreme challenge, but a load of fun too!

Dragon Island        Azazel              [ 55   75 ]      2.n

Through the misty red fog of the blood sea a strange land did come
into the view of the weary shipwrecked crew.  Finally, Finally they
have made it back to shore, back to family, friends, companions,
back home.  Home to love and be joyous once more.  The current swept
the expectantly jubilee men onto the stained red sands of the island.
Each man did walk in brotherhood along the beach, up the rising
cliffside.  On the cliff fate stare at the men as a hawk does a field
mouse before the kill.  Upon that cliff stood a red Dragon.  In mere
fractions of a moment the beast descended upon the men, each was torn
and toasted.  When the red Dragon was done, the scraps were eaten by
other dragons.  What I tell you, child, is of the horrors that await
you on that blood stained island, be it true greatness comes to those
who have survived the island, and those who have hunted the dragons
and survive are even higher prized.  But be warned before you go upon
your quest for glory, the only thing that awaits you at the island
for sure aside the dragons, is death.

Fields of Honour     Esa/Rhiannon        [ 10   99 ]


Forest of the Lost   Kaen                [ 35   45 ]      2.0

Many souls have become lost in this forest. It is cursed by the
Witch-King and those who enter it never come out, alive.

Gargoyle Castle      Morgase             [ 80  100 ]      2.1

A long forgotten race, the gargoyls have resurfaced in order to 
help fight the good of the realm. Evil lurks around every corner
of this castle so the weak of faith should not dare to venture
inside. A few items for sale maybe of interest to you, as well as
a nice piece of equipment if you dare to take on the Gargoyl King.

Giant's Teeth        Kaen                [ 15   25 ]      2.0  

Giant's Teeth are some of the largest mountains in the Realm. 
Stone giants and other monsters inhabit the land and who knows 
what dwells within..

Gloomy Dungeons      Esa                 [ 50   60 ]      1.0


Grand River          Esa                 [  1   99 ]      1.0


The Institute        Seandr              [  1   99 ]      1.0

Have you been naughty? Misbehaved badly or caused troubles to
others? Instead of jailing you an immortal can set GODLY CURSE upon
you. This means that travelling by other means than foot brings
you automatically to the mental. The famous institute of the Dumb
and Deaf is a place where Mrs. Robinson and her staff are patiently
waiting to teach you to behave yourself. Place to avoid, definitely!
However, if you feel bored why not pay a visit, just for the laugh?
The building is located on Freeport near the harbor. Note, however
that the entrance is ONE-WAY only!

Klah                 Kaen                [ 30   50 ]       2.n

Klah, the home dimension of the Klahd's.  Also the home dimension
of the reknowned wizard, Skeeve the Great, what a pity.  Klah is
currently in the sword and longbow age, not very technologically
advanced but then again, with the race of "Klahd's" what would you

Land of Many Colors  Gandalf             [ 60   80 ]      2.3 Q


Land of Tara         Ruprect             [ 70   80 ]      1.1 Q


Legacy of Xchantharus Rolindar/ Esa      [ 46   65 ]      2.0

A truly ambitious area, based on the capital of Chaos from one 
of Rolinda's old AD&D Campaigns. An excellent area with great
amount of details, descriptions and well thought out layout! 
Area covers a variety of lands and adventures, with the ultimate
quest to lay to rest the seat of power of Chaos. Imported from
SMAUG game, many thanks for Rolinda's contribution!

Lizard Island        Morgase             [ 45   65 ]      2.0


Louhi's Mill         Seandr              [ CLANS   ]      2.0

The heavily fortified stronghold of Louhi, Dame of Northlands, is 
guarded by goblin warriors and war machines. Few have survived to
tell about this place, hence not much is known of it.

Mag Lemna            Seandr              [ 30   45 ]      2.1 RDL+ 

Ancient Celtic history and Myths are still among us! Here the druid
magic is still strong and true, and heroic warriors from the early
days of the civilisation wander around looking for someone to
challenge (YOU!). Decent equipment is also located here, and this
is the bypass to the famous legend area called Land of Tara, which
no player above level 70 should miss! Remember also to check the
underground catacombs.

Melville Hills       Esa                 [  6   40 ]      1.0


Miasma               Guido Phantomisa    [  5   10 ]      1.0


Morrowindl           Saltheart           [ 20   30 ]      2.1

Morrowindl was once a beautiful isle in a chain of many.  The local
inhabitants claimed that is was a paradise, which it was until one
day things went wrong, VERY wrong and now Evil reigns supreme. This
is a brilliant area with a magnificient amount of details, special
features as well as objects and mobs. A  definite must for all
adventurers! Morrowindl is also excellent to know if you fancy
good equipment, special potions and other works of magick.

