Note: This html file exists inside the header of the QwikText php source file. Please refer to the installation section below for further details
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The purpose of QwikText.php is to make inputting of notes and other musical notation
in NoteWorthy Composer faster. It is a User Tool script that runs within NWC2.5 or
above, off the Tools->User Tool main menu option. It allows the user to input
musical notation in text format via the NWC2 text input box. When this script is run,
if the text conforms to QwikText syntax (prefixed by the backslash '\'), it is
converted into musical entities such as notes, volumes, velocities, or a series of
notes, volumes or velocities.
The following are required prior to installing QwikText.php:
1) NoteWorthy Composer 2.5 or above
2) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Setup (vcredist_x86.exe) installed
on Windows XP or above
3) NWC2 User Tools installed on Windows XP or above (requires the above two
To install QwikText.php inside your NWC2:
1) Download the latest version of from
The latest version of this HTML helpfile is embedded inside the header of the
qwiktext.php which is the only file in
2) Create a folder called "C:\qwiktext".
3) Uncompress the qwiktext php file from the zipfile, and copy it to C:\qwiktext.
4) Startup NWC2, and select Tools->User Tool from the main menu, or press Alt+F8.
Click the "New" button, and then the "Browse" button. Browse to C:\qwiktext, and
select the qwiktext php file. Then click the "Open" button. Then click "Ok", and
then click "Run".
5) After running it for the first time in an NWC2 session, the same script can be
re-run by pressing Alt+Ctrl+F8, without having to access the User Tool dialog box.
The following example shows how to input the first melodic phrase of the hymn
"Amazing Grace" using the qwiktext.php User Tool script:
1) Create a new blank score in NWC2, by press Ctrl+N and then selecting
"<Blank Score>".
2) Type "x" to open the text dialog. In the Expression box, type the following string,
ensuring there is no space to the left of the first backslash:
\tc \t9 \3/4 \ivln \kA \| \n =_, !4e, |
3) Press "Enter". This inserts a text expression with the line of characters from the
above text. Press the right arrow to move the cursor off the text.
4) Press Alt+F8 to bring up the User Tool dialog, and then select "qwiktext" and
then click the "Run" button. The script converts the line just typed, into the
following 8 entities: a treble clef, a quarter-note=90 tempo mark, a 3/4 time
signature, the A major key-signature, a barline, a half-note (minim) rest, and a
dotted slurred quarter-note, and another bar-line.
E.1) The backslash symbol represents a qwiktext command prefix. This tells the
script to process the text and insert the specified NWC2 entities.
E.2) \tc inserts a treble clef. \bc, \ac, \tnc, and \pc insert respectively a bass
clef, alto clef, tenor clef, and percussion clef.
E.3) \t informs the script that this is the start of a series of comma-separated
tempo commands that may contain one or more tempo values. In this case there is only
one value. \t9 inserts a tempo mark where quarter-note equals 90. Note that the value
of the tempo is given in units of ten.
E.4) \3/4 inserts a time signature. \23/8 would insert a time signature of 23/8.
E.5) \ivln inserts a violin instrument change. \igrnp would insert a grand piano
instrument change. Please refer to the instrument change code wallchart below for a
full list of instrument codes.
E.6) \kA inserts an A major key signature. \ka would insert an A minor key signature,
and \kAl would insert an A-flat major key signature. Upper-case is used for major
key, and lower-case is used for minor key. Note that "l" is used instead of "b" to
represent the flat symbol.
E.7) \| inserts a single bar line
E.8) \n informs the script that this is the start of a command containing a series of
one or more comma-separated NRBVT (note, rest, barline, volume and tempo) entities.
In this case, this command contains three entities: 1) a half-note (minim) duration
rest represented by the equal sign "=" which represents a half-note, and an
underscore "_" which represents a rest 2) a 4th octave E quarter-note(crotchet) in
which the exclamation mark "!" represents a 4th duration, (other characters
such as the ampersand "&" would represent a staccato), and 3) a barline.
Note 1) Spaces may be used freely between commands to format text so that it is easy
to read, as long as it does not occur to the left of the first command backslash.
A space does not have any meaning in qwiktext.
Note 2) There are 2 ways of entering a single barline: as a standalone barline
command, e.g. "\|" or inside an NBRVT (note, barline, rest, volume, tempo) command,
e.g. "\n 4c, |, e".
