QT Movies



- By following the steps below, you can download these movies once and view them as many times as you want without having to wait for it to load every time.
1. Right click on the movie link (or control click for any Mac users out there).
2. Select "Download Link to Disk" or "Save Link to Disk" depending on your browser.
3. The movie will download once. This may take anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour, depending on your modem speed and the size of the clip (As a reference, an average 56k modem user can download a 2 MB clip in 5-6 mins.)
4. Once the download is done, you can view it easily any time you wish, without having to wait for it to download again. Enjoy.


Dragon ball movies

Dragon ball Z movies                 

Dragon ball GT movies

How to save these movie to your hard drive with the free version of Quicktime:

To be able to view these clips you will need the FULL install (not standard) of Quicktime 4.0, which is available at http://quicktime.apple.com.

All of these movies were created by me, please do not claim them to be yours. (The logo should be a dead giveaway anyhow)

If you would like to use a few of these movies on your web site (no more than three), please ask me first at [email protected]. If I give you permission, copy them to your own server, do not link directly to the clips on our server. It slows me down, and it shows a lack of effort on your part.


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