Memo 2

1.0 Preface

First two weeks period of council work has past now. The beginning was promising, even though lively debate ceased after first vote. The work of council is still obviously seeking for the best direction and methods for it to conduct.

1.1 Vote topics of first week

The following topics were brought up and supported during the first week. Lively discussion on the basis of these topics were conducted, before voting. To save space this presentation is done in table format.

Syntax: [case number] [who suggested]/[who supported]:[resume of case]

1. Sender/Arkane: Councillors should get paid 50 000 in gold weekly.
2. Phantomisa/Sender: After discussion preparation of High council guidelines of do's and dont's.
3a. Anonymous1/Azrael: Anonymous1 pleaded having suffered by Anonymous2 continually casting exorcise upon him (harrasment).
3b. Azrael/Callendor: Taking temporarily away portal and exorcise spells from Anonymous2.

1.2 Results for vote 1

Akiro the councillor was acting as scrutineer. A secret vote was held. Each member of high council sent a note a chairman and scrutineer.

1.3 Steps taken due to the vote results

The HC decided not to pay salary for councillors. Also, Phantomisas suggestion for High Council guidelines was accepted (see appendix A). The guideline was then sticked onto the wall of HC meeting room. Because the chairman had voted against punishing Gandalf (reasons: clanwar between Gandalf and Rathes clan MN.), a warning was sent to Gandalf where she was told that if Rathe asks to leave him alone, she must do so. Also a help page about mud etiquette (do's and dont's) was added by Sender. Also some rethinking in exorcise was done: For now on it is not possible to exorcise in safe room.

2.0 Thoughts about councils and their future

The chairman sees that there is a need for councils. It doesnt have to work on regular basis, if there is not anything urgent that needs to be taken into account. But, if anything arises, the high council can react fast (worst case is one week). Also, it gives credit to long-time players of AAW, giving them opportunity to decide about where AAW is going. Having legal status for HC means that imms have to take into account the matters that players find collectively important. HC also increases the legal protection of players against possible despotism, executed by other players (or immortals).

DFA and Quest Councils are efforts to conduct the energy that some players have about making things for our MUD. This means new ideas, areas, implementing quests and working with imms with various projects and so on. Being a councillor is distinction. If someone wants to have immortal status one day, starting as councillor is a good way to get ones wings and convince the implementors.

Appendix A

High Council Behaviour/Conduct during Voting, Meetings, and General work. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

=No Killing, Stealing, Harassment, stalking of Council Members and Others.
=No Taking of Bribes, Disturbing the outcome of a decided Vote.
=Do not let Personal Hates Influence/Disturb the outcome of a Vote, Meeting, Other Council Members, Witnesses and/or People In General.
=Do not let your friend, family or clan members have any influence on your investigation of open case, or vote behaviour.


Day of the Water, 2nd the Month of Pig (13 February 98)
Sender, Chairman HC

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