Mythos River         Esa                 [  1   99 ]      1.0

The grassland that extends east from the Grand City is divided by
a big river that brings the melted ice from the top of the Mythos
to Miasma's swamp and the Sea of Baecara. If you follow the river
north you end up to the sky climbing chain of hills called the
Mythos. Somewhere, near the waterfall is a secret passage through,
towards several areas. By crossing  the river you end up to the
east path that goes to Casino, Temple Hills, Famous Solace and
village of a gnome tribe.

Nazgul Tower         Kaen                [ 50   70 ]      2.0

The Nazgul Tower is a dark monolith which stands to the north of
the mountains of Moria. This is where the nine Nazgul's have
chosen to make their head quarters. They are lead by the Witch-
King of Angmar, a very powerful sorceror whose powers are yet
unknown to this land.

Necropolis           Seandr              [ 15   25 ]      1.0 RDL+

Once a lively city, inhabited by humans is now abandoned, its 
citizens dead and treasures sacced. Dark forces took over and
magicians who worshipped nature's forces turned into the 
forbidden lores to raise the dead and control afterlife. Which is
why our generation knows the place as Necropolis, ruled by
corrupted evilness of few necromancers, the remains of ancient

Orc Holdings         Rolindar/ Kaen      [ 10   30 ]     2.0

Based around an ancient AD&D scenario released by Judge's Guild in
the early 80's, this is a chellenging lowish level area that
requires the player complete a quest for priestess to cleanse her
tower of a band of orcs.

Owentami             Jojo                [ 50   90 ]     1.0 Q

Owentani is based loosely on the Blackfoot tribes of northwestern
America.  The story setting is that this particular tribe was one
day scooped up and transported to a magical place. A tablet,
written by the the late chief medicine-man, Jhiostu, tells:

"Suddenly the sun went black, a rainbow was set upon the heavens
and the skies wavered and shook.  We thought the great spirit has
become displeased with the world and was preparing to destroy it.
One night an old man had a dream vision... in it he saw strange
faces that talked with a bezaare tongue.  Then in a flash everything
changed.  The sky became blue once more, but we were in a different
place.  I don't know how to describe it, everything is the same,
but nothing changes over time.  I don't know why we were brought
here, but I'm happy to be here."

Also, a level 100 mob is included that can practice, but its
aggressive, so you really have to get in and out fast.

Pagan Place          Jude                [ 40   65 ]      2.n RDL

Pagan sacrifices on holy stones. Blood rains over the sacred
stoneworks of Pagan Place, an area where the past is alive and
unholy. An area for those in the range 40-65, who enjoy questing.
A permanent quest is on offer here, with great reward.  A keen eye
for detail is necessary to explore this area.

Pandorian Ocean      Morgase             [ 30   40 ]      1.0


Pinta                Esa                 [  1   50 ]      1.0

Planning to travel? The Captain of Pinta welcomes you on board of
the ocean cruiser that regularly leaves from the port for the route:
Grand City - Viapori - Freeport - Midgaard. If you feel bored while
on sea you can always try your luck with the crew of the ship! 

Peach Blossom Coliseum Melinda           [  1   99 ]      1.0 Q


Plains Around GC     Esa                 [  1   99 ]      1.0


Plains of the Chaotic Hoards Callendor   [100  200 ]      2.0

These are the plains of the Chaotic Hoards, where Chaos rules.
Few things are what they seem and virtually nothing is constant.
Few will survive this ever-changing realm (and are rewarded with
some cool equipment!).

Purgatory            Xenia               [ 45   65 ]      2.0

The realm of Purgatory is home to the first 5 Incarnations of
Immortality, Death- Time-Fate-Nature-War. They all have homes
there and when they aren't out doing their duties they can be
found in their homes. Their realm has become part of ours and you
can find your way there, if you are AT LEAST level 45, by talking
to a certain king north of Grand City. Let it be known that you
should be well prepared to visit this area, there is no recalling
out of it, and only one way out.  Good luck to you adventurers!

Red Light District   Elke                [ 10   50 ]      1.0


Ruins of Ciroth      Kaen                [ 40   50 ]      2.0

The temple of once highly worshipped "Cir" now lies in ruins. This
is the work of the Witch-King! You may find him in the tower to
the north through the ruins, but beware: The journey is dangerous!

Savonville           Glacius             [  Arena  ]      2.0


Sea of Baecara       Glacius Phantomisa  [ 15   70 ]      1.0

The vast, blue ocean that meets the south coast of the main land
starts from Baecara. Some aquatic animal spieces can be found here,
and there are stories about strange places in this area, such as
the lost city of Savonville and a strange island, not to forget an
old viking ship. True or just tales, only you can find out!

South Figaro         Kaen                [ 10   25 ]      2.0

South Figaro from Final Fantasy III. Enjoy! Note: To talk to
citizens say Greetings [name], where [name] is the citizen's 
name (Ie. Old man, thief, samaritan, etc.).