Note 3) A note inside an NBRVT command consists of 6 parts, all of which are optional.
If the octave number, or note duration are omitted, these default to the last
specified value. These 6 parts are defined by the following regular expression:
"/([=\-\'\"!\`�]{0,1})". "([x0-9]{0,1})". "([nl\#]{0,1})".
"([ABCDEFGabcdefg_\|vt]{0,1})". "([\{\}r\^\.:;\/%&~\>\<\=]*)". "([x0-9nl#a-g\/]*)/"
These parts are:
1) The note duration ("="=whole-note(semibreve), "-"=half-note(minim), "!"=
quarter-note(crotchet),"'"=8th(quaver),'"'=16th(semiquaver) "`"=32nd(demisemiquaver),
and "�"=64th(hemidemisemiquaver).
2) The octave number (from "x" which represents octave -1, to octaves 0 to 9)
3) The accidental symbol ("n"=natural, "|"=flat, "#"=sharp).
4) The note letter ("A to G"=accented notes a to g, "a to g"=unaccented notes a to g,
"_" rest, "|"=barline, "v"=volume, "t"=tempo).
5) The note attribute ("{"=start of triplet, "r"=a triplet note, "}"=end of triplet,
"^"=marcato when used with an accented note, "."=dotted duration, ":"=double-dotted
duration, ";"=slurred note, "/"=tied note, "%"=staccatissimo note, "&"=staccato note,
"~"=tenuto note, ">"=crescendo note, "<"=diminuendo note, "="=grace note.
6) one or more chord notes in the format ([x0-9][nl#][a-g][/])*.
4) Press the right arrow to move the cursor to the right of the last barline that has
just been inserted. Then press 'x' to enter the following text:
\n =4A;, '5#c;{, 4b;r, a}, |, =5#C;, !4b, |, =A;, !#f, |, =E.
5) Press "Enter". This inserts a text with the line of characters you just typed.
Press the right arrow to move the cursor off the text.
6) Press Alt+Ctrl+F8 to rerun qwiktext.php. It converts the text to a the next 9 notes
of the hymn, including accents, slurs, triplets, staccato's and barlines. For a
detailed explanation please refer to Note 3 of Step 3 above.
7) Press the "Home" key to place the cursor at the start of the stave. Enter the
text "\v4a,6a,5f,4f,3a,6a,4a,6a,4a,5a". Press the right arrow to move the cursor off
the text. Then press Alt+Ctrl+F8 to rerun the script. It places dynamic marks before
each note.
Explanation: "\v" represents the command to insert a volume, or a sequence of volumes.
The volume values are specified in hexadecimal, from "00" to "7f" (127 in decimal).
Each volume value is separated by a comma.
8) Press F5 to play. The playback is full of expression because it contains
slurs and marcato marks, and every note is slightly a different volume from the next.
Using this method musical notation can be inputted from a textfile in C:\qwiktext.
The script reads and runs the first line that starts with the greater-than sign ">"
in the 1st character position.
1) Keeping the above "Amazing Grace" NWC2 file output, open a blank Notepad file.
2) Enter the following text inside Notepad, making sure there is no space to the
left of the greater than sign ">": If you are reading this in the script header
you will need to change > to the greater-than character.
>\bc \t9 \3/4 \icllo \kA \| \n =_, !3e, |, =a.;, |, =f.;, |, =d., |, =#c.
3) Save the file as "C:\qwiktext\amazgrcllo.txt".
4) In NWC2, press Ctrl+A to create a new blank stave.
5) Press 'x' to insert the text "\ramazgrcllo", then press Enter.
6) Press Ctrl+Alt+F8 to rerun the qwiktext. The script populates the new stave with
the bass clef, quarter-note=90 tempo mark, 3/4 time signature, a cello instrument
change, the A major key signature, and the 5 notes of the bass line that include
slurs, and dotted time values.
Explanation: "\r" represents the command to read from a file. The file needs to be
a plain text file in the "C:\qwiktext" folder, with the suffix ".txt". The suffix
needs to be omitted in the "\r" command. Therefore "\ramazgrcllo" represents the
command to read the first line beginning with ">" in C:\qwiktext\amazgrcllo.txt.
