Crème de tomate.

I dont know why i like this thing so much… but I do. So here it is:

6 big tomatoes
5 Cups of chicken broth (maybe from the recipe above)
3 spoonfuls of butter
3 spoonfuls of flour
1 cup of milk
1 onion cut with the all-mighty blender.
½ cup of sour cream

1.      Peel the tomatoes(the best way is putting them in boiling water for 5 minutes) and boil with the onion in the chicken broth for 15 mins.

2.      Let it cool a bit, and pass the mixture through the strainer (is that the word? I mean like this kind of net that separates solids from liquids)

3.      In another pan/pot, melt the butter, and add the flour mixing constantly until it becomes uniform.

4.      Add the tomato/onion thing (the solids!) to the butter/flour mixture, and keep in low fire until it boils. Add the milk and serve hot.

5.      You may be thinking: “You freak! I bought the sour cream and didn’t use it!” ...Well, i think the sour cream gives the cream a realy nice taste. If you want put some of it on top of each plate…If you don’t want don’t put any J



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