Vive la France!

Quelque Avec poulet (something with chicken)

France is said to have the best food in the world. I’ve been there and I agree. So, if this doesn’t taste good, it was because of you. Don’t blame “le recipÉ"

4 chicken breasts.
2 cubes of powdered chicken broth.
2 eggs
4 spoonfuls of butter.
1 spoonful of flour
1 cup of sour cream
1/4 cup of capers.
2 onions
1 garlic clover.
1 tomato (i buy the can that is already peeled and cut)

1.      Boil in a big pot the chicken with the garlic, one onion and the cubes of broth.

2.      Cut the breasts (NOT THOSE ONES!!! From the CHICKEN!). Keep the broth, but you can throw the onion to your cat that is getting annoying.

3.      In another pan, fry in the butter the other onion with the tomato, add the flour and 2 cups of the broth.

4.      When it is all hot, add the chicken, the sour cream, the capers and the scrambled egg yolks. You can throw the white part of the egg (i forgot thr name) to your husband/wife, which is also getting annoying.

5.      Mix it all well, add salt and pepper. And put all in a tray.Put in the oven at a medium temperature for 15 mins. Serve hot.


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