7) In C:\qwiktext\amazgrcllo.txt, move the line from step 2) down 1 row, and type in
the following line in the top row. (Changing > to the greater than sign if you
are reading this from the script header):
>\v 2a, 3a, 3f, , 2a
8) Save the textfile. In NWC2, press 'Home' and then 'x' to insert the text
"\ramazgrcllo" at the start of the stave, then press Enter.
9) Press Ctrl+Alt+F8 to rerun the qwiktext. The script inserts volume entities
before the notes. Note that if there is a blank value in a volume command sequence,
it skips the note.
10) Press F5 to play.
This series of steps shows you how to input musical notation from a textfile, using
the "numbered measure" method, in which the user specifies the measure number to
be created from a command entered in the text expression.
1) In NWC2, press Ctrl+N to create a new file. Then select "&lgt;Blank Score>".
2) Enter the following text (by pressing 'x'):
\famazgr,new,vln,\tc \t9 \3/4 \ivln
3) Press Enter to insert the above text, then press Alt+F8 to select the qwiktext
User Tool php script located in C:\qwiktext. Then click on the "Run" button.
4) Notice the script has inserted 4 new entities: a treble clef, a quarter-note=90
tempo mark, a 3/4 time signature, and a violin instrument change. Now open the
folder C:\qwiktext. The script has also created a file called amazgr.txt. Open
the file. You will notice that the script has pre-populated the file with the
following lines:
vln000[\tc\t9\3/4\ivln] <-Definitions Measure
vln001[ ]
vln002[ ]
vln003[ ]
(... etc more lines below)
E.1) The text command to run a numbered measure method file command is "\f",
followed by the filename without the ".txt" suffix. For example "\ffmyfile" refers
to "C:\qwiktext\myfile.txt".
E.2) The comma "," after "\famazgr" is the NMM (numbered measure method) file command
parameter separator. The first parameter "new" instructs the script to create a new
file called "amazgr.txt" in "C:\qwiktext" folder.
E.3) The next parameter "vln" instructs the script to create measure (bar) 0, and
empty measures (bars) 1 to 20 in the file "C:\qwiktext\amazgr.txt" for a stave
codenamed "vln". It is recommended that this codename be kept short for minimum effort
of keyboard input.
E.3) The next parameter "\tc\9\3/4\ivln" instructs the script to populate measure
(bar) number 0 with the command series "\tc\t9\3/4\ivln", and also run this
command series in the script to insert these entities in the current stave.
E.4) In the file itself, each line begins with the stave codename, followed by the
measure (bar) number, and then the measure (bar) contents enclosed inside square
brackets. Therefore the line "vln000[\tc\t9\3/4\ivln]" translates to stave codename
"vln", measure number 0, measure contents "\tc\t9\3/4\ivln".
5) Now "edit C:\qwiktext\amazgr.txt" so that measures 1 to 5 become:
vln001[\n =_, v4a, !4e]
vln002[\n v5a, =4A;, v4a, '5#c;{, v3a, 4b;r, v2a, a} ]
vln003[\n v4f, =5#C;, v4a, !4b ]
vln004[\n v3f, =4A;, v3a, !#f]
vln005[\n v4a, =4E.]
Note 1: Unlike in the previous walkthru examples, there are no bar lines, because
these are inserted automatically by the script. To insert decorated barlines, or
flow directions, the user will need to insert these from within NWC2.
Note 2: Note duration and octave number within a NBRVT series default to the
last specified value within the same series.
6) Save the file.
7) Press Alt+TAB to NWC2, and press 'x' to insert the line below as text expression:
8) Press Enter to insert the text, then press the right arrow to move the cursor off
the text. Then press Ctrl+Alt+F8 to rerun the script. The script executes the
command for measure no. 1 of the vln stave, which is "\n =_, v4a, !4e", by
inserting on the stave a half-note rest, a "4a" hexadecimal value volume entity,
and a quarter-note 4th octave E.
Explanation: For the numbered-measure file insertion method, the run command
syntax is \f<file-without-suffix>,<stave-code>,<measure-number>
9) Press the right arrow to move the cursor off the last barline. Then press 'x'
to enter the following text:
10) Press Enter to insert the text, then press the right arrow to move the cursor off
the text. Then press Ctrl+Alt+F8 to rerun the script. The script executes the
command for measures no. 2 to 5 of the vln stave.
Explanation: For the numbered-measure file insertion method, the run command
syntax is \f<file>,<stave-code>,<start-measure>,<end-measure>
11) Press Alt+TAB to return to amazgr.txt. Insert the following 6 lines into the file,
in any position, and in any order:
cll000[\bc\t9\3/4\icllo ]
cll001[\n =_, v3a, !3e]
cll002[\n v4a, =3a.;]
cll003[\n v3a, =3#f.;]
cll004[\n v3a, =3d.;]
cll005[\n v3a, =3#c.]
12) Save the file.
13) Press Alt+TAB to return to NWC2. Press Alt+A to insert a new stave. In the new
stave press 'x' to insert the text:
\famazgr, cll, 0, 5
14) Press Enter to insert the text, and then the right arrow to move the cursor off
the text. Then press Ctrl+Alt+F8 to rerun the script. The script executes the
command for measures no. 0 to 5 of the stave codenamed "cll".
Explanation: For the numbered-measure file insertion method, the run command
syntax is \f<file>,<stave-code>,<start-measure>,<end-measure>
15) Press F5 to play.
[]=optional parms; <>=required parms; |=option delimiter; ...=repetition
1) CLEF: \<tc|bc>
* Options: tc=treble clef; bc=bass clef; ac=alto; tnc=tenor clef; pc=percussion clef
* Example: "\tc" inserts a treble clef
2) TIME SIGNATURE: \<number>/<number>
* Example: "\6/8" inserts a time signature for 6 8th-notes(quavers) in a bar
3) TEMPO SERIES: \t<number-in-tens>[,number-in-tens...]
* Example: "\t12" inserts tempo mark a quarter-note(crotchet)=120 beats per minute
* Example of tempo series applied to 5 consequtive notes: "\t 12, 10, , , 9"
4) INSTRUMENT CHANGE: \i<instrument-code>
* Note: Please refer to the instrument code wallchart below
* Example: "\ibssn" inserts an instrument change to a bassoon
\n[ [-=!'"`�] [x0-9] [nl#] [A-Ga-g_|vt] [{}r^,:;/%&~<>=] [[x0-9][nl#][a-g][/]...]
* Note: A NRBVT series may contain 1 or more note-barline-rest-volume-tempo entities
separated by a comma. Each entity entity has 6 optional parts as explained below.
If an entity is blank, e.g. a comma follows a comma, the current entity defaults to
the same values as the preceding entity. A note without an octave number or duration
defaults to the last specified value:
1st Part: Note Duration: "-"=whole-note(semibreve); "="=half-note(minim);
2nd Part: Octave Number: x=octave -1; 0=octave 0; 9=octave 9, etc.
"!"=quarter-note(crotchet); "'"=8th-note(quaver); '"'=16th-note(semiquaver);
"`"=32nd-note(demisemiquaver); "�"=64th-note(hemidemisemiquaver)
3rd Part: Accidental: n=natural; l=flat; #=sharp
4th Part: Note Letter: A-G in capitals places an accent mark above the specified note;
a-g in lower case specifies an unaccented note; "_"=rest; "|"=barline
5th Part: Note Attribute: [=first triplet; t=inner triplet; ]=last triplet;
^=marcato when used with uppercase note letter; .=dotted duration;
:=double-dotted duration; ;=slur; /=tie; %=staccatissimo; &=staccato; ~=tenuto;
>=diminuendo; <=crescendo; '='=grace-note
6th Part: Chord: this is built using parts 1, 3 and the "/" tie symbol from above.
* Example of semi-tied chords: "\n =4ce/g/, =ceg" inserts two half-note chords,
with notes CEG. E and G are tied, but the note C is played twice.
* Example with rest and barlines: "\n =_, !3e, |, =a.;, |, =f.;, |, =d., |, =#c."
6) VOLUME SERIES: \vlt;hex-number>[,hex-number...]
* Note: The volume values are specified in hexadecimal, from "00" to "7f" (127
in decimal). Each volume value is separated by a comma.
* Example: "\v 2a, 3a, 3f, , 2a"
7) TEXT: \{<text>}
* Note: This is useful when reading commands from a file
* Example: "\{insert this text}"
* Note: The file needs to be located at C:\qwiktext, and must be in plain text format
containing the ".txt" suffix in the filename. This suffix is omitted from the command.
* Examplpe: "\ramazgrcllo" reads and executes the first line with the greater-than
">" sign in C:\qwiktext\amazgrcllo.txt
9) KEY SIGNATURE: \k&lgtA-Ga-g>[l#]
* Note: Uppercase letter specifies major key, lowercase specifies minor key.
* Example: "\kAl" inserts A-flat major
* Example: "\kbl" inserts B-flat minor
* Note: This is useful when inserting bars outside an NRB (note-rest-barline) series
* Example: "\n 4cfa, ceg \p" plays back the 2 chords in the 4th octave.
* Example: "\ramazgr" reads and runs the first line in C:\qwiktext\amazgr.txt
beginning with the greater-than sign ">" in the 1st character position.
*Example: "\famazgr,new,vln,\tc \t9 \3/4 \ivln" creates a new file in
C:\qwiktext\amazgr.txt, with commands for measure 0 prepopulated, blank
measures 1 to 20, and populates the stave header within NWC2.
*Example: "\famazgr,vln,1" runs the commands from measure 1 in C:\qwiktext\amazgr.txt
*Example: "\famazgr,vln,2,5" runs commands from measure 2 to 5 in amazgr.txt
14) HELP: \h
* Example: "\h" or "\help"
1) Space may be used freely to format the commands for easy-reading.
1) Q: When running the script, the text item disappears, and nothing is inserted.
A: This is usually caused by the text being selected. Press the right arrow to move
the cursor off the text entity, and Ctrl+Z to undo the change. Then re-run the script.
e.g. "\ivln" inserts violin, "\i40" also inserts violin
KEY: patcno:code=description
0:grnp=acoustic grand; 1:brip=bright piano; 2:elep=electric piano;
3:hnkp=honky-tonk; 4:rhdp=rhodes; 5:chrp=chorused;
6:hrps=harpsichord; 7:clav=clavinet; 8:cel=celesta;
9:gloc=glockenspiel; 10:box=music box; 11:vib=vibraphone;
12:mar=marimba; 13:xyl=xylophone; 14:tub=tubular bells;
15:dul=dulcimer; 16:ham=hammond; 17:perc=percussive;
18:rkor=rock; 19:corg=church; 20:rorg=reed;
21:acor=accordion; 22:har=harmonica; 23:tang=tango accordion;
24:nylg=acoustic nylon; 25:stlg=steel; 26:jelg=jazz-electric;
27:cleg=clean-eletric; 28:mteg=muted-electric; 29:ovrg=overdriven;
30:disg=distortion; 31:harg=harmonics; 32:acsg=acoustic;
33:fgeg=finger elec; 34:pkeg=pick-electric; 35:flsg=fretless;
36:slp1=slap1; 37:slp2=slap2; 38:sya1=synth bass 1;
39:sya2=synth bass 2; 40:vln=violin; 41:vla=viola;
42:cllo=cello; 43:cbss=contrabass; 44:trem=tremolo;
45:piz=pizzicato; 46:harp=orchstrl harp; 47:timp=timpani;
48:str1=string ens 1; 49:str2=string ens 2; 50:sst1=synth strngs 1;
51:sst2=synth strngs 2; 52:ah=choir aahs; 53:oh=choir oohs;
54:svce=synth voice; 55:ohit=orchestral hit; 56:trum=trumpet;
57:trom=trombone; 58:tuba=tuba; 59:mtrm=muted trumpet;
60:frnh=french horn; 61:brss=brass section; 62:syb1=synth brass 1;
63:syb2=synth brass 2; 64:ssx=soprano sax; 65:asx=alto sax;
66:tsx=tenor sax; 67:bsx=baritone sax; 68:obo=oboe;
69:engh=english horn; 70:bssn=bassoon; 71:clar=clarinet;
72:pic=piccolo; 73:flt=flute; 74:rec=recorder;
75:pan=pan flute; 76:bot=bottle blow; 77:shak=shakuhachi;
78:whis=whistle; 79:ocar=ocarina; 80:sqre=square;
81:saw=sawtooth; 82:calp=caliope lead; 83:chif=chiff lead;
84:char=charang; 85:vce=voice; 86:5th=fifths;
87:brsl=brass lead; 88:nwa=new age; 89:wrm=warm;
90:psyn=polysynth; 91:chr=choir; 92:bowd=bowed;
93:metl=metallic; 94:hal=halo; 95:swp=sweep;
96:rain=rain; 97:strk=soundtrack; 98:crys=crystal;
99:atms=atmosphere; 100:brgt=brightness; 101:gbln=goblins;
102:echo=echoes; 103:sf=sci-fi; 104:sitr=sitar;
105:bnjo=banjo; 106:shms=shamisen; 107:koto=koto;
108:klmb=kalimba; 109:bgp=bagpipe; 110:fdl=fiddle;
111:shni=shanai; 112:tink=tinkle bell; 113:agg=agogo;
114:stld=steel drum; 115:wood=woodblock; 116:taik=taiko drum;
117:mtom=melodic tom; 118:stom=synth drum; 119:rvcm=reverse cymbal;
120:fret=guitar fret; 121:brth=breath; 122:sea=seashore;
123:brd=bird tweet; 124:tel=telephone ring; 125:hel=helicopter;
126:apl=applause; 127:gun=gunshot;
DONELIST (this version):
121201) update the getting started guides, and ensure everything works
121202) add \h help which displays help information in an alert.
121202>) Make instrument change by patch number more succinct using regexp
121202>) use array_sort when reading range of measures from file, so that there is only 1 file open
121201F) BUG: chords must specify octave.) add "\ff1,add, cllo, 0, \bc \icllo \3/4" appends new measures 0 to 20
121201>) add "\ff1,add, cllo, 150, 200" appends 50 new blank measures 150 to 200
121201>) add "\ff1,inf, cllo" appends top and bottom notes, normal clef, transposition number of semitones, score key when in pitch key of C to f1.txt
121201>) add T(tempo) to NBRV, so it becomes NBRVT
121201>) make entered tempo a 10th of the actual value, so 10=100
121201>) insert \f,, option
121201>) insert \f,,, option
121201) use [ & ] for file input measure method in format ^1[\tc 3/3 ] etc..
121201>) Put note duration at the very start of the NBRV groups
121201>) add volume as last part of NRB, so it becomes NBRV entity, e.g. \n5=#c.;v5a) \v not working when inserted into a command series) use { & } for text input
121201>) \f,, e.g. \ff1,new
121201>) use { for first triplet, and } for last triplet
121130>121129) release v10b2
121130>) Update wallcharts with the latest enhancements
121130>121129) Tidy up instrument codes, rename duplicates etc
121130X) Add support for \a append to file121130) Add playback option \p
121130X121128) convert nwctxt to qwiktext script for note by note assignmnt of vols & tempo, e.g. appends to file specified, so the user can simply reload the file, edit it, and run tempo and volume applies from the same text file.121129) provide example with sharps
121130>) when detecting previous clef and octv, detect from inserts as well.
121130>) Add support for \r read from file
121130>) Add support for grace notes
121129X121129) add transposition for transposition instruments) support for key signature
121129>) Add support for chords
121129>) Add support for accentA|marcatoA^, and staccatissimo%|staccato&|tenuto~
121129>) Install qwiktext.php in C:\qwiktext\ folder, and create \f command to run from file. The script runs the first line it encounters beginning with >, e.g. ">\n5c, , , 5a" as its first character in the file f.txt
121129>121128) read qwiktext script from specified file e.g. \ff1 for c:\\qwiktext\\f1.txt
121129>121129) Split cmd by "\" so that different types of entities can be inserted in the same command line
121129>121129) add support for key signatures
121129>121128) add support for alto, tenor and percussion clefs.
121129>) Added dbf function to output debug to c:\temp\qtdbf.txt
121129>121129) remove all spaces & tab so that user can use space & tab to free format text
121129>121129) if note not specified, assume same as previous
121129>121129) if duration not specified, assume same as previous (not crotchet), use ! for crotchet, and ` for demisemiquaver, and � for hemisemidemiquaver
121129>121128) in volume, note, velocity series, if value same as previous, allow empty (null) value ",,"
121129>121128) add tempo series, e.g. \t120,110,100,100 inserts tempo changes for each note
121128>121128) document Get Started and User Guide with "Amazing Grace" example
121128>121128) use hexcode for inputting of volume & velocity values