Styria               Walter, Xenia       [  1   10 ]      2.0

Based on "Carmilla" by Sheridann Le Fan written in 1871 Carmilla
is one of the most classic vampire stories ever written.

Swamps of Vertigo    Xenia               [  1   10 ]      2.0

Down the hill from the Victoria Forest lies an extensive and 
dank swampland. Leeches and mosquitos abound and there are
stories told of the green one, Swamp Thing, who guards the swamp
with his life.  Rumour also has it there is an old and not so
deserted mansion there that is home to a band of very beautiful,
yet very deadly Vamps.

Temple Hills         Glacius, Richelou,  [  1   99 ]      2.0

The four major GODS of realm all have their shrines for the true
believers to go and meditate. High level peace keepers and temple
servants make sure you are left alone to carry out the service and
strengthen your faith. Depending on the god you worship, different
advantages are available to you, including fast travelling between
distant places and donation rooms maintaned by other worshippers.
So go have a look what you maybe missed, but belongs to you!

Temple in Forest     Seandr              [ 12   20 ]      2.1+

Monks of Lotus Cult live here, studying monk philosophy, control of
mind and body, various fighting techniques, among with many other
things. The temple is quite isolated, in the middle of the Great
Victoria Forest, and hence has everything within including shops,
healer services and so forth. Good place to level some, once you
find your way there. The area is rather big and holds secrets, too.
Items to note: Spell Potions, Shuriken, Kendo Mask, Black Belt and
The Lotus Amulet. Hint: stay out of the Monk Crypt!

Temple of War        Cyrien              [ 50   60 ]      2.0

The Temple of War is a vast complex that hovers above the lands of
the realm on a giant island of stone. Though in the past it has 
always been far too high to be reached in recent times it has
seemed to slowly descend closer to the lands of the realm and is
now reachable as it passes by some of the various mountains in the 

Tideless Realm       Seandr              [ 10   99 ]      1.0

A timeless dimension, void, that links the Realm of Aaweura to
others parallel worlds.

Tower of Dark One    Kaen                [ 70   90 ]      2.1

The citizens of Midgaard once noticed, much to their misfortune,
that a rift had been opened between the realm of Life and realm of
Death somewhere on the western side of the continent. Rumor has it
that an old crone who lives somewhere near Midgaard knows about
the place and the one who caused it, Talynx, The Dark one.

Tower of High Sorcery Korinth            [ 60   95 ]      2.0

This is the evil tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas. The dark
elf Dalamar is the current Master of the Tower, and is rumored 
to be quite adept at torturing. The Tower of High Sorcery is 
intended for large groups of level 60 and up. 

All reference there are related to the Dragonlance series of
books, Many thanks Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman!

Valhalla             Kaen                [ 55   99 ]      2.n RDL

The Hall of slain warriors, Valhalla.  This is where some of the
nordic gods live.  Also included here is Jotunhiem, Land of the
Giants, and Helheim, Land of the Dead.

Valley Of Mythos     Seandr              [ 30   40 ]      1.n

Beautiful paradise-like green valley is located in the middle of
the Mythos mountains, nourished by the clear water of Mythos River.
This would be a place of peace and happiness, if it wasn't
inhabited by aggressive tribe of minotaurs. So grab you sword from
the hilt and forget about the manners -- it's kill or be killed!
Even though a relatively small area, the valley also serves as a
passage through the chain of Mythos Mountains. While on your way
to the valley, visit also an abandoned hut with cellarfull of
snakes (and more!)

Viapori              Esa Seandr          [ 40   60 ]      1.n+

A big fortress island that protects the port of our Grand City.
As long as Viapori holds, no one shall take our beautiful land!
This is a good place for groups, as it has plenty of mobs to chop
and slash, quite decent equipment to collect and extends furtherer
than you expect.. Beware of a couple of tricky guard posts, these
guys attack first and ask questions later! Hidden places wait for
greedy treasure hunters. Objects to get from here: several weapons
and decent armoury available. Rumors also tell about an old Silver
Mine (for legend levels only) that is located on this isle.

Victoria Forest      Dalla               [ 12   15 ]      1.n

West from the Grand City lies this big green forest, inhabited by
wild animals and tribesmen. Easy-to-access, you can walk here fast
in order to collect experience. However, low level players are
advised to group here, as getting lost can be fatal. You have to
walk through the forest also if you want to reach Lotus Temple,
Camelot, or Mag Lemna.

Explanations on Area Releases:

v0.x = First release, proto, or some features missing
v1.x = All rooms/mobs/objects in place
v2.x = Includes o/m/rprogs, and other special features
+ = Map or other additional information available
Q = Quest flagged area, includes special equipment, noportal in/out etc.
RDL = Includes RDL syntax in room descriptions

"x" After release number tells the number of release updates for corresponding area,
it is 0 or any integer higher than that.
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