We, the legends of this realm, recognize the need and the will of the realm to establish a constitutional council of mortal and immortal alike. In its purpose, we hold truth, honor and justice will never be compromised. And in so doing, we strive to make the realm better for the citizens therein.


section 1

all powers to judge all citizen conduct and all questioning of the realm rule and policy shall be vested in the council, which will consist of a house of chancellors and a house of deputies

section 2

the house of deputies shall consist of representatives of the several clans to be chosen by the leader of the clan. the representative is then subject to approval by a majority of the chancellors. no one shall be a deputy without having achieved the standing of hero and the subsequent approval of a majority of the house of chanellors. the deputies mus have membership in the clan, which it represents. if a citizen petitions for a council position, the petitiion will be considered only after support from a chancellor and deputy has been attained by the candidate. It is the duty of the deputy to represent his clan's interests with all appropriate bias, therein. in the event that a vacancy, change in clan leadership, or sanction of a member occurse, the clan leader may appoint another representative who must be approved by means enumerated in this constitution.

Section 3

the house of chancellors will consist of citizens, which are invited to serve in the house. Invitation may be made by an empowered immortal or unanimous vote of the chancellors. no one who has not yet achieved teh standing of legend may become a chancellor. it is the duty of the chancellors to protect justice. all chancellors are sword to be non-biased and non-prejudicial in carrying out their duties. upon the resignation of a chancellor, the chancellor may choose his replacement, in which the case, the replacement is confirmed by a majority vote of the chancellors. upon sanctioning or removal, the replacement of the chancellor iwll be made as dictates according to the rules inscribed herein.

section 4

at no time will one citizen serve as both a deputy and chancellor


section 1

the executive power of the council will be vested in a chairma. he hsall serve a term to be determined only by his conduct in office. the chariman will be chosen by nomination of the house of deputies, and confirmed by the house of chancellors.

the chariman will be responsible for the appointment of the deputy chariman as well as the clerk of the council. His appointment must be approved by a majority vote of the full council. in questions that requrie immediate action, the chairman may announce that the conduct in question be suspended, until a vote of the council may be achived. the chairman must also ensure that the business of the council be conducted in a timely manner. as chairman, he is also a member of the house of chancellors. his conduct must conform to that of his fellow chancellors

section 2

in the event of resignation or fall in good standing of the chairman, the deputy chairman will hold office until a replacement can be found. the deputy will have all the powers and duties as chairman in the event of vacancy.

section 3

the clerik of the counilc is repsonsible for compiling the majority and minority opinion of council decision. these opinions are to be permananetly kept to ensure the council will decide cases on precedent. once the council produces the opinion, the clerk will post both opinions so that the realm may see them.


secion 1

in the realm there mare three types of questions that the council will hear: rule, policy, and citizen conduct. this section enumerates the rules and procedure of conduct when dealing with these questions

section 2

the council is not required to hear all cases brought before it. if a question arises, the question will be decided only if 4 council members agree that the question should be heard or if an immortal poses the qeustion. this agreement will be shown by appropriate means

section 3

in those questions of rule and policy, the reasoning, or the opinion of both the majority and minority will be written. this opinion will be written by the senior member of the majority, andby the senior member of the minorty, or their designess. the chariman has automatic seniority if he wishes to use it to write, or assign the opinion. these opinions will then be cataloged by the clerik of the council and posted. decisions in citizen matters will be kept secret, no opinion is required.

section 4

votes in all mastters of rule and policty will be made public. once the vote is tallied and the opinons are written, the vote will be posted with the opinioin. it will be the count of the vote, nothing more

section 5

all members of the council will have 1 vote. once a vote is cast, no member may retract or amend their vote. these votes will be compiled by the chairman, and the clerk the votes will be kept ananymous.

section 6

all members of the council may suggest appropriate solutions to any questiohn. an initial vote will be taken to narrow the solution to the two most popular. once two solutions are produced, the majority vote will determine the solution, except in questions of citizen conduct

section 7

in cases of citizen misconduct, the citizen will be entitled to have his clan rep as his council. he will be allowed to face his accusers and hear all charges. when quetioned by the investigator, the accuse may have his rep presetn all tiscussions about the facts, parties and evidence in any citizen case will remain secret. any council member who violates this in any way is subject to sanction. once all evidence and testimony has been heard, the house of deputies will vote. if the vote is of a majority, the issue is then given to the house of chancellors. in the house of chancellors a 2/3 majority of the chancellor is required to convict the subject of the charges.


section 1

the purpose of this article is to establish rules of sanctioning and good standing

section 2

in the event of misconduct by a member of the house of chancellors, the sole power to sanction the member lies in that house

section 3

in the even of misconduct by a member of the house of deputies, the power to sanction the member lies with the full council

section 4

in teh event of misconduct by the chariman, he may be impeached from his position. in order to do so, a replacement for the chairman must be chosen before the vote of impeachment. to remove the chairman, a vote of 2/3 of all council members is required.

section 5

in order to maintain a rank of good standing, a council member must maintain a presence in the realm. if a member is not seen for a period of two weeks, weithout prior notice ot the council, the member will be removed. all members are also expected to vote in all matters. they may levy of vote of yea, nay, or abstain. any member who misses 3 or more votes will be subject to sanctioning.


section 1

amendment of this constitution may be attained with a 2/3 vote of the house of deputies and unanimous vote in the house of chancellors